The board.
The happy little bunch of nepotists and grovel warts who have had command of our club over recent times.
You are next gents.
Those fans of our club who felt it was a board OR Anderson to go choice are mistaken.
The has sat over some of the most embarassing and potentially devastingly bad decisions in our clubs history, and then managed those bad calls with little nouse or business savvy.
The board signed Chris Anderson, allowed his reign to disolve into a farce until the only option was todays sacking, and now may potentially preside over a litigation case from the same coach.
At the same time our marketting and fan base has been neglected, and our finances bogged down. Just when litigation caused by a similarly stupid and un-just move by the same shady characters on our board has been completed ( in which they were painted as people of low credibility and people who would lie to in court to save their own cushy board jobs), they have led us into another bad area.
They must go, we have a new coach for next year, a new board is essential for the new era to begin.
They will say that at this time, some level of consistency be mantained at the club and management areas, that is rubbish, the only thing that will remain consistent should the current president remain controlling his ticket, will be consistently bad, ill-fated, self serving, negligent decisions.
The happy little bunch of nepotists and grovel warts who have had command of our club over recent times.
You are next gents.
Those fans of our club who felt it was a board OR Anderson to go choice are mistaken.
The has sat over some of the most embarassing and potentially devastingly bad decisions in our clubs history, and then managed those bad calls with little nouse or business savvy.
The board signed Chris Anderson, allowed his reign to disolve into a farce until the only option was todays sacking, and now may potentially preside over a litigation case from the same coach.
At the same time our marketting and fan base has been neglected, and our finances bogged down. Just when litigation caused by a similarly stupid and un-just move by the same shady characters on our board has been completed ( in which they were painted as people of low credibility and people who would lie to in court to save their own cushy board jobs), they have led us into another bad area.
They must go, we have a new coach for next year, a new board is essential for the new era to begin.
They will say that at this time, some level of consistency be mantained at the club and management areas, that is rubbish, the only thing that will remain consistent should the current president remain controlling his ticket, will be consistently bad, ill-fated, self serving, negligent decisions.