What a looser!
Man keeps unopened gift from ex-girlfriend for 47 years
A MAN has kept an unopened Christmas present from his ex-girlfriend for 47 years — and now he wants to find her.
THIS heartbroken bloke has kept an unopened present from his ex-girlfriend under the Christmas tree for the past 47 years.
Back in 1970, as a 17-year-old, Adrian Pearce was dumped by his high school sweetheart.
And he has been keeping an unopened Christmas present from ex Vicki ever since she broke his heart.
The man from Toronto, Canada told CBC: “She gave me a present at the same time and I took the present home.
“I had a long walk home and I was all upset and angry, and all the things you feel when somebody breaks up with you.”
Once home, he decided to place the gift under his tree.
The unopened gift Source:Facebook
He said: “I told my family I’m never going to open that present.”
And he never did.
Pearce has placed the present under the tree every Christmas for years — even after he was married and had children.
His kids kept asking if they could open it but he refused.
Finally, his wife put her foot down and banned the box from their tree.
But the hopeless romantic still takes out the gift, wrapped in crinkled and faded blue paper, every year to look at.
Adrian Pearce with his ex-girlfriendSource:Facebook
Some of the tape doesn’t stick well from a time when, in a moment of weakness, he almost tore off the wrapping.
He said: “I kept it initially because I guess I had hopes that we would get back together and open it together.
“Now it’s just become a habit after 47 years of looking at it and having the pleasure of not opening it.”
Pearce thinks the contents could be a book, photos or even some now-rotten chocolate, but he also likes not knowing.
However, Pearce is considering finally tearing the gift open on the 50th anniversary of the breakup.
“Perhaps she can be found and share in the celebration,” he said.
Adrian Pearce is considering opening the gift on the 50th anniversary of the breakup Source:Facebook