If I must I say FTA
1 games Nine- Normal Friday night (late)
1 games ten- Early Friday ( i like this time- i cant wait for the late Nine game- i want it now)
1 game Ten Sunday 2pm for after game finish into their 'eye witness news'.
1game Nine Sunday 4pm with a finishing into their 6pm news
Now both Nine and Ten can show on their Pay Tv platforms each other FTA games * must be on stan/paramount.
Notice their is a increase of FTA games by one against 3 which we have now.
Notice now the 3 FTA games are shown over 3 night, Thur,Friday, and Sunday. Under the new proposed (above) the games increase BUT the days/night decrease by one ie only FTA Fri, Sunday.
For FTA their is 4 big exclusive high rating events, 3 state of origin and the Grand final- for example you could split it up as follows Grand final and game 3 SOO to one FTA, while the other FTA gets the game 1 and 2 SOS, big rating their. Each year they change or stay the same , whatever they please.
Well before PNG enters Foxtel will be down a game , ie they will have 4 games exclusive ( and simulcast the other 4 games) They only had 5 games exclusive, but with the reduction of one day for FTA ( Fri/Sun)... No Thursday for FTA what they miss out their they gather/gain in days exclusive. This can be applied to having a Monday night football which gives Foxtel/kayo Thur, Sat and Monday as exclusive games and on it's own date/day.
So maybe $115m From Nine
Ten pays the same $115 for a total of $230.
With enhanced action before the start of season in Los Vegas, early Feb hold a Nines tournament in the Uk < Australia/NZ and USA, Las Vegas. This 9nines tournament played in three locations ( so we send 3/4 NRl teams to the UK and they do the same sent ie 3/4 teams to Australia/NZ with the winner of each Such tournament getting 2 competition points in their respective countries and some $$$'s also for the
They have to get a international format game for Mid Oct/Nov which taking a xx from above could have Australia , Australia A ( which goes to UK while England A comes to Australia. So games in Australia /UK keeping a table of points over both ... So a fromat that has all the teams NZ Aust,Eng PNG fiji in both counties. Top 2 play off of the combined games teams, I only labored this point as this would be the cherry on top for FOXTAL as subscribers will now keep their subscription fro Feb/ to late Nov and the extra revenue ( i get SMS from KAyo one dollar a month for one month to come back to KAyo now, and gawd listing the blathers on Seven Cricket i would have but for some technicality-WTF)
Anyway A long way to say we ahve to enhance out package to Foxtel/kayo and then we could get $350m pa from Foxtel with a for a Grand Total including new FTA contracts total of $580m pa. It corral's all the big media our way for promo and advertising and keeps KAyoFoxrel in the Tent as well.
How to get hem to take up this new deal??What inducements or compensation ( short termed) to get all parties on board? Any Ideas,
Foxtel great coverage from Fen to Nov, more exclusive nights/days and a soon to be introduced team to get back to 5 live and exclusive.
Ten - well your got nothing Jump on board for $115m
Nine - compensation of say $20m pa up to year 2028.
All on board for the 2026/2017 season , $580mpa or $560m pa with a nine discount, Deal over ten years equals
$ 5 billion and 800 hundred million dollars over the course of the contract OR $5.8 billion