2 things,
1 what is wrong with a plebiscite, would think it gets through, didn't we just have an election that covered the plebiscite
2 the Greens are a shambles and shouldn't have any influence on anything
A more imporrant question, has anyone had NBN connected, looks suspiciously like it will be connected in my suburb before Xmas. Given ADSL 2 has got slower , I just wonder what the experience has been for getting connected and the actual reality of the faster speed
a) Abbott and his churchy mates ensured that the plebiscite is non-binding. So politicians will vote how they want anyway. A few merkins have already said that they will vote with their conscience and ignore the results of the vote So why don't they just have a vote next Wednesday in parliament ?
b) Voting on plebiscites is not compulsory.
c) It will cost upwards of $180m for a fancy opinion poll.
d) It will cause an unnecessary ant-gay platform for the rednecks. LGBTI people do not deserve a public slanging match about their legitmacy and to be judged by others over something that is none of their business.
e) the last plebiscite was in 1977 (national anthem) and it took 7 years after that to implement. A plebiscite is merely a delay tactic by the conservatives.
f) the majority of Australians already want marriage equality. Save for Abbott and his mates, it would have already been actioned. Previously, your appointed representative has been able to vote of matters like euthanasia, cloning, abortion and the morning after pill - however they can't vote to allow all Australians to marry the person they love ?
Pull your heads in and make it happen.