The thing is Labor used to be all about the working class and Aussie battler. They need to return to their roots.
This is just a bad talking point from the elite journalist class in this country. The current Labor government have done quite a few things for working class people in this country. They've increased award wages, increased taxes on mining companies and other multi-nationals, started the housing fund, increased employer contributions for super, the "future made in Australia" bill, this needs to be spoken about more, currently we dig resources out of the ground, sell it to China, and then buy steel back in a process where we are losing out. This bill would mean we dig stuff out of the ground still, process it here and then sell it to Asia. This is a nation building initiative, it's no wonder the journalist class in this country want to avoid talking about it.
Are they the best government this country has ever seen? No. Can they do better on things? Yes. But unfortunately as we saw in the 2019 election Australians don't want a government that does things. So Labor have to tread a very fine line in both appealing to the voter base whilst also appeasing the political donors who decide elections
Future Made in Australia is the Government’s new economic plan which supports Australia’s transition to a net zero economy. Through making the most of our natural resources, new jobs and opportunities will be created for Australians, to build a strong and resilient economy.