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Official Poll #1: Ando

What do you think should happen to Anderson?

  • Sack him now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sack him next year when his contract ends

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keep him

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Alan Shore

First Grade
Vote now.

I want to retain him for 2004, and then make a decision on his future after that. If we sack him now, there's definitely no way we'll make the finals next season regardless.


Perhaps option 2 should read, 'Judge him at the end of next year, as was the original deal.' I doubt too many people would want him sacked at the end of next year if he brought home the bacon...

bull shark

Jimbo said:
Perhaps option 2 should read, 'Judge him at the end of next year, as was the original deal.' I doubt too many people would want him sacked at the end of next year if he brought home the bacon...

That word "if" is the centre of the whole debate.

Of course, I (ands everybody else except BTR) will turn around if Ando wins. I for one will publicly state that I was wrong - and I will be happy to do so.

But I don't think he can. He's got a great football brain, but he brings discontent and disharmony wherever he goes (at least for the past few years at Melbourne and Cronulla). If he stays I think that will continue, and we will continue to linger in the doldrums. Then we really will need a coach to embark on a rebuilding program.


First Grade
this is a toughie, after the season just ended and all the cr*p happening at the moment, I was thinking sack him, but on the other hand, I still would like to see if he can turn it around for 2004. He has stated he wants to win a premiership at Cronulla.

I think keep him for 2004 and then decide


Option two. Let him stay this year. Then make a decision at the end of 2004 as to whether he stays or goes.


I think we should keep him, at least till this time next year. He said he could win us it in 3 years, lets give him 3 years to try. If we have another bad season next year, sack him then. Give him a go, things can only get better from here can't they?

dan siego

keep him. sure he's a grumpy old fart that only does things his own way, but with a team with more expirience and a couple of good signings we should at least go better than last year. Also ist not entirely andesons falt.
The players have to take some responsibility in the issue because from what i could see the only guys really trying hard were Kimmorly, peach and Nutly. Stevens hardly lifted a finger and Greg Bird was mostly a five out of ten. The board also have something to answer for. They were pretty much told rthat one year would be a re-building one. The fact that we made the prelimonary finals was unexpected and that seasons performance pretty much erased all of the re-building that had to be done. In the boards minds the re building after Langy was done. So when we failed this year the boards reaction was "sack Ando". Chris andeson has taken both Canturbury and Melbourne to premierships with his style of play. But that was then. These days the Roosters and other teams defence dosn't allow the quick roll on that we need.
In conclusion Cronulla should keep him, on the condition that he changes the style of play slightly. If we fail then he gets the boot at the end of the year. If we make the semis we should negotiate at the end of the year.


What does someone from San Diego know anyway?
Americans don't even have sports or sports coverage.
They run commercials & interupt them every now & then with grown men throwing some kind of ball around.
Sorry, yanks aren't allowed to comment here. Insufficient knowledge & experience on sports.


The Popper

blacktip-reefy said:
What does someone from San Diego know anyway?
Americans don't even have sports or sports coverage.
They run commercials & interupt them every now & then with grown men throwing some kind of ball around.
Sorry, yanks aren't allowed to comment here. Insufficient knowledge & experience on sports. ;-)

Don't take it to heart, Dan. What Blacktip really means is that he does not welcome opposing points of view to his own. You say what you like. I like your game. Maybe what Blacktip needs is a Dwight Smith end zone hit like he put on the Giants last Monday night. ;-)


blacktip-reefy said:
Sorry, yanks aren't allowed to comment here. Insufficient knowledge & experience on sports.


Doesn't that count you out as well?

El Coconuto

Happy players = performing players!

What a lot of people tend to forget is that in his first season he took the club to a third place finish (he can hardly be blamed for the players semi-final choke against the minor premier Warriors). Really, he's a jerk off of a bloke but he said when he first arrived that it would take nerve and unpopular decisions.

Did we really sacrifice Preston, Triester and Graham for nothing?

Let him see out the last year of his contract, if not for the $400 000 per year than for the millions of dollars the club could potentially be forced to fork out.

My vote is for him to stay, and as much of a c-word as he is it's not going to help the club to lose him now to sack him. If the board will hold their nerves, Ando will deliver.

Interestesting note: If Anderson were to make the finals this season he would automatically be entitled to a one year extension on his contract as it states when he first signed with the club (that if he makes it to the finals twice he earns the extension).

Cheers all.