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News knew of Storm rorts


'News knew of Storm rorts'


July 20, 2010 EXCLUSIVE

SENIOR News Ltd executives were told of salary cap breaches at the Storm as early as February but did nothing to address the problem, the rugby league club's former acting chief executive Matt Hanson has alleged.
Mr Hanson's claims contradict News Ltd's version of events and call into question statements by the company's chief executive, John Hartigan, that News became aware of the breaches only in mid-April, days before the scandal was made public.

Mr Hanson claims he alerted the Storm board member Craig Watt, who is also the chief financial officer of News Ltd's publishing division in Victoria, on February 23, telling him he had ''inherited some big problems with the salary cap''. In mid-March Mr Hanson also allegedly contacted the News Ltd employee and club board member Frank Stanton - who replaced him as acting chief executive - and informed him that the Melbourne club was about $700,000 over the cap this year and was being investigated by the NRL.
Mr Stanton allegedly replied that he had dealt with salary breaches at the club before, and told Mr Hanson: "You just need to play it with a straight bat and try to get through it [the NRL audit]."
Mr Hanson - who was labelled a ''rat'' by Mr Hartigan last week - also rejects claims by the News Ltd boss that he assisted an investigation into the club's finances in only a ''very limited way''.
On April 23 he met auditors from the accounting firm Deloitte. At that meeting he discussed the breaches at the Storm and detailed his conversations with Mr Watt and Mr Stanton, he told the Herald. Subsequently he also responded to written questions from the investigators.
''If a record of that conversation wasn't included in the Deloitte report, then why not?'' Mr Hanson said. ''And if it was, why wasn't it mentioned in the News Ltd summary handed out last week and why did John Hartigan say I only co-operated in a limited way?''
Mr Hanson's lawyer, John Sinisgalli, who attended the April 23 meeting, said the Deloitte report had to be made public.
''I was surprised when John Hartigan described Matt's co-operation with Deloitte as 'very limited' because there was no suggestion from them that Matt's co-operation was anything but complete,'' Mr Sinisgalli said.
News Ltd, which owns the Storm as well as half of the National Rugby League, maintains it became aware of the salary cap issues only in the week before the scandal broke on April 22.
At a news conference last Thursday, Mr Hartigan said he was unaware any News Ltd directors had knowledge of breaches before he did.
Mr Hanson tendered his resignation on April 22 but this was rejected by the Storm's directors. He was then suspended on full pay until last Thursday when Mr Stanton contacted him to say he had been sacked.
Mr Hanson told the Herald he believed it was important to set the record straight. ''When you see your photo on the front page of the paper under the headline 'Rats face jail' you think, 'What's my mum going to think when she sees this? This is not the person who I am.' ''
A News spokesman, Michael Sharp, last night insisted Mr Hanson put no figure in conversations with the company's directors or to Deloitte. He confirmed the conversation in February but said it related to issues of which Mr Hanson had already informed the board. ''Matt Hanson informed the entire Storm board that the club was in dispute with the NRL over four salary cap issues relating to 2009.
''Hanson informed the board that these were technical breaches in early February and he believed all these issues could be successfully resolved with the NRL.
''Frank Stanton and Craig Watt were unaware of any other salary cap issues before the NRL informed them of major problems shortly before April 22. To suggest otherwise is defamatory.''
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No surprises therethough i'm sure the numpties will come out in force defending the fine, morally abundant and ethically laden organization that is News Limited who are clearly the lesser of 2 evils around here.


I'm pretty sure this is true but Hanson needs written proof that he told Stanton and Watt. I wonder if there are any emails floating about...
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Of course they knew, but unless he's got proof then it's just a disgruntled ex-employee throwing mud at a former boss and will be buried because of that fact.


First Grade
haha so they allegedly told News in February 2010

& the excuse for the muck raking shrill crying about News Ltd being involved that we constantly hear is based on what?

Brutus, time to stop your anti-News campaign and deal with the fact that Melbourne cheated.

Melbourne rorted the system for 4-5 years, News knew for 2 months prior to them being outed .... Yep, let's hang them.


haha so they allegedly told News in February 2010

& the excuse for the muck raking shrill crying about News Ltd being involved that we constantly hear is based on what?

Brutus, time to stop your anti-News campaign and deal with the fact that Melbourne cheated.

Melbourne rorted the system for 4-5 years, News knew for 2 months prior to them being outed .... Yep, let's hang them.

and their reaction was to try to hide it and not tell the NRL.


First Grade
T'is hilarious to me that the same people who used to think News were the devil incarnate, now think the sun shines out of their arses.
Hypocritical much!


Brutus, time to stop your anti-News campaign and deal with the fact that Melbourne cheated.

Melbourne rorted the system for 4-5 years, News knew for 2 months prior to them being outed .... Yep, let's hang them.

Yeah sure they cheated and should have been punished. But there is more to this story than just that, especially considering they are a News LTD-owned club.

Just posting these stories to get a balance. There's more than just News LTD's version of events to ingest here.


First Grade
Yeah sure they cheated and should have been punished. But there is more to this story than just that, especially considering they are a News LTD-owned club.

Just posting these stories to get a balance. There's more than just News LTD's version of events to ingest here.

That's my only beef in this whole thing, something just doesn't sit right, I get that the club cheated, we are taking the punishments etc, no excuses from me at all, and I'm not blaming NEWS for anything, but just something is off with that organisation. I don't trust the way they're handling things. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I can't shake it.


First Grade
T'is hilarious to me that the same people who used to think News were the devil incarnate, now think the sun shines out of their arses.
Hypocritical much!

You mean kinda like those Storm fans who want to sledge News every step of the way, yet happily accept their owners 6 million cash injection each year to keep the club afloat?

Hypocrites galore indeed ;-)

News should tell you lot to get f**ked, withdraw the artificial funding and allow you to stand on your own two feet.

You'd end up less competitive than Cronulla.
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First Grade
Yeah sure they cheated and should have been punished. But there is more to this story than just that, especially considering they are a News LTD-owned club.

Just posting these stories to get a balance. There's more than just News LTD's version of events to ingest here.

This story is accordinging to Hanson, someone who has the credibility of a politician given his particpation in the rorting.

News say something completely different.

But the point still stands, Melbourne cheated for 5 years, if the desperate desire to make News complicit ends up with 1 board member and Stanton having been aware for 2 months prior to the penalties being announced (ieL Whilst the NRL investigation was under way) and nothing more.... Well than can we say epic fail?

Mate, i despise the company as much as you for the damage they have done to the game over the last 15 years, but I think you're letting yourself get a bit blinkered here by participating in the Storm fans which hunt to blame anyone bar their own club for what went on.
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Imagine my surprise! There will be more to this. f**k off our of our game News you low merkins


This story is accordinging to Hanson, someone who has the credibility of a politician given his particpation in the rorting.

News say something completely different.

But the point still stands, Melbourne cheated for 5 years, if the desperate desire to make News complicit ends up with 1 board member and Stanton having been aware for 2 months prior to the penalties being announced (ieL Whilst the NRL investigation was under way) and nothing more.... Well than can we say epic fail?

Mate, i despise the company as much as you for the damage they have done to the game over the last 15 years, but I think you're letting yourself get a bit blinkered here by participating in the Storm fans which hunt to blame anyone bar their own club for what went on.

Just posting the other point of view. Read if you wish.


Anytime anyone has a different version to news, its defamatory!
They may aswell change their slogan to News Ltd - Don't f**k with us or we'll crush you
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If true, then this is very damaging for the game.

Not really..... well, no more damaging than what's already been done. Systematic rorting of the cap for 5 years. If this came to light 2 months before hand, and they tried to cover it up, sure, that's bad. But in context.... c'mon.

And on another note - GREAT news for News!

This sook has debunked the conspiracy theory being bandied about that News is some how the paymaster behind all this. It's not the capstone that exposes the "true kingpins" or any shizen like that. By "coming forward" and admitting he told them about the figure in February, he's inadvertantly ruled out News Ltd of having direct involvement.

Hard to come back later on and say "oh, I meant - yeah, it was all News.....".


If Hanson told News LTD in February about rorts why would have he kept the " secret documents" at home until after the rort were discovered.