Arjuna: Krishna, what happens to one who has faith but who lacks self control and wanders from the path, not attaining success in yoga? If he becomes diluted on the spiritual path, will he lose support from both worlds like a cloud scattered in the sky? Krishna you can dispel all doubts, remove this doubt which binds me.
Krishna: Arjuna my son, such a person will not be destroyed. No-one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come. When such people die, they go on to other realms where the righteous live. They dwell there for countless years, and then are reborn into a home which is pure and prosperous. Or, they may be born into a family where meditation is practiced. To be born into such a family is extremely rare. The wisdom they have acquired in previous lives will be reawakened, Arjuna, and they will strive even harder for self-realisation. Indeed they will be driven on by the strength of their past disciplines. Even one who inquires after the practice of meditation rises above those who simply perform rituals. Through constant effort over many lifetimes, a person becomes purified of all selfish desires, and attains the supreme goal of life.
My personal favourite passage from the Bhagavad Gita. Not as profound as the great Doctor, but worth a read nonetheless.