The difference is the Murdoch press doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. In particular it doesn’t pretend to be a platform where people can air their views to those who want to listen.
Of course it does, it pretends to be a news organisation, when it's far more a propaganda outlet.
But you are a far lefty, thus the defence.
You are a RWNJ, hence your opinions.
Does that sound silly to you?
There seems to be an almost desperate narrative of the new twitter triggering all the leftists and we're all having urgent meetings.
Triggering the libs is pretty much all the alt right is interested in. It's a solid political platform for sure.
Yep. There’s no competitor to Twitter because of the network effect. Facebook is probably the closest thing, but it’s not a place for connecting with like-minded strangers. Everything else is a very poor imitation.
Genuine competition isn't like for like, it offers points of difference, elswise it aint competing.
But alternatives don't need to be serious competition, they just need to exist in order to be an alternative.
23% is 76 million people, almost as many as voted for Biden in 2020. And that's just in the US. 23% of Americans is a massive amount of people. Certainly enough to control discourse and influence elections. Legacy media reports on Twitter content ffs
I'd say don't be naive but I know you're not. You are being dishonest.
It's sure enough to create influence, just as any other type of media does and can with it's audience.
What's dishonest here is your attempts at making out the bird as the be all and end all of influence that has no counter. That's complete horse shit.
Anyone who legitimately uses the term “nothing burger” should be melted.
Go f**k yourself nothing burger boy.
Pretty much everyone thinks news corp are a pack of shit stains .... as if no one gives a f**k about them .... talk about deflection
There's heaps of folk who consume their shit. Tucker Carlson was pulling 3.5 million viewers a night in 2020.
Fox Corporation CEO Lachlan Murdoch said the network's nimble presence outside of cable is "how we keep our viewers and fans in that ecosystem."
And that doesn't include web views, which I dare say would likely be more.
Twitter doesn't exist in a vacuum, it's just another cog in the machine, there is really no way anyone can state with any authority it turned enough votes to change the outcome of 2020, if you believe that shit you're genuinely cooked