Who made you the judge and jury of the forum, sanctimonious prick :lol:?If you're going to brag about it you need to back it up. That's all.
You must have some nasty saddle rash yourself by now, hombre...? :sarcasm:My motive is getting merkins off their high horse. I'm just glad yours is back in the stable thanks to the self reflection you've had to undertake.
No need to thank me.
Ironically you seem to be the self appointed adjudicator here. Passing on your infallible judgement upon us all. :roll:
you're speaking for all of us now Pou ?
I don't think so
Well Gronk is hardly bragging in private message. He's doing it out in the open for us all to see. If you don't want to call him on it that's your business. I'm not surprised actually. You seem to share Gronk's political views.
now now - on easter monday, jesus says: stfu merkins
You haven't produced any "bragging" quotes yet. You seem to think that by something a few times it makes it fact. It doesn't merkin.
Well HJ read it just fine. Surely you think you're as smart as him.
TBH everyone who posts on here isn't too smart or exciting IMO otherwise they would be doing something else.