Its not just the advertising market, there are other pointers that have been mentioned. The NRL could still get a record deal, there are plenty of reasons why they might not, and plenty that they could.
That’s not what you were saying earlier about all the focus on just negatives
Your mate still is focusing solely on those negatives but it seems he’s the only one now
Ignore cheerleaders like me any neutral person would say with all the extra content the nrl is going to score a big payday
To argue it’s not simply defies logic
As I’ve said before the value of the dolphins isn’t fully reflected in our tv deal
Plus women’s origin, pacific cup and 3 new teams which will eventually mean two more games a week
Then you’ve got economic growth / inflation going from when the last tv deal was done to 2032
The nrl was looking at 100 million increase before expansion
With Stan set to bid against a cashed up dazn it looks like the situation hugely favours league. A factor you have never mentioned