WARNING: This post may contain multiple paragraphs.
A good trolling requires a certain level of intelligence and wit. You certainly have not demonstrated any intelligence, but you have demonstrated that you are a wit. Unfortunately, it's not the funny type.
Here is the original post from
Here's the response from
@R&WTILLIDIE. You will note in this response the question is "...but did he ever play for Brisbane?", not "...is he from Brisbane?".
I've even bolded it for you, just in case you missed it.
Here is my response to the post from
You will note that I answered the question with respect to "playing for", not "coming from", and thus, the answer is clearly stating that Tamou
played for North Queensland, not that he
came from North Queensland. I would have also highlighted this in my actual response for you as well, but you cannot highlight what is not there.
Here is your response.
The only person who has implied that "he", meaning "Tamou", comes from North Queensland is you.
Your next response is just too funny:
Describing me as having a lack of geographical knowledge, when you're the one who implied that Tamou came from North Queensland!!!!!!
You are correct that the distance from Brisbane to Townsville is greater than the distance from Brisbane to Sydney. However, you do realise that that Brisbane and Townsville are in the same state, don't you? Do you really think a footy forum is where you should be getting geographical tips?
Perhaps you should have also paid more attention to reading comprehension when you were in primary school.
Overall, a pretty pathetic attempt at trolling, but you know,