Fair enough. I have absolutely no contacts what-so-ever. All I have is a can-do attitude and a glass that's seemingly half full
Point is, I don't think this will spell the end of our club. However, if it does, we wouldn't be the first or only club to go that way.
Your second sentence is great and encouraging - it is exactly what Panthers needs. Can-do people with great passion and optimism,
Your last sentence is an "oh well. Shit happens" statement which is exactly what is not needed - and it is precisely the approach of the cumquats running the joint.
I also mostly see the glass as half full. This is going to be a big big challenge for the club. The challenges cannot be confronted and beaten unless you are realistic about what they are.
People on this forum have stuck their collective heads in the sand for so long, they get blinded by what happens on the football field and the spin that surrounds football.
They whinge and whine about team changes, coach changes, a few losses on the run - they even threaten to take action sometimes. But they fail to see the decay in the business of their club and fail to understand the impact it has on the future viability of the football team.
Without doubt there will be a future, albeit one that looks very different and it won't be everyone's cup of tea.