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hey, well i dunno if im posting this in the right section or not but im new to this fourm....so sorry if iam... :D
well, i was just wandering how many knights supporter here are in year 12 at the moment? How are you guys finding the HSC? ive got 4 exams left and at the moment am spewing about maths!! Just wandering how u guys are feeling at the moment?

The Vern

Hi sexybum. There are quite a few of us from here doing the HSC. So far i have gone alright i think. English was much better then i though, IPT was pretty easy. Maths was hard and i still have extension 1 tomorrow. I have got 3 left including maths. Finish next tuesday cant wait.


kool astorgirl, ill go have a look at that topic :)

vern, well i have 3u tomorrow too...i am pretty screwed! anyways goodluck :)
well i thought english was alright too but maths on monday was really bad!
um i dont finish until on the 12th so i still have two weeks to go...cant wait!!
anyways goodluck! :D


sexybum said:
kool astorgirl, ill go have a look at that topic :)

vern, well i have 3u tomorrow too...i am pretty screwed! anyways goodluck :)
well i thought english was alright too but maths on monday was really bad!
um i dont finish until on the 12th so i still have two weeks to go...cant wait!!
Woohoo... Extension 1. Finally it would appear i'm not the only one without any knowledge of algebra thats doing extension. Hopefully algebra won't be required in the test! Normal maths was good, just too f**king long!


Not happy because I still have 4 more exams, including extension maths and physics which are both this week :cry: Oh well, at least I dont have it as bad as Sydney Swans, three more exams this week!

Then next week I have chemistry and extension english, and as of November 7, its all over... hooray! Time for celebrations! :D

I was actually pretty happy with both English and Maths so far, though I think I have used up several trees in my 65 pages of English responses and 44 pages of maths...

Woohoo... Extension 1. Finally it would appear i'm not the only one without any knowledge of algebra thats doing extension. Hopefully algebra won't be required in the test! Normal maths was good, just too f***ing long!

How's the study going Ron? Are you all prepared for tomorrow? Huddo said she is expecting heaps of questions on binomial theorem and geometrical applications of calculus... man I'll just be so glad when the clock strikes 11:31 tomorrow and I never have to pick up another maths text book again... ohhh how great! :D

Maths was hard and i still have extension 1 tomorrow.
Of course Maths was hard for you Craig, you do 4unit! Crazy child... I'm so glad I dropped it, that exam looked impossible!! :?

Best of luck to everyone with their remaining exams, specially Vern, LAP, CoastieChickie, Red and Blue Socks, aqua_duck, Sexybum and SydneySwan... and everyone that I've forgotten! :lol: :lol:


Leasha said:
I was actually pretty happy with both English and Maths so far, though I think I have used up several trees in my 65 pages of English responses and 44 pages of maths...
Did I read this correctly?? Are you saying you used 65 pages for your answers in English, and 44 in Maths?? If so, how in hell did you use that many??


tigermite said:
Leasha said:
I was actually pretty happy with both English and Maths so far, though I think I have used up several trees in my 65 pages of English responses and 44 pages of maths...
Did I read this correctly?? Are you saying you used 65 pages for your answers in English, and 44 in Maths?? If so, how in hell did you use that many??

Haha yes I did use that many... I wrote 32 pages for my Area of Study response for English, and 33 pages for my Modules for Advanced English... I was particularly pleased because my writing wasn't large either, around 6 or 7 words a line, which meant that I came out of the exam with the knowledge that even if what I had written was total crap, there was at least a lot of length and analysis to it all!

Maths was heaps easier, the only thing that pissed me off was that for 44 pages, I needed 15 of those bloody booklets, which meant that not only did I have to write my number on every page, but 15 extra times on the booklets too!!! :evil: I was especially happy with question 10 in maths, I derived and differentiated it all and used up 7 pages in the process! :D

The thing that disappoints me most is I'll never get the exams back... and efforts like that should be framed on a wall... or given an award for the "Most Willing Destruction of Trees for a Pointless Reason"... :?


Wow... I bet you had a serious case of writers cramp... I'd hate to be the poor marker though... but was this average for most students, or did you just have a lot more to say??

I did my HSC back in 98, and I couldn't imagine ever writing that much. I know it's changed a bit since then, but I didn't think it was that much. I hope you get top marks for an effort like that.


I HAD MY LAST EXAM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


not that there was much of one to begin with!!

english was surprisingly easy, maths was quite ok, i dont know what the papers are going on about. but it IS the newspaper and the media always like to sensationalise and manipulate the truth.. omg i'm thinking too frontline-ish. someone stop me. its over. i shouldnt have to think anymore.

ipt was quite do-able, dt was easy as chips except i got stuck on the 'name 2 organisations' bit cuz i didnt bother learning any

and, ok i have society on the last day but i hardly count that as an exam cuz its more 'write about your life and your opinions' than anything else, PLUS i have almost 3 weeks to study for it. which is a joke in itself....

so tmr i'm going for 2 job interviews (beachculture and krispy kreme - clothes and food, what more could you want in life?) because i need a job and money and thursday i'm going crazy shopping all day and spending loads of money on clothes and food

and YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to everyone who still has exams: hehe

im sure you'll all do well and dont study too hard because its just not worth it!!

knights 2004

ive got modern history on thursday, and business on monday then im done
i havent done any work all year and no study leading up to these exams so i dont deserve results.
im spewin bout some easy things in maths i stuffed looking at it in hindsight. but anyway
looking forward to november 3rd sooooo much.


thank god extension maths is over!!! it wasnt as bad as i first thought...by no more maths ever!! thats a good feeling :D
i do 4u maths that was a killer!!!
but i still have 3 more exams left! damn
next wednesday: religion
wednesday after: ext history and economics ( this day is gonna be a shocker)

congrats on blue and red socks...i still have two weekes left!!!!!
lol :x


sexybum said:
thank god extension maths is over!!! it wasnt as bad as i first thought...by no more maths ever!! thats a good feeling :D

AHHHHHHHHHHHH please dont say that test was easy cos I struggled with it something shocking! I usually do well in extension maths, and i studied heaps for this exam and was thinking that id be all nice and prepared and i stuffed it :cry:
I just wanna curl up in a little ball and go to sleep... but I have to study for physics instead... LIFE ISNT FAIR!!! :( :cry:
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

The Vern

Im so relieved no more maths. The test was surprisingly easy i thought(EDIT sorry Leasha u posted while i was writting). Think i got about 65-70 out of 84 which will get me a great mark. It was a much easier standard than the 2 and 4 unit papers. They were supposible both the hardest one in a long time. Luckly they made the 3 unit one easier. Now all thats left is to return the mountain of maths text books iv got.


The Vern said:
Im so relieved no more maths. The test was surprisingly easy i thought. Think i got about 65-70 out of 84 which will get me a great mark. It was a much easier standard than the 2 and 4 unit papers. They were supposible both the hardest one in a long time. Luckly they made the 3 unit one easier. Now all thats left is to return the mountain of maths text books iv got.


Okay, I'll calm down...

Anyways, I can agree with you Vern bout takin textbooks back... I have a pile which comes up to my waist... I'm not going to be able to take them all back in one day either!!! :?


I'm doing my HSC this year too :(

Personally, I think it's a heap of shit. Extremely over-rated and I can't believe the hype it gets. I'm sick of being told how important it is and that I should devote my entire life to studying for it. As far as i'm concerned the HSC is a farce and I couldn't give a shit how bad or good I go.

Earlier this year, I sat for UMAT (Undergraduate Medicine Admissions test) so yes I guess my first preference is Medicine. And if I don't get it? I'll move right along. I'm aiming for the mid 90's. But i'm not expecting to get it. The HSC is the biggest lucky dip ever. Anybody that see's it as the be all and end all is going to leave a really tragic life. There are so many occupations i'd love to have. My dream job isn't medicine, it would be in Sports Marketing, yet strangely enough there are more opportunities in medicine than Sports Marketing.

So I urge you all to get over this thing called the HSC. Getting a better UAI, a higher band or doing harder subjects dosn't make you any smarter or better than anyone else. And bragging about doing 4 unit whatever, makes you sound like a complete moron and obviously tells us a lot about you as a person given that it's the first sign of personal insecurities to big note yourself.

The only thing I used High School for was to have fun, hang out with friends and shit stir the teachers. And I can't wait to go on skoolies, peace out dudes and as stacey says "theres more to life..."


well leesha, it wasnt easy but i didnt think it was as hard as some other papers...
thank god there wasnt that much binomial expansions in it i hate that topic!!!
but i tell ya what i screwed up half of 6 and 7 they were pretty hard
but ohwell its over!!! 5 down and 3 to go!!!

parra princess i think your right about the hsc being over rated!! there is life after the hsc and i think it would be a much better experience if we didnt have so many people around us asking us how the study is going!!!! :)


sexybum said:
parra princess i think your right about the hsc being over rated!! there is life after the hsc and i think it would be a much better experience if we didnt have so many people around us asking us how the study is going!!!! :)

Omg I so know. My Prinicipal (complete ass clown) came over to us sitting on the tables before the English and said "Girl's hows the study going..." and I said Ask it yourself. He was stirred. Ahhh well, it's all his fault.

Anyway what can we do Sexybum? Nothing...fortunately it's neally over :D

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