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No Sequel?


This was posted on the mightyeagles website:

I just heard that after poorish sales in the NRL game on all systems that they will not be producing a second for 2005. work has still not begun in the new game and it looks set to become the only game of NRL. "We are looking at all of our options and we will make a judgement after that. We will like a game to be produced by the end of 2005 and our most likely option is to do it via EA Sports." NRL Marketing Chief said


"We are looking at all of our options and we will make a judgement after that. We will like a game to be produced by the end of 2005 and our most likely option is to do it via EA Sports."

Well, if EA are hired to do it, there will be at least some guarantee of something at least vaguely resembling a quality game, so if true, that's good news.


Mayor_Quimby said:
This was posted on the mightyeagles website:

I just heard that after poorish sales in the NRL game on all systems that they will not be producing a second for 2005. work has still not begun in the new game and it looks set to become the only game of NRL. "We are looking at all of our options and we will make a judgement after that. We will like a game to be produced by the end of 2005 and our most likely option is to do it via EA Sports." NRL Marketing Chief said

That is just rumour mongering. The NRL has not made any such statement.


First Grade
sunny said:
"We are looking at all of our options and we will make a judgement after that. We will like a game to be produced by the end of 2005 and our most likely option is to do it via EA Sports."

Well, if EA are hired to do it, there will be at least some guarantee of something at least vaguely resembling a quality game, so if true, that's good news.

I take it you havent played EA rugby? or NFL street? or every other ea game besides NBA and Madden (although madden is way too boring compared to espn...)

ea just upgrade rosters for there 'sims'..i wasnt too impressed with the nrl game but it was there first go at it and they did a fine job considering the difficulties required to start a new sport project with no other refereences besides arl 96.

The NRL tried to sell the rights to ea a while back and ea rejected saying there wasnt a viable market..so why would the nrl want ea to create there game? especially seeing as how rugby 2004 didnt sell anywhere near the other half decent ea tittles.

Mighty Dragon

Mario I think you have to face the fact people are over Shithe.

Get your arse off these forums, stop farting around...and get going on your game.



No offence to Mario and Sidhe who I am sure did thier best, but if EA take ownership of the NRL rights (I am very doubtful on that ) at least we have a hope of getting any bugs fixed. EA are less likely to allow a substandard game to diminish thier brand, and by substandard I am only talking about the many bugs which have never been addressed, the game is still fun and playable when they do not rear thier ugly heads.

Now Quimby please tell me you did not grab this rumour out of a forum and decide to plonk it in here, there is already far too much conjecture over the sequel and things like this only make it worse. #-o


Dam!!!!! there are some strong thinkers on this forum, let me remind you that Ea sports was behind the release of Rugby 2004. The crap of all crap games in my opinion. Sidhe game was the best first attempt at a sports game I have yet to see, and they just did not go on and copy everyone elses system of game play. They had there own unique and ground breaking game play, matrix kicking, and aggresive and aggression system that is my personal favorite of any physical contact sport game to date.
Cheers and Salud


i didn't think it was a rumour. :oops:

i want to see a sequel just as much as everyone else, i wouldn't want to confuse matters by posting rumours on purpose. :)

i would doubt that EA would produce an NRL game due to the market capacity anyway. They would want to sell hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide, but i don't think IMO there is enough demand to warrant the production. #-o


Didn't try Rugby 2004, don't want to, but the NHL franchise produced by EA and a few of the earlier FIFA games are some of my all time favourite sports games.

No doubt that Sidhes first foray into league was innovative, but I'm afraid thier idea of after sales support borders on the non-existent, I'm not saying they haven't listened to criticisms, frequent appearances on this board by Mario attest to that, but very little in the way of gameplay enhancements or anything else for that matter have appeared, to say I am disappointed is to put it mildly.


Some of the people here are truly weird. Why, why, why would you want EA? Unless you could manage to get the team that makes Madden to make it, you would be crazy to want EA.

EA would never, never, never listen to you.

bulldog - EA would never fix the glitches! EA have let Rugby 2004, Cricket 2002 and Cricket 2004 roll out, which have been filled to the brim with glitches and done nothing to fix them.

Mighty Dragon - Mario is just one member of the Sidhe team. I've often seen him online when he wouldn't normally working. You should appreciate him being here.

I've been wanting Sidhe to make a union game since RL came out. You people should feel lucky you've got a company that appears to care about the game they produce. I would happily let HB Studios produce a Rugby League game instead of a union game if Sidhe created a union game.

Ugh. :roll:

I would say Mario shouldn't even bother with you leagies, but you moaners are the minority.


First Grade
Mighty Dragon said:
Mario I think you have to face the fact people are over Shithe.

Get your arse off these forums, stop farting around...and get going on your game.


you are without a doubt the dumbest guy ive seen post here...

EA year in year out release updated versions of there game..madden has barely improved over a 4 year span in fact 2003 is probably the best version of madden and thats not good considering how easy it was to pass..

Just cause there a larger company doesnt mean there great, ea produce more crap every year then any other company..

Im not an ea hater, i still play madden online and still could whoop around 97% of people on the net..ea makes more bugs then fixes every year.

as an example these are the bugs of this years version:

Quick Slants are still way harder to stop then should be.

DB's most the times get lost and run away from the ball.

Playaction is way to easy to fool the defense.

outside slants are probably the biggest passing plays in this years version which is bs...

Running backs fall over like there in a low budget movie after making contact with there o line.

QB scrambling is way too effective, the LB AI cant read and react to almost every QB in game..and that includes 2 many spy plays.

Everyone takes advantage of the super strength corners who can hold recivers for ages in bump and run.

RB dump offs over the middle still destroy the best defenses.

Speed means more then overall.

Momentum swings around easily and cause of that it can see ur team just drop every ball thrown there way.

O-line still cant decide who to block when players manually move line backers in certain hot spots.

sending a corner blitz is easy and its only weakness in game is a short route when in actual reality corner blitz has the most weaknesses.

A fast db with 70 Awr can beat randy moss to the football, if it werent for play actions and corner routes these guys would rarely get open unless the ai messes something up on there end.

if u dont believe me ill show all these online..ea only cares about money they have no real desire to produce there best title..if a game like espn can come in and beat madden to a pulp and have ea decide rather then take em head to head to see who can create the better game instead they just buy out competition to create a monopoly.

This goes to everyone who actually thinks ea will be a savour...


oh ffs, if Sidhe weren't to release a NRL game they would of announced that ages ago, Mario is just toying with us.


I think if anyone should make a sequal it should be sindhe. They have the most recent experiance in producing a rugby league game and i'm sure that after making the product people have thought of even more things to be done (Lets face it, most movie directors, bands etc. are hardly even fully satisfied with the finished product no matter how good it might be).

I'm going to have faith in Mario for this one and not believe in these rumors...

Also, people need to stop deluding themselves, THERE IS NO SEQUAL YET!!!


ea are crap most ea games suck
sidhe interactive is a great company because they listen to the public
ea dont even care if they make a crap game
ea dont listened to us

as if you would want ea to make a rugby league game
they would make it as bad rugby 2004


Sidhe should make the next game. RL has some great things in it which can only be improved - it's a great base to improve the game on and the ease at which it can be modded has increased it's life span.

If Sidhe have failed in anything it is lack of game update patches as there are some big problems that should have been fixed. But i can see why they haven't- it's probably not good business practise to pay programmers after the game has sold and also the shitty console market has pretty much put a stop to updates for all games that appear on the big 3 formats.

Another reason why these goddamn consoles should not be locked up to the hilt - we could then apply game patches for the buggy shit people put out.

i hope Sidhe do a second but i would also welcome other attempts by other games companies to tie us over :lol:


Ok ive had it with all this speculation and rumours which have been around for a little over a month now. I went to EB games a couple of months ago and they said there was a very good chance of RL 2 as u all know i posted it. I went to 2 EB Games shops in the past week and both have said they had comformation from the producers in the past 2 weeks that there will be a Rugby League 2 which will come out Sept-Dec. (Based on Last version im thinking more like Dec-Jan). Mario could u please clear up all this shit and tell us wat date you will announce wether there will be a RL2 produced by Sidhe. If there isnt a going to be a RL2 produced by Sidhe why the hell are you on 2 RL gaming forums posting.???? I think we can at least know when youll be announcing games youll bring out. EA announced they were maing Rugby (Yawnion) 2005 before they had even started on the game. I dont see the problem in telling fans wether there will be a RL2 when EB Games tell us there will be and they have received confirmation from the producers. Did u really think theyd keep it a secret???? If they can tell us, why cant the people who are making the game tell us. If u arent telling us so u can have a big announcement later in the month what makes u think if u let us know in advance that we are going to go to all RL fans in the world and tell them there is a RL2. There arent many people on this forum anymore. Is all im really asking is can u give us a date on something. Can it be in relation to RL2 plz.

axl rose

TinghaExpress said:
Ok ive had it with all this speculation and rumours which have been around for a little over a month now. I went to EB games a couple of months ago and they said there was a very good chance of RL 2 as u all know i posted it. I went to 2 EB Games shops in the past week and both have said they had comformation from the producers in the past 2 weeks that there will be a Rugby League 2 which will come out Sept-Dec. (Based on Last version im thinking more like Dec-Jan). Mario could u please clear up all this sh*t and tell us wat date you will announce wether there will be a RL2 produced by Sidhe. If there isnt a going to be a RL2 produced by Sidhe why the hell are you on 2 RL gaming forums posting.???? I think we can at least know when youll be announcing games youll bring out. EA announced they were maing Rugby (Yawnion) 2005 before they had even started on the game. I dont see the problem in telling fans wether there will be a RL2 when EB Games tell us there will be and they have received confirmation from the producers. Did u really think theyd keep it a secret???? If they can tell us, why cant the people who are making the game tell us. If u arent telling us so u can have a big announcement later in the month what makes u think if u let us know in advance that we are going to go to all RL fans in the world and tell them there is a RL2. There arent many people on this forum anymore. Is all im really asking is can u give us a date on something. Can it be in relation to RL2 plz.

What a long winded bunch of crap to make one point.

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