Isn’t that my point?
They shouldn’t have let him in, in the first place and I have always stated that I don’t agree with his vaccination stance. Why did I say that? Because he was a risk to the community. That was our position. But that horse has bolted. Now he is here and omicron is rampant. They f**ked it up so they rehashed all his crap which is now irrelevant but not to the media. They made his antics a tool to hate him so that the government takes action. What happened? They did. Everyone hates him even more now. However by their own admission it’s not about him giving covid to anyone it’s about him creating a mob mentality by him still being here. What will happen to the mob when they leave? Will they be calm? That’s the crux of the defence case. It makes no difference whether he is here or not (now) the horse has f**king bolted.
And I never hated him I just think he should not have been given the visa in the first place. Never did I say initially he should be allowed in. Can’t you see the delineation between the two?
No. That's not what you said. You said this:
"It's not about if he is vaccinated or not, whether he will infect anyone or not. He is a queue jumper and made no sacrifices like the poor bastards had to endure in Victoria. His sense of entitlement is what pisses people off."
Your argument was about how he was seeking an exemption when everyone else has followed the rules. Those sorts of comments were very common at the time and in my view contributed signicantly to the Feds stepping in to try and address this perceived injustice.
Because they handled it so poorly many people (yourself included) chose to ignore that initial perceived injustice that many other tennis players have been quietly seething about and instead focused on the perceived injustice now faced by Novak at the hands of the Feds. However, the original injustice didn't disappear despite how poorly the government handled the situation.
Also, I wouldn't place too much weight on the court decision or pretend that issues related to Section 116 were not considerations that needed to be made. As others have flagged, the lawyers were looking for the quickest way to try and kill this off. Nothing more, nothing less. Relying on precedence as Gronk pointed out seemed to be their strategy.