More mock outrage. Meanwhile you know that protests like #womensmarch are very effective in raising awareness and sending strong messages to protagonists.
Did tiananmen square "result" in anything or Soweto or Stonewall ? No but they sure as f**k were effective. As was #womensmarch.
Um, it's not mock outrage. It's me making fun of idiots who think their stupid virtue signalling means anything.
But...oh, this is great...comparing a bunch of lesbians rolling about to Tiananmen Square...MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's perfectly encapsulates EXACTLY how these braindead SJW sheep see themselves! Oh, it is such an accurate portrait of their delusion!
Oh, Gronky, I love you so much. Thank you.
So if this protest was so effective, what did it achieve? Besides the virtue signalling that is going to be ignored from now on?
I mean, it's f**king 2017!!!
2017!!! Virtue signalling is dead and meaningless!
Did anything tangible actually happen? Will it? What? Tangible shit. Real change. Anything?