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Ongoing NFL Fantasy Football Thread


I'll send out a PM this week to the usual suspects to gauge interest in a start up dynasty IDP league, it will be a money league based at MFL. I'll start work on the set up if I can get enough interest at least 12 teams.
whats mfl?


Staff member
Im definitely in

I play in two MFL sites already ZJ so if you want feedback let me know.

There is a $90 annual fee though, we usually split it amongst 12 owners

zombie jesus

Staff member
Thanks ab, annual fee is $70 if you get in before June 12 too.

I'll send out a PM tonight and hopefully get enough names by the end of the week. Want to get this up and running ASAP if there are enough numbers.

kurt faulk


don't worry about sending me a pm, i'm all in.

always wanted to be in a money league, it would make sense of all the time i waste on fantasy football.

have you worked out the buy in price and how you think the money will be split? winner takes all or would second place make some money as well?



First Grade
Ahh didnt even notice the IDP. We'll probably have enough intereted for a normal fantasy money league this season.

zombie jesus

Staff member
I sent you guys the PM just in case you change your mind.

Anyone else reading who is interested and hasn't received a PM, let me know.

Let's see how we go....


Staff member

The money thing is one thing and I'm happy to get involved in a money league, no problem there.

However regarding this type of league set up and using the MFL site, just wondering have you been involved in a league like this before?

The reason I ask is because putting your hand up to be Commish and run a league like this is a huge commitment, 10x more than running a simple league on Fleaflicker or ESPN.

Firstly, you will need to establish some pretty extensive rules, in which there is a huge amount of questions and intracacies that need to be sorted.

For example, here is a set of rules for one of the MFL leagues I play in


Staff member
Goals and Purpose

The purpose of the league is to provide a fantasy football experience that closely resembles running an NFL franchise. For that reason the league will be both intricate and involved. Since many of the concepts for this league will be new to almost all of the participants, owners with a lot of experience are not required. All that is required is a high level of dedication.

Basic League Structure

● Dynasty Style (Salary Cap/Contract Cap league)
● 14 Teams


The league will have 14 owners. The only requirements for ownership are an active membership in the league and equal payment of the league software cost. If an owner decides to abandon ownership of their team, a replacement owner will be named by the league commissioner. Current owners are encouraged to refer prospective owners to be added to a waiting list.

Additionally, if an owner is classified an absentee owner, an owner(s) involved in collusion, or an owner who’s overall participation is inadequate (inadequate could mean not responding to trade offers in a timely manner, not participating in off-season activities, and even just overall fantasy football ability), a league vote can be called for by the commissioner or any two owners. A majority vote by the league will be required to remove an owner from the league.

In case of a family emergency or when an owner knows they will be unable to manage their team for a short (one to two weeks) period of time, an owner will have two options. The owner must first alert the commissioner before the current week’s game. Then the owner may either chose to have a stand-in owner manage their team or use the weekly player rankings at a preferred website as requested by the team owner. If an owner is unable to manage their team for an extended period of time, they may forfeit their team.

Salary Cap

Each team will be restricted to a $125,000 salary cap. A team’s total salary cap number is made up of the total salaries of all of the players on the team’s active roster, IR, and any cap penalties the team has incurred. The player on a team’s practice squad and developmental squad does not count against their salary cap. At no time is a team allowed to go over the $125,000 cap (unless stipulated in these rules where an owner may have a set amount of time to make appropriate transactions). Any trades or free agency transactions a team makes must be made in observance of the cap.

Trading of salary cap room or salary cap penalties to another team is not allowed. There is no maximum salary an individual player may receive, but there is a minimum salary of $300 for all players. Waivers, salary cap penalties, and how a player arrives at a specific salary cap number will be described below.

Contract Cap

Each team will also be given a 40-year contract cap. Similar to but separate from the salary cap, a team’s contract cap number is the total number of years obtained by adding up the contract years associated with each of the players on a team’s active roster and IR. At no time is a team allowed to exceed the 40-year contract cap, even if a team still has salary cap money left. Any players traded to another team retain their original contract in both salary and contract length. There is not a limit on the maximum number of contract years that may be assigned to a specific player, but each player must be signed to a minimum contract of 1 year.

Rookie Draft

The yearly draft for the league shall be a rookie-only draft. The rookie draft will be completed after the UFA period. If time permits, UFA will reopen after completion of the draft. A team may pass on making a pick in the rookie draft. If they do so, they forfeit their remaining picks.

The draft order will consist of a process according to if the owner “wins” in the playoffs. This is different than the standard worst-to-first drafting order. This system of draft order selection rewards owners who are active to the end, and punishes those who are not. This ensures owners cannot lose on purpose to gain the #1 pick.

In this method, tier A are the top teams playing for the championship (picks 9-14), tier B are the middle of the pack teams playing for picks 5-8, and tier C are the lower teams playing for picks 1-4.

As with the initial draft, there will be a contract value associated with each pick in the rookie draft. Unlike the initial draft, however, the total cap implications of each team’s picks are not equal. The cap value of the first pick is quite high while the value of the 16th pick is the league minimum.

Rookie Draft Pick Values:
1. 18,000 2. 15,000 3. 12,000 4. 9,000 5. 6,000 6. 4,000 7. 3,000 8. 2,000
9. 1,250 10. 1,000 11. 750 12. 550 13. 400 14. 300

If the total salary after drafting a player exceeds the cap, the owner must make the appropriate cap space to be able to make their next pick in the draft. If the appropriate cap space is not made before their pick comes up, they lose that draft pick and may not pick until A) their next scheduled draft pick and B) cap has been adjusted. Through the draft process, any owner with an illegal roster has 24 hours to make all necessary adjustment otherwise they will incur roster penalties.

Signing Contracts

Any player drafted or acquired via any form of free agency MUST be assigned at least a one year contract. When a team owner assigns a number of contract years to a player by notifying the commissioner and/or the league, the contract is fixed and may not be altered.

Contracts are signed in 1 year increments. After the end of the year on a date decided by the commissioner contracts are “cycled”, and one year is rolled off of each player’s contract. Any years rolled off of contracts are immediately added to a team’s contract cap. Drafted rookies who were given an initial contract of 3 years or less with 0 years left after contracts are cycled will be considered RFA's, while all other players will be considered UFA's.

When picking up a free agent during the regular season, if his contract value and years are not posted at the KFFL forum within 24 hrs, that player is automatically signed to a one year contract. Players acquired via trade come with a predetermined contract that cannot be altered by the new owner during the regular season. Players acquired during the off-season do not have to be signed to a contract until a date assigned by the commissioner approximately one week before the first game of the NFL season. During the off-season the number of players on a team’s roster may not exceed 23 (18 on the active roster, 3 for the practice squad, and 2 on the developmental squad) even if all of the players are not signed to contracts. A team is also unable to have more unsigned players on their roster than they are able sign to legal contracts. This is to prevent teams from drafting or picking up players as free agents merely to remove them from the talent pool.


Staff member
Off-Season Free Agency

During the off-season, all free agents and waivers are bid on in an auction-style bidding process. There are two periods of off-season free agency: RFA (restricted free agency) and UFA (unrestricted free agency). Both will occur in accordance with the league timeline. Beginning in the 2010 season, only drafted rookies given a contact of 3 years or less are eligible to be RFA at the completion of their contract. Any players given a RFA contract (.5) prior to the 2010 season will be grandfathered and will still be considered a RFA when their contract expires. A UFA is a player who, when contracts are cycled, has 0 years left.

For both RFA and UFA a separate thread on the league message board will be started for each player and owners will have an opportunity to bid on players by posting a message with their bid. Bidding will take place in minimum increments of $100 until bidding reaches $10,000. From that point, all bids must be in increments of $500 until the bidding reaches $25,000. After $25,000, the bidding must be made in increments of $1000. The RFA will be completed prior to the start of UFA. During the off-season and before the contract-signing deadline, a team controlling the rights to a player is allowed to trade that player without signing the player to a contract.

The owner controlling the RFA will be allowed to bid on the player and at the conclusion of the bidding process the controlling owner has the option of retaining that player by matching the highest bid. The RFA period will last for a flexible amount of time as deemed by the commissioner. A deadline to submit opening bids will be given by the commissioner as the RFA period appears to slow down. The RFA period will commence until the last open bid is complete. The bidding period will end 48 hours after the last bid. If necessary, the commissioner may put a deadline on any open bids to finalize the RFA period.

Once a bidding period is complete for a player the controlling owner has 48 hours to decide to match. If the controlling owner decides to match they must clear cap space if necessary within 24 hours and contract years will be due in accordance with the league timeline. If there is no match within 48 hours, or the controlling owner declines to match, the player is awarded to the new owner and they must clear cap space if necessary within 24 hours and contract years will be due in accordance with the league timeline.

At the end of RFA, the controlling owners of RFA’s that were not bid on will have an opportunity to sign these players to the league minimum of $300. All remaining RFA’s will be moved to the UFA pool prior to the start of UFA bidding.

After the restricted free agency period ends unrestricted free agency will begin. Unlike restricted free agency, the rights to unrestricted free agents immediately go to the high-bidder when there are no new bids for 48 hours or a commissioner appointed time arrives.

Regular Season Free Agency & Waivers

During the regular season a system of blind bidding and FCFS (first come first serve) waivers will be used for the waiver selection process of free agents. All blind bids will be due Tuesday at midnight. FCFS waivers will begin 9am ET Wednesday.

FCFS transactions are locked at the start of the player’s respective game and all FCFS transactions are locked at the start of the first Sunday game. For example, if Player A is scheduled to play on Thursday/Saturday, his FCFS availability is locked at game time and therefore he is only available for blind-bidding or until FCFS transactions reopen the following week. All other players are available for FCFS until the first game on Sunday.

If a player plays on Thursday or Saturday, at MFL you will still be able to pick that player up, BUT by our rules you won't be allowed to - that is one thing MFL cannot do. Most weeks this won't be an issue.

Players acquired through FCFS waivers are signed to a league minimum contract. The owner of any player newly acquired whether by blind bidding or by FCFS must alert the rest of the league of the acquisition and the length of the contract in the KFFL league forum. Any cuts made to accommodate an acquired player are subject to cap penalties if applicable. When picking up a free agent, if his contract years are not posted at the KFFL forum within 24 hrs, that player is automatically signed to a one year contract.

KFFL is the official website for all drops and adds to take place. You still have to do it at MFL too, but this is the place you will want to do it first to assure you get the player – specifically during FCFS waivers.

All players released during the season must first clear waivers before becoming free agents. The waiver process is similar to the free agency bidding process except it ends 48 hours after the player is released. Any owner interested in a released player can start a bidding thread on the league message board. Once bidding begins this player is treated just like an UFA in the off-season with bidding ending after 48 hours passes after the last bid. The owner releasing a player, however, is unable to bid on that player during the waiver process. If no bids are placed on a player that player is again designated a free agent, and the original owner can again acquire the player as a free agent.

Roster Freeze

At the completion of the week 13 games free agency adds, trades, PS designations, and PS bids will be frozen. Owners can still release player with the standard cap hits as well as promote players from their own PS or DS.

Franchise Tags

Owners are allowed to tag one player per off-season. Any player with an expiring (0 years left) contract will be eligible. The current year franchise tag amount will be the prior year average of the top five players at his position or a 120% of the player's current salary, whichever is greater. Once the tag is applied the player is then available for open bidding (using RFA rules).

The controlling owner has the right to match the highest bid. If the owner declines to match than the player will go to the highest bidder at the cost of two 1st round picks (or negotiated price). To be eligible to bid on a franchised player an owner MUST have at least two first round picks within the next two years in the event the controlling does not match. If the bidding owner has more than two first round picks, the controlling owner may pick the two they want. Compensation can be negotiated if the controlling owner is willing to accept less than two 1sts. There is no obligation to do so.

At the appropriate time the controlling owner may sign the player to any contract year amount they choose.

Contract Renegotiations (Extensions)

Each team is allowed one contract renegotiation per off-season. Players that were on the official NFL IR list the previous year are ineligible. Players must be under contract for at least 1 year after contracts are cycled to be eligible. RFA rules will be used during a contract renegotiation.

A price floor of 50% of the current salary will be utilized to begin the bidding. This is the lowest the player can be renegotiated for in the event there are no bids. The controlling owner will have the option to either match the high bid or let the player go to the highest bidder. If the owner matches the high bid the player may not be cut for 1 year. If the player is traded then this stipulation is removed and the new owner may cut the player at will with standard cap hits. Contract years will be due in accordance with the league timeline. The owner declining to match receives no compensation.

Salary Cap and Contract Penalties

Salary cap penalties are accumulated by cutting a player who has years left on their contract. There are two methods for cap penalties. In both scenarios, the base penalty is 20% of the players salary multiplied by the number of remaining contract years (the half years on a contract that designate a player as a restricted free agent do count towards the cap penalty). The allocation of the penalty depends on if the cuts during the off-season period or regular season period.

During the off-season, the entire penalty is applied to the current year. During the regular season, 25% of the penalty is applied in the current year and 75% is applied to the following year. For example, if an owner cuts a player who was signed for $3,000 per year for 3.5 years, the owner would be assessed a salary cap penalty of $2,100. If the cut took place during the off-season the entire $2,100 would be applied to the current year. If the cut occurred during the season $525 would be applied to the current year, and $1,575 would be applied to the following year. Penalties are to be rounded to the nearest dollar. Salary cap penalties are removed at the end of the year when contract years are cycled.

Starting Lineups and Roster Limits:

Each team is given an active roster with 18 slots, three practice squad slots, two developmental squad slots, and one IR slot. During the regular season the active roster limit of 18 may be exceeded as long as the proper adjusted within 24 hours, after which they will be deemed to have an illegal roster. During the off-season, total roster size in total may not exceed 21, with an additional two spots for development squad eligible. In this case, total roster size is 23.

A team is not automatically entitled to a full roster. If a team is at their salary or contract cap limits a team may not be able to fill their roster. Teams are not required to fill all roster spots, however throughout the regular season a team MUST carry enough players on their roster to field a full starting lineup (Bye weeks excluded). But a team can start a player on a bye IF they have no other player on their roster that can fill that position. If no other option is available, an owner may start a non-IR injured player.

Starting lineups are due in before the kickoff of the first game of the week. Each owner will be required to start 1 QB, 1 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, and 1 team defense. Each team will also be allowed two additional “offensive flex” players. Any RB, WR, or TE may be started as an offensive flex player. Since the league web site may not monitor which combination of 9 players an owner starts, it will be up to each owner to make sure he starts the correct number of players at each position. Failure to do so will result in the removal of a RB, WR, or TE from another position. The removed player will be the highest scoring player of the group.

Illegal Rosters

An illegal roster constitutes at least one of the following:
● Over the salary cap
● Over the allotted contract years
● Over the roster limit

The penalty for an illegal roster after the 24 hour grace period is $1,000 per day for 5 days for a max penalty of $5,000. At the end of 5 days the transaction is reversed and the owner is required to take the cap hit for the reversal. Roster penalties will be applied in the same manner as cap hits (25% in the current year and 75% in the following year). Furthermore, after five days there the illegal roster has not been fixed and the owner is not responding to any communications, they may then be considered an absentee owner. If they are deemed an absentee owner and henceforth replaced, the roster penalties will be revoked and the new owner will not assume them.

***note - In any situation where it is deemed a player purposefully attempted to keep an illegal roster to benefit his team, the commish and co-commish reserve the right to infer greater penalties upon that owner. i.e. - larger cap hit, draft pick loss, or loss of league membership.


Staff member
Absentee Owners:

Absentee owners are any of the following and subject to immediate replacement:

1. An owner not submitting a line-up for two consecutive weeks.
2. Starting injured players (with other options available on roster) that are known to not be playing for two consecutive weeks.
3. Carrying an illegal roster for more than five days.
4. Not participating in off-season activities such as rules discussion/voting, draft, and free agent bidding.

All efforts will be made to allow the owner to appeal their case if they disagree they are an absentee owner. However, the commissioner’s holds the final decision on league membership.


Ties in regular season and playoff games will be broken in favor of the team with the highest scoring selected bench player.

In order - Total points and then head to head results will be used for tiebreakers in playoff seedings. League software may not support this method; therefore the league rules overrule any tiebreaker settings.

Injured Reserve:

Each team is allowed to place 1 player on IR in the given season. Players on IR do not count towards the active roster of 18, nor do they count toward the total roster of 23. An owner may not move a player on IR back to the active roster. The owner is permitted to release the player with normal cap hits. To be eligible to be placed on IR, the player must be on the official NFL IR list. While on IR, the players salary and contract years continue to count toward the total cap. A player may have the franchise tag applied if they were on IR as long as they meet the stipulations to be tagged. Players who have been on the official NFL IR list are ineligible to have their contract renegotiated.

Practice Squad

Each team is allowed three practice squad slots. A practice squad may have no more than two veterans or two rookies. A practice squad player does not have a contract cap number and the practice squad player’s salary is the amount it was when the player was sent down to the practice squad. At any time a team may promote a player from their practice squad to their active roster. When promoted, the player is signed to their initial salary and is assigned contract years unless the player has not been on the practice squad for at least 48 hours. Any player demoted to the practice squad and promoted back to the active roster before 48 hours have expired is automatically given a 1 year contract. An owner will have 24 hours to adjust their roster if after the promotion it results in an illegal roster.

Players that are placed on the practice squad are able to be bid on by the other owners in the league. To place a bid on player on another teams practice squad the owner must send both the controlling owner and the league commissioner a PM on KFFL and an email to the email listed on MFL. The bid must be for at least $1 more than the original salary. The email will serve as the official time stamp. The controlling owner will have 48 hours to either match or decline to match the bid. All practice squad matches must be posted on KFFL within the 48hr time period to be official. If after 48 hours there is no communication from the controlling owner, the bidding owner automatically wins ownership and assigns contract years.

If more than one owner places a bid within the 48 hour time period and prior to the controlling owner’s response to the first bid, bidding will be handled like a restricted free agent with bidding open to the entire league except for the controlling owner who will have the right to match the final bid. If the bidding will not be completed prior to the game of the player being bid on the controlling owner can promote the player to his active roster at his current rate and this player is eligible to be started. Once the bidding is complete the controlling owner has 48 hours to match the bid or allow the player to go to the new team.

To be eligible for the practice squad, the following stipulations must be met:

1. Must be signed to a contract of 1 year (1.5 years and above not acceptable).
2. Salary must be equal to or below $1000.
3. Player may not have been started at anytime by the controlling owner. This includes periods of prior ownership in the current season.

There are two methods on practice squad designation. During the weeks 1 through 12 of the regular season owners may designate eligible players to the practice squad at will from their active roster or from free agency. During week 13 the owner must create a thread on KFFL announcing their PS intentions. There will be a 24 hour window for open bidding. The owner may match or let the player go to the high bidder. If the final contract is under $1,000 the player is placed on the practice squad. If the final contract is greater than $1,000 then the owner must give contract years.

When rosters are frozen owners may promote from their PS, however they may not designate players to the PS.

Developmental Squad:

Each team is allowed two developmental squad slots. As with players on the practice squad, the salary does not go against the total cap. However, other owners may not place bids on players on the developmental squad. Placing a player on the developmental squad is an off-season activity. Players may not be placed on the developmental squad once the regular season begins. The following stipulations must be met to be eligible for the developmental squad:

1. Player must be drafted in the 2nd and 3rd rounds of the rookie draft.
2. A player acquired through trade in the off-season may be placed on the developmental squad as long as they were drafted in either the 2nd or 3rd round.

There is no maximum length of time a player may be assigned to the developmental squad. The player may be moved to the active roster, practice squad, or released at anytime. A player may not be placed back onto the developmental squad. If released, a cap hit will be charged assuming the player was assigned a contact of 1 year.

During the regular season players on the developmental squad may be traded, but may not be placed on the new owner’s developmental squad. At completion of the trade the new owner must assign contract years at the new sliding scale salary (see below).

An owner may promote a player from the developmental squad to the active roster at any time. However, the player’s salary will be determined by a sliding scale of the player’s position franchise amount and length of time on the developmental squad.

The sliding salary scale is:
• If drafted in the 2nd rd: First year on the DS, salary is 15% of the player’s position Franchise Tag salary. 2nd year on the DS, salary is 30% of the player’s position FT salary, 3rd year = 45% and so on until the salary reaches the player’s position Franchise Tag level. It’s an increase of 15% of the player’s position FT salary each year.

• If drafted in the 3rd rd: First year on the DS, salary is 10% of the player’s position Franchise Tag salary. 2nd year on the DS, salary is 20% of the player’s position FT salary, 3rd year = 30% and so on until the salary reaches the player’s position Franchise Tag level. It’s an increase of 10% of the player’s position FT salary each year.

• If a player is promoted during the first year on the DS - he is given the first year salary. A player does not have to be on the DS for a full year before getting that salary, but rather as soon as they are on it for any portion of that year, that is the salary that counts for them if promoted.

Time Periods (for bidding and illegal rosters)

Time periods involving bidding will all be 48 hours (this excludes the new blind bidding process and the week 13 PS waiver period). This means for PS's, RFA, UFA, and players that haven't cleared waivers from being dropped, the time periods are all 48 hours. The only thing this changes is that an owner now has 48 hours to match a PS bid instead of 24 hours.

Time periods involving illegal rosters will be 24 hours in most cases. The only exception is in FCFS waivers. If you add a player in FCFS and that gives you an illegal roster, there is NO grace period. It is one thing with the timing of trades or winning bids to need a 24 hour grace period (even just to find out a proposed trade has been accepted or a bid has been won) because those things involve other people, but when you make a FCFS pick-up there is no reason that you cannot at the same time make appropriate cuts to make sure your roster is legal. So there will be no grace period for FCFS waivers, but for all other illegal rosters, there will be a 24 hour period to get in compliance.

Special Contract Rules Regarding Defenses:

Each team is only allowed to have one defense on their roster signed to a contract of over 1 year.


There are 3 tiers of teams in the playoffs. Tier A will be the six teams that advance to the championship rounds, Tier B and C are teams playing for draft positioning. The playoff period will be weeks 14 to 16 of the NFL schedule. There will be no official games played during the final week (17) of the NFL regular season.

Tier A

The top 6 six teams make the championship bracket with the top 2 earning round 1 byes. In the event of a tie, the tie breaker will go in order of total points to head to head match up. The first round of the playoffs will start at the beginning of week 14. The remaining teams will be ranked 1 through 4 based on record, then total points, and then by divisional record. Team 1 will play Team 4 and Team 2 will play Team 3. For the 2nd round, the divisional winners will be ranked 1 and 2 based on record, then total points, and then by divisional record. The winners of the 2nd round will be ranked 3 and 4 by the same parameters. The 2nd round of the playoffs will have Team 1 play Team 4, and Team 2 play Team 3 and occur during week 15. The winners will face each other for the league championship during week 16.

Tier B and C

As stated in the rookie draft portion of the rules, tiers B and C will be playing for draft position and the seeding method is the same as Tier A, with the exception no teams have a 1st week bye. Seedings will be as follows:
Tier B: Team 7 vs Team 10, Team 8 vs 9
Tier C: Team 11 vs Team 14, Team 12 vs Team 13

Trade Deadline and Trade Stipulations

During the regular season there shall be a trade deadline of week 13. Trades must be accepted and agreed upon (in person or via proxy) on KFFL by the end of the final game of week 13 to be official. Trading in the off-season will begin in accordance with the league timeline. The following stipulations exist for trading:

1. RFA rights may be traded.
2. The trading of cap (dollars and years) is prohibited, as is the trading of cap penalties.
3. A team is allowed to trade their pick(s) in the rookie draft for players, other draft picks, or a combination of the two. Owners may trade future picks within the period of the next two years. For example, the league is operating within the ’07 season (rosters not rolled to ’08), the owner may trade ’08 and ’09 picks. Once the ’07 rosters have been rolled to ’08, owners may trade ’09 and ’10 picks.
4. An owner will have 24 hours to adjust their roster if after the trade it is illegal. After 24 hours the owner will begin to accrue roster penalties per the rules.
5. As a general rule of good faith, when proposed a trade, an owner should respond to the owner who initiated discussions within 48 hours.
6. Although KFFL is the official message board announcing trades, if a trade is proposed on MFL and then accepted on MFL, the owner that proposed the trade MAY NOT change their mind. It is the responsibility of the owner proposing the trade to cancel the trade offer via MFL prior to it being accepted.
7. An owner may trade, trade for, and start a player as long as the player’s team in question has NOT started their weekly schedule. Once the players NFL team has started their game for the week that player is ineligible to be traded.

Dumping and Collusion:

Under no circumstances will player dumping or collusion be allowed. Any trades that clearly benefit only one team or the intentional submission of a non-competitive** lineup both qualify as collusion. Any such actions will be grounds for immediate removal from the league. If any owner suspects such actions they may request the commissioner and assistant commissioner investigate. If the commissioner and assistant commissioner both find the actions of any owner against the best interests of their team then the offending owner may be removed or subject to disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action short of removal from the league will be left up to the discretion of the commissioner and assistant commissioner. Removal from the league may require a majority vote from the rest of the owners. If the commissioner or the assistant commissioner is the player suspected of collusion then the action shall be put up for a league vote.

While it may be tempting to submit non-competitive lineups once your team is eliminated from the playoff hunt, this is not fair to the rest of the league. A team intentionally throwing games throws off the competitive balance of the league, and can severely alter the chances of teams in the playoff hunt. This is a friendly league, so please be fair to the rest of the league and give it your best even if you’re not playing for anything.
The normal penalty for a team involved in illegal activity that does not lead to removal from the league will be a forfeiture of draft picks and/or banning from trading for one year.

Voting, Rule Changes, and Disputes:

Rule changes can be proposed by owners during the off-season. For a rule change to pass it must receive a majority of votes from the owners in the league, but rule changes that specifically remove one of the league’s basic foundations are not allowed. This league will always be a dynasty, contract, and salary cap league. Modifications may be made, but owners cannot vote to eliminate those basic characteristics from the league. In cases of a tie when voting the commissioner’s vote counts as two votes to break the tie.

Once the draft or free agency has started rule changes can only be proposed by the commissioner, and must receive a 2/3’s majority to pass.

In cases of rules interpretation or disputes the commissioner has the authority to make a ruling. When a problem comes up that isn’t clearly addressed in the rules the commissioner will either make a decision if it is a unique situation, or propose the league vote to create a new rule addressing the situation. In such a case any immediately affected owners do not receive votes. If the commissioner is an affected owner the assistant commissioner assumes the commissioner’s role and has the tie-breaking vote.

As a general rule, all rule changes will occur off-season. Only in rare circumstances will a rule be changed during the season.

Software or Web-Hosting issues

Any unique problems caused by software or web hosting are the responsibility of the owner to catch. An attempt will be made to resolve these issues in a reasonable manner that everyone can agree to, but if we are unable to come to a mutual resolution the owner whose roster or lineup is affected becomes responsible. An example of this is CBS sportsline and NFL.com software that puts acquired players in as active on the roster even if they exceed the starter limit.

Out of League Clause

Any player retiring or permanently removed from the NFL due to disciplinary or legal trouble may be cut without cap penalty regardless of the details of the contract. If such a player again enters the league the owner who cut the player relinquishes all rights to the player when cutting him. This does not include players who receive suspensions from the NFL (i.e. one year drug suspensions). Also covered under this rule would be the passing of any active player.

League Timeline

• Rules Discussion
• Vote on new rules
• PS/DS designations
• Franchise tags and contract renegotiations
• Rookie Draft
• UFA (time permitting)
• Contracts due (about 1 week before start of season)
• Regular Season
• Play-offs

League Scoring

Offensive Scoring
Passing TDs 4 points each
Passing Interceptions -1 points each
Passing Yards 1 point for every 25 yards
Passing Two-point Conversion 2 points each
Rushing TDs 6 points each
Rushing Two-point Conversion 2 points each
Receiving TDs 6 points each
Receiving Two-point Conversion 2 points each
Fumbles Lost -1 points each
Rushing Yards 1 point for every 10 yards
Receiving Yards 1 point for every 10 yards
Receptions 1 point per reception
Field Goals 3 points each 0-49 yards
4 points each 50+ yards
Missed Field Goal -1 point each 0-49 yards
Extra Points 1 point each
Missed Extra Point -1 point each

Defensive Scoring
Total Defensive TDs (inc. ST TDs) 6 points each
Safeties 2 points each
Sacks 1 point each
Interceptions 2 points each
Defensive Fumbles Recovered 2 points each
Blocked kicks 2 points each
Points allowed = 0 (not including xp’s) 6 points
Points allowed = 1-6 (not including xp’s) 4 points
Points allowed = 7-13 (not including xp’s) 2 points
Points allowed = 14-34 (not including xp’s) 0 points
Points allwed = 35+ -3 points


Staff member
So in terms of the league rules, there's a boat load of questions that we need to go through, including stuff like:

- How many owners?
- Do we want a contract cap (each team has a set number of contract years they can allocate across their team, aims to enhance player movement)?
- Calculate rookie salaries
- Calculate cost of franchise tags per position
- Do we want to have RFAs? If so how do we implement (e.g. Some leagues have that if you give a rookie 3 or less years contract, they are then a RFA). This also would then bring RFA bidding into the league
- Calculate salary cap penalties
- Determine cost of cutting or trading players. Some leagues place a cost of 20% of annual contract for cutting or trading a player (e.g. if you have player X on a 3 year deal at $10k per season, if you cut or trade him it would cost you $6k)
- UFA bidding increments
- How many Practice Squad spots do we want? What are the rules around that (bidding, etc)?
- Do we want Developmental Squad spots?

Then there's the stuff that as the Commish you're gonna be responsible for, stuff like
- Monitoring salary cap infringements
- Calculating and making adjustments on trades and cuts (20% cost)
- Cycling contracts every year
- Other general stuff that comes up
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Staff member
The other thing is if we do go ahead with it, I strongly believe we would need to create a sub forum for it, because it would take a huge amount of forum space up. Particularly given we are starting from scratch

Think about it, a UFA thread needs to be created for each player so that owners can bid, assuming you have 18 man rosters (plus PS), you're looking at at least 150 threads, plus draft thread, trades, discussion, etc


Staff member
There's also more intricate rule stuff that comes up the more you play, stuff like:

- Should defenses be allowed on PS
- Should their be limits on UFA bidding? Issues with people placing too many bids (more than their cap allocation should they win all bids) in an effort to drive up prices
- Time limits on bidding, 24 v 48 hrs
- Should you only be allowed to allocate a 1 year contract to a player picked up during the season to then allow them to be bid on next offseason
- Requirements on PS eligible players, if you have 3 spots do you make the rule 2 rookies and 1 veteran. Limits on contract size for PS, usually it's $1k or less contract
- Setting up the league timeline is very important, you need set dates on allocating tags, RFAs, contract renegotiations, allocating years to players, finalising contract cap, etc
- Do we limit number of contract renegotiations per season


Staff member
Another set of example rules, they're similar but all have some little differences

Goals and Purpose
The purpose of this league is to promote friendship and contact between regular posters of the “KFFL – Fantasy Football” message board without hindering the valuable interaction that takes place there. For that reason the drafting and preseason free agency for this league will take place as early in the offseason as realistically possible. While an early draft and free agency may mean league participants are forced to make roster decisions a bit uninformed, everyone in the league will be at the same disadvantage. While a league that drafts in the late summer would be preferable, any league drafting during the time for normal fantasy football drafts would severely damage the discourse and free exchange of ideas that makes the KFFL message board so valuable to us.

The secondary purpose or goal of this league is to be as realistic as possible. For that reason the league will be both intricate and involved. Since many of the concepts for this league will be new to almost all of the participants, owners with a lot of experience are not required. All that is required is a high level of dedication.

Basic League Structure

The basic structure of the league is as follows, with more in-depth explanations of each detail to be described below. The league shall be a 16-team, 4-division, salary cap league with each player signed to a contract for a certain number of years. The value of a player’s contract shall be decided by one of five methods: draft, unrestricted free agency, restricted free agency, franchise player tagging, and contract renegotiation. Additionally, each player shall be assigned a number of contract years to be treated as a separate cap. As in the real NFL, there will be penalties against the salary cap for cutting a player before the final year of his contract.

League scoring will be performance based with an emphasis on scoring. Rosters will contain 18 active players and each owner will also be allotted three slots for practice squad players and one slot for a player on IR.

The league will have 16 owners and an alternate list will be made if extra owners are available. The only specification for ownership shall be active membership at the KFFL fantasy football forum. If there are more than 16 interested owners the final membership decision is to be made by the commissioner. The commissioner’s decision will be based primarily on length of membership and activity level on the KFFL fantasy football message board. Any extra prospective owners will be given the opportunity to be placed on the alternate list. If two owners agree, co-ownership will be allowed.

If an owner decides to abandon ownership of their team a substitute owner will be found from the alternate list. Additionally, if an owner is classified an absentee owner, an owner is involved in a collusionary trade, or an owner’s participation is inadequate, a league vote can be called for by the commish or any two owners. If the league votes to replace an owner a new owner will be taken off of the alternate list.

In case of a family emergency or when an owner knows they will be unable to handle their team for a set period of time, an owner has two alternatives. In either case the owner must alert the commish or asst. commish before the current week’s game. Then the player may either chose to have a stand-in owner manage their team or use the weekly player rankings at www.footballguys.com. If a stand-in owner is requested someone from the KFFL fantasy football message board will be selected by the commish or asst. commish to run the team until the owner returns. That stand-in will only be able to select starting lineups, however, and will not be able to trade or add/drop players. If the weekly rankings at footballguys.com are chosen a starting lineup with 2 RB’s and 3 WR’s will be chosen.

Salary Cap
Each team will be restricted to a $115,000 salary cap. A team’s total salary cap number is made up of the total salaries of all of the players on the team’s active roster, IR, and any cap penalties the team has incurred. The player on a team’s practice squad does not count against their salary cap. At no time during the NFL season is a team allowed to go over the $115,000 cap, and any trades or free agency transactions a team makes must be made in observance of the cap. During the UFA and RFA bidding teams are allowed to have bids out exceeding their total salary cap. See the bidding section of the rules for further details. The 24 hour grace period also applies to teams taking over players under renegotiated contracts.

Any other violation of the salary cap will be the fault of the team(s) involved and the offending transaction will be reversed. Trading of salary cap room or salary cap penalties to another team is not allowed. There is no maximum salary an individual player may receive, but there is a minimum salary of $300 for all players. If a free agent acquisition is reversed due to a salary cap violation that player must clear the waiver process before becoming a free agent again. Waivers, salary cap penalties, and how a player arrives at a specific salary cap number will be described below.

Initial Draft (Left in in case someone else wants to use these rules for their league)
The initial league draft is to start March 10th if possible. The draft shall be held at antsports.com if possible, but in all likelihood will be held at the KFFL website in a specific forum set up for this league.

The initial draft shall be held in a serpentine manner with the #1 team picking first in the first round, last in the second round, and so on. After the initial draft, player acquisitions for the rest of the season shall be handled by the rookie draft and free agency rules. The initial draft setup is only going to be used to get the league up and running. An internet-based random number generator shall determine draft order for the initial draft. The person with the highest score shall be given their choice of draft position. The person with the second-highest score will then get their choice of draft position and so on until everyone has a draft position.

One of the unique aspects of this league is that every draft position has an associated salary cap value. That value for each position can be found in an excel file in the commissioner’s control. The concept behind the values associated with each draft position is twofold: First, the overall trend is that players picked in the early rounds have a very high salary cap value and that value decreases in a trend approximating an exponential function. By the 13th round all players picked are making the league minimum. This is a trend very similar to how the real NFL draft works. At the end of the draft each team should be left with one or two high-priced studs, a solid group of well-paid starters, and almost all of a team’s backups will be making the league minimum. This mirrors how the real NFL works. The second goal of the initial draft is leave each team with an equal salary cap number at the end of the draft. For that reason each group of two rounds decrease at a linear value. That value is very high in the first few rounds, and decreases until finally leveling out at the league minimum. Since the draft is serpentine that method leaves each team with the same cap number in the end.

If each team keeps their original draft picks they will end with a total salary cap number of $102,830. That value is well below the total salary cap of $115K. Trading of draft picks in the initial draft, rookie draft, and future rookie drafts are all allowed. If a team acquires draft picks with associated salary cap numbers exceeding their cap limit that team will not be allowed to pick players in the draft with cap values that would put the team over the cap. It is therefore in an owner’s best interest to plan for their draft and the salary cap ramifications ahead of time and trade any extra picks away.

Rookie Draft and Initial Rookie Draft
The normal draft process for the league shall be a rookie-only draft. The rookie-draft will consiste of three rounds. Draft order for the rookie draft will be based on reverse order of finish in the league, and will not be serpentine except for the initial year of the league. All other years the draft will be a normal draft with the #1 seated team picking 1st in each round and so on. Teams with similar records will be seated using the league’s official tie-breaking system.

As with the initial draft, there will be a contract value associated with each pick in the rookie draft. Unlike the rookie draft, however, the total cap implications of each team’s picks are not equal. The cap value of the first pick is quite high while the value of the 16th pick is the league minimum. Those values can be found on the official league spreadsheet containing draft information. A team is allowed to trade their pick(s) in the rookie draft for players, other draft picks, or a combination of the two.

For the initial year of the league the rookie draft will follow a serpentine draft order since no previous records are available. It is important that everyone notice that the values associated with the top few picks WILL cause their team to exceed the salary cap if they keep and plan to sign all of their original draft picks. Again, those teams are encouraged to trade draft picks.

If the timer expires on a draft pick, the pick will be skipped. The owner of any skipped pick may use that pick to make a selection at any time afterwards, choosing from the players who are still left on the board at the time. The draft pick's original salary still applies. For example, if the 2nd overall pick is skipped, the salary associated with the 2nd overall pick is given to the player selected with that pick, no matter when the selection is made.

Signing Contracts
When a player is drafted or acquired as a free agent the player must be signed to a contract within 24 hours. There are two components to a contract: salary and years. Further, there are two types of contracts: straight and bonus. The salary of a straight contract is the amount bid or the assigned draft slot’s salary. The salary of a bonus contract is the bid amount or slot amount discounted by 20%. The extra 20% is guaranteed money equal to 20% of the annual salary multiplied by the years assigned. This figure will be used to assess penalties if the player’s tenure with a team ends before the contract expires. Once a contract is signed by notifying the commish and/or the league, the contract is fixed and may not be altered.

During the regular season a player acquired as a free agent is automatically assigned a minimum contract of $300 and 1 year. Players acquired via trade come with a predetermined contract that cannot be altered by the new owner except to convert salary to bonus money. Players acquired during the offseason have to be signed within 24 hours of a winning bid.

After the end of the year on a date decided by the league contracts are “cycled”, and one year is rolled off of each player’s contract. At that time, any player with zero years left on his contract becomes a free agent, and any player with only ½ a year left on his contract becomes a restricted free agent. (Half-years are no longer used.)

Free Agents and Waivers

All free agents and waivers are bid on in an auction-style bidding process. A separate thread on the league message board will be started for each player, and owners will have an opportunity to bid on players by posting a message with their bid. Bids must be made using the following increments: $100 increments until bidding reaches $1,000; $500 increments from $1,000 to 10,000; $1000 increments from $10,000 to $25,000; $2000 increments over $25,000. Final rights to a player will go to the highest bidder when there have been no new bids for 48 hours. If bids continue for too long it is at the commissioner’s discretion to announce an ending time for the auction. (We do not need to watch a stud player’s value rise in $1 increments to $20,000.)
Only 5-year vets in the final year of their draft contract can be RFAs. That means that the only players eligible to be restricted are ones that got a contract of 5 years when they were drafted. To restrict a player, the owner gives him a tender offer equal to the average of the top 16 performers at the position. This sets the starting point for the bidding. The original owner can match the highest bid. If the original owner chooses not to match it, he/she gets a draft pick equal to the round the player was drafted.
(For transition, any player with a half-year contract will be restricted according to the old rules preserved here. That means no compensation; you only have the ability to match the highest bid. No new contracts would have half-years. Also, anyone with a half-year contract on a player that would be eligible for restricted status under the new rules can choose to drop the half-year as long as that would result in an original contract length of 5 years or more.)
Restricted free agents will be bid on in a separate bidding period before unrestricted free agents. The restricted free agency period shall be held after the NFL’s rookie draft. The owner controlling the restricted free agent will not be allowed to bid on the player, and at the conclusion of the bidding process the controlling owner has the option of retaining that player by matching the highest bid. The owner has 24 hours to make this decision. If the controlling owner decides not to match the high bid then the high bidder gains rights to the player and must sign a contract within 24 hours.
After the restricted free agency period ends unrestricted free agency will begin. Unlike restricted free agency, the rights to unrestricted free agents immediately go to the high-bidder when there are no new bids for 48 hours or a commish appointed time arrives. The player must be signed to a contract within 24 hours.

During the season a system of blind bidding and FCFS (first come first serve) waivers will be used for the waiver selection process of free agents. All blind bids will be due Tuesday night at midnight. FCFS waivers will begin 9am ET Wednesday.

FCFS transactions are locked at the start of the player’s respective game and all FCFS transactions are locked at the start of the first Sunday game. For example, if Player A is scheduled to play on Thursday/Saturday, his FCFS availability is locked at game time and therefore he is only available for blind-bidding or until FCFS transactions reopen the following week. All other players are available for FCFS until the first game on Sunday.

If a player plays on Thursday or Saturday, you will still be able to pick that player up on MFL until the first Sunday game. BUT by our rules you won't be allowed to - that is one thing MFL cannot do.

All players acquired through blind bidding waivers are signed to a one-year contract at the highest bid salary. All players acquired through FCFS waivers are signed to a league minimum contract ($300, one-year). Any cuts made to accommodate an acquired player are subject to cap penalties if applicable.

All players released during the season must first clear waivers before becoming free agents. The waiver process is similar to the free agency bidding process except it ends 72 hours after the player is released OR 24 hours before the first game of the week, whichever is longer. Any owner interested in a released player can start a bidding thread on the league message board. The owner releasing a player, however, is unable to bid on that player during the waiver process. If no bids are placed on a player that player is again designated a free agent, and the original owner can again acquire the player as a free agent.

All free agency will be frozen after the regular season and before the start of the first playoff game for all teams not in the playoffs. These cutoffs for picking up free agents will be at the conclusion of the Monday night game the week that this rule pertains to each team. For non-playoff teams this will be week 13, for playoff teams the Monday that they are eliminated from the playoffs. Playoff bound teams may make acquisitions up to the point they are eliminated from the playoffs. Free agents picked up by playoff teams when the rest of the league is locked out from making pickups may only be signed to one year contracts.

Bids over the cap and associated penalties
Owners have 24 hours after a successful bid to clear up the cap space required to fit a newly acquired FA on their roster and under the salary cap. (Meaning teams are allowed to have bids out that, if successful, push a team over their total cap.) If an owner does not clear out the cap space in time, a 20% cap hit is assessed (based on the value of the contract that pushed the team over). No bids may be placed when a team’s cap is not in order. Teams must honor contracts to all acquired FA’s by clearing out enough space to fit them legally on the roster. This means that FA’s acquired that push a team over the cap may not be immediately cut in a “change of heart” until that player has been on the team’s roster fitting under the salary cap.

Franchise Tags
An owner can franchise a player for the average of the top 5 salaries at the position OR 20% over his current salary, whichever is greater. This is a tender offer that sets the starting point for the bidding. If the owner chooses not to match the high bid, the new owner gives up a 1st in the next draft and a 1st in the following draft. If an owner does not have those picks available, he/she can not make a valid bid. If the new owner has multiple picks in a round, he/she gives up the highest available. If no one bids on the player or the original owner chooses to match, the player is signed at the highest bid (or tender offer) for 1 year.

Contract Renegotiations
Owners may renegotiate as many contracts as they want. To renegotiate a player's contract, the owner simply creates a bidding thread. The owner may match the highest bid, but does not receive compensation if he/she chooses to let the player go. If the owner matches the highest bid, he/she may assign up to 5 contract years. However, the owner is still on the hook for the guaranteed money from the original contract. Any guaranteed money from the original contract will be prorated over the life of the new contract in addition to any new guaranteed money. If the player's contract is terminated prematurely, penalties will be assessed for that full amount. If the owner chooses not to match the highest bid, any remaining guaranteed money will immediately be assessed as a salary cap penalty.

Guaranteed Money

For a bonus contract, 20% of the total contract value is guaranteed money that is prorated over the life of the contract. The owner is always responsible for this money. For example, if a player is signed to a $10,000 contract for 2 years, the guaranteed money is $4000, or $2000 per year. If a player is signed to a $40,000 contract for 5 years, the guaranteed money is $40,000, or $8000 per year.


Staff member
Salary Cap Penalties

Salary cap penalties are assessed any time a contract between a team and a player is prematurely terminated. This includes cuts and trades. The penalty is the guaranteed money remaining on the contract. If the player is cut in the off-season, the full remaining amount rolls up into the current cap. For example, if a player is signed to $10,000 for 5 years, the guaranteed money would be $10,000 or $2000 per year. If the player is cut after year 2, the remaining $6000 immediately hits the owner’s cap. If the player were cut after year 4, only $2000 would remain. If a player is cut during the season, that season’s prorated portion of the guaranteed money hits the owner’s cap immediately and the remaining prorated amount is assessed in the off-season. Taking the example above, if the player was cut in the middle of year 2, $2000 would immediately hit the owner’s cap and $6000 would be assessed in the off-season.

Salary cap penalties are removed at the end of the year when contract years are cycled.

Out of League Clause

Any player retiring or removed from the NFL due to disciplinary or legal trouble may be cut or signed as any other player. However, salary cap penalties apply as above.

Starting Lineups and Roster Limits:
Each team is given a roster with 18 slots, as well as three practice squad and one IR slot. That roster limit of 18 players may not be exceeded at any time except in the case of taking over the rights to a renegotiated player. A team is not automatically entitled to a full roster. If a team is at their salary or contract cap limits a team may not be able to fill their roster. At the start of the regular season and throughout the season a team MUST carry enough players on their roster to field a full starting lineup. This means a team is not allowed to blow their entire salary or contract cap on a few players and not bother drafting a TE or 2nd flex player.

Starting lineups are due in before the kickoff of the first game of the week. Each owner will be required to start 1 QB, 1 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 K, and 1 team defense. Each team will also be allowed two additional “offensive flex” players. Any RB, WR, or TE may be started as an offensive flex player. Since the league web site may not monitor which combination of 9 players an owner starts, it will be up to each owner to make sure he starts the correct number of players at each position. Failure to do so will result in the removal of a RB, WR, or TE from another position. The removed player will be the highest scoring player of the group. Failure to submit a starting line-up two consecutive weeks will designate an owner as an “Absentee owner”.

Absentee Owners:
Any owner not submitting or changing a line-up for two consecutive weeks becomes an absentee owner. If the league web-hosting site or software automatically carries starting lineups over from the previous week, rosters do not have to be changed. Starting a player on bye or a player who has been placed on IR, however, then qualifies for absentee owner status. Additionally, any owner not responding to or participating in preseason activities such as free agency and the draft shall also be designated an absentee. That owner is then subject to immediate replacement.

Standings are based on overall record. In cases where ties occur, they are broken first by conference record for teams in the same conference. If a tie still occurs, head-to-head record will be used to break 2-way ties. In cases of 3-way ties or when a tie still occurs after examining head-to-head results, total fantasy points scored will be used. Ties in individual weekly (and playoff) games will be broken in favor of the team with the highest scoring bench.

Draft order for the next year will be determined based on the opposite of regular season standings except for teams making the playoffs. Playoff team’s will have their draft order determined based on the opposite order of their finish in the playoffs and will draft in the last six places in the first round. For teams eliminated in the same round of the playoffs normal tiebreakers based on regular season record will be used to determine draft order. Again, teams with the inferior record will have the higher draft position.

Injured Reserve/Retired/Suspended:
If a player is officially suspended, placed on IR or retires from the NFL, you can put him in your IR slot. While in that spot, 20% of the player’s salary will count towards the salary cap. If the player is cut, normal penalties apply. As soon as a player returns to the league, he is moved out of the reserve slot and returns to his full salary. If this is during the season, the owner has until game time to straighten out his/her roster and cap. If it is during the off season, the owner will have 48 hours to fix it.

Practice Squad:
Each team is allowed three practice squad slots. A practice squad player does not have a salary or a contract cap number. In order to start a player off of a practice squad that player must first be signed to an owner’s the active roster. That player is then not allowed to move back to the practice squad before clearing waivers. Additionally, any team in the league may sign a player off of another team’s practice squad by sending an email to the commish and the team with the rights to the player. The controlling owner then has 24 hours to respond and match the offer to the practice squad player or the practice squad player goes to the new team. If the controlling owner is not around to receive the message that is that owner’s fault and the practice squad player is lost. If more than one owner becomes interested in a practice squad player within a 24 hour period bidding will be handled like a restricted free agent.

Any player with a league minimum salary of $300 and a contract of one year may be placed on a practice squad at any time during the year as long as that player has not been started. Any player at league minimum salary before contract years are assigned may also be placed on the practice squad. A player with a salary greater than $300 or a contract longer than one year may not be put on a practice squad. To place a player on an owner’s practice squad the commish and the rest of the league must be notified via email or the league’s message board. Rookies or free agents can be picked up and moved directly to the practice squad without a free roster slot.

Players promoted from the practice squad will be given a mandatory one-year contract at $300, unless the player was on the owner’s roster at the start of the season. In this case, the player may be signed for up to 3 years.

Special Contract Rules Regarding Defenses:
Each team is only allowed to have one defense on their roster signed to a contract of over 1-year. This is to avoid teams hoarding defenses and because team defenses are not realistic to begin with.

Dumping and Collusion:
Under no circumstances will player dumping or collusion be allowed. Any trades that clearly benefit only one team or the intentional submission of a non-competitive** lineup both qualify as collusion. Any such actions will be grounds for immediate removal from the league. If any owner suspects such actions they may request the commish and assistant commish investigate. If the commish and assistant commish both find the actions of any owner against the best interests of their team then the offending owner may be removed or subject to disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action short of removal from the league will be left up to the discretion of the commish and assistant commish. Removal from the league will require a majority vote from the rest of the owners. If the commish or the assistant commish is the player suspected of collusion then the action shall be put up for a league vote.

**While it may be tempting to submit non-competitive lineups once your team is eliminated from the playoff hunt, this is not fair to the rest of the league. A team intentionally throwing games throws off the competitive balance of the league, and can severely alter the chances of teams in the playoff hunt. This is a friendly league, so please be fair to the rest of the league and give it your best even if you’re not playing for anything.

The normal penalty for a team involved in illegal activity but not removed from the league will be a forfeiture of draft picks.

Voting, Rule Changes, and Disputes:
Rule changes can be proposed by owners in the off-season before the draft or free agency begins. For a rule change to pass it must receive a majority of votes from the owners in the league, but rule changes that specifically remove one of the league’s basic foundations are not allowed. This league will always be a keeper, contract, and salary cap league. Modifications to those systems may be made, but owners cannot vote to eliminate those basic characteristics from the league. In cases of a tie when voting the commissioner’s vote counts as two votes to break the tie.

Once the draft or free agency has started rule changes can only be proposed by the commish, and must receive a 2/3’s majority to pass.

In cases of rules interpretation or disputes the commish has the authority to make a ruling. When a problem comes up that isn’t clearly addressed in the rules the commish will either make a decision if it is a unique situation, or propose the league vote to create a new rule addressing the situation. In such a case any immediately affected owners do not receive votes. If the commish is an affected owner the assistant commissioner assumes the commissioner’s role and has the tie-breaking vote.

If the league or players affected by a commissioner’s ruling do not agree with the ruling that ruling may be challenged. In that case the commish and all affected owners do not receive votes, and the rest of the league must achieve a 2/3’s majority (of voting owners) to overturn a commissioner’s ruling.

Software or Web-Hosting issues:
Any unique problems caused by software or web hosting are the responsibility of the owner to catch. An attempt will be made to resolve these issues in a reasonable manner that everyone can agree to, but if we are unable to come to a mutual resolution the owner who’s roster or lineup is affected becomes responsible. An example of this is CBS sportsline and NFL.com software that puts acquired players in as active on the roster even if they exceed the starter limit.


The league schedule will consist of each team in the league playing their division rivals twice (a total of 6 games), other teams in their conference once (4 games), and 3 teams from the other conference.


Playoffs will start week 14 and run through week 16. The winning team in each of the four divisions will advance to the playoffs along with a wild card from each conference to be determined by best record and applicable tie-breakers. The two division winners with the best records will get a first round bye. The wild card game winner will advance to the conference championship with the top conference seed. The winners of those games advance to the league championship.

Trading Rules

Trading of players and/or picks take place at any time during the offseason. During the regular season there shall be a trade deadline. The transaction must be completed on the MFL site prior to the official kickoff time of the first game of week 8. It must also be posted on the KFFL forums. Any trades with a timestamp AFTER kickoff of the first game of week 8 will be disallowed and the transaction will be reversed on MFL by the commissioner.


Staff member
Ok I'll stop now, I think we need at least 12 owners to get this going.

If we're short I'm sure I can get a few extras

zombie jesus

Staff member
Haha thanks, I'll read that stuff over, definitely helps and I've got others I can reference too.

I know what I'm getting myself into, that's why I'm gauging interest before I put the the amount of work in that it's going to need. Certainly a lot harder to set up when there is money involved, there needs to clarity in the by-laws so there's as little disruption as possible. How complicated it will be with salary caps etc I'm not sure yet, I'll decide when I set it up, if some things are over my head it won't be included. Last thing I want to do is make it so its more work for me than fun.

I've played on MFL and gone through a few times and set up dummy leagues in the past (yeah I'm that guy lol) so I'm not going in totally blind.