Colin Smith does have a point, production costs are pretty pricey. But, if Optus got the NRL, it would be the only thing they would have to produce. Compare that to what Fox need to produce? Super Rugby, 5 AFL matches, Netball, some A League, etc etc.
So yes, Optus would have to outlay a fair bit to produce 4 or 5 NRL matches a week, but, that's less than a quarter of the remaining sports that Fox have to produce.
And then after working out how to profit from NRL matches, Optus would be able to expand its production abilities and could bid for other Australian sporting competitions.
This is the most competition Fox have had since C7.
Fox will still get the rights for the NRL. Don't fool yourselves into thinking otherwise. But they are going to pay the price for it.
They have to. Think of this. Why do most people have Foxtel?
The documentaries and music channels? They're a bonus. YouTube is just as good a source for them.
Movies? Netflix and similar services will take care of that. Besides, a majority of the movies you'd watch on Foxtel aren't ones you'd pay a great deal to watch. The good ones you'd see at the movies or most likely buy or download. Again, these are a bonus.
TV shows? With the rise of Netflix and the like, having Foxtel for TV shows is getting less and less appealing. Another bonus.
All of these things combined are perhaps somewhat tempting, but $100ish a month? No way in the world. Add on exclusive local sport content, then things look a bit different. This is essentially part of the halo effect. (There is American sports, but ESPN is available on Fetch TV too.)
Now, seeing as the majority of Foxtels subscribers live in NSW and Qld, they will need the local sport to sway things to their favour. The NRL is their money maker. They and others will say that Foxtel make profits from other sports and content, which is true. But go back to that halo effect, there isn't really anything on Foxtel for the people in NSW and Qld to that they couldn't get from other cheaper sources.
They will lose a big amount of subscribers if they lose the NRL. Not all people who watch NRL, but a large amount. This in turn will mean all other shows on their service will have less viewers. It will also mean less money from subscriptions, which in turn means, less money to bid on other content. Foxtel would most likely survive this, but at a massive cost. Much more than a measly few billion that they could have just paid to the ARLC...
I hope the EPL is just the tip of the ice berg for Fox. Losing a couple of ESPN, WWE, A League, etc etc would really damage them. I doubt it will happen, but I'd love to see them die.