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Only 1 Wests Tigers player would have been picked in Ricky's Kangaroo camp.

Heighnington was the in form 2nd rower of the finals series
Fitzy was the in form winger os the finals series

it's a travesty neither of them were selected

Halatau was the inform forward of the finals series damn did hes move too lock pay off big time
grouch said:
Not too bright at all - I said "tend to make".


Well mr intellectual f**kwit ,show me some examples of where i "tend to make" spelling mistakes........ you brought it up in my post about Walker & there were no mistakes in it ,so show me where they are ...... or did you shoot your big mouth off without evidence
grouch said:
Interesting to note only 4 Cowboys were chosen for the camp. Supports the theory that Nth Qld are overrated and lucked their way to the 05 GF.

Well i stand corrected . I thought the comment about Walker being a good player was the most idiotic statement i had read on here, but ladies & gentlemen we have a new winner.

Please enlighten us on the overrated theory ,as i would love to know how a team 'lucks" it's way into a GF
I would not call it luck outplaying a team that plays well most of the yr &then cracks under finals pressure. I would say it is handling the pressure alot better than the other team .
Let me guess you would probably be a supporter of one of the two well known "crack under pressure teams".. Dragons or Eels..
Please explain how a team can be overrated when they made it to the GF qualifier in 2004 & to the GF in 2005 ?
you sir are a tool.


Geez the latest development - Orana Valley, Port McQuarie, Kempsey, Young, Harden are also whinging that they didn't get told by the ARL of which of their players weren't advised that they wouldn't make the weekend camp. They stated that "other clubs are being stupid about a weekend camp - so can we.."

The clubs further stated that the fact that they had a game of touch football arranged that weekend at Yass shouldn't have stopped Ricky from advising them of which players weren't named because of it. Further country teams are also incensed by the Australian coach not ringing them - The coach of Yass United further stated that they are all sucking dummies because they weren't told. He is just waiting for the dummy spit to start as he believes it already has started in Sydney.

This story is brought to you by Rebecca Wilson, Tim Sheens, Gus Gould, Ricky Stuart and Wayne Bennett (the puppet master)

Hari Kari

Stranger said:
2004 GF
El Masri 1
Utai 2

El Masri 2/4

1 Minichiello
1 Walker

2/2 Fitzgibbon
Field Goals
1 Finch

So... sh*t players do, but average players dont?

Lots of rep jumpers amongst those try scorers, what was your point again?

dazza62 said:
Well mr intellectual f**kwit ,show me some examples of where i "tend to make" spelling mistakes........ you brought it up in my post about Walker & there were no mistakes in it ,so show me where they are ...... or did you shoot your big mouth off without evidence

Your spelling isn't too bad but your punctuation is atrocious.


First Grade
lol Pathetic dazza. You do nothing but sling mud around here, but when some flies back in your direction you babble petulant childish nonsense in a girly hissy fit. There's nothing more pathetic than a squirming troll. More mud coming.

Luck. Cowboys limped into the playoffs and were completely destroyed in week one by the Tigers. Week two against Melbourne (a team that had become notorius big-game faders under the leadership of Matt Orford) in a match remarkable for its total lack of intensity. It's fair to say the game was more lost by Melbourne than it was won by Nth Qld. A lame intercept try proved decisive. Parramatta simply had to show up to beat you in week 3, luckily for you they didn't show up. And the Tigers always had the grand final comfortably in control, adding another 30 to the 50+ haul three weeks earlier.

Overrated. Some people are tipping the Cowboys to finish among the top 3 in 2006, despite the following facts: they were lucky in 2005; they've lost their key go-forward man in Rauhihi; they have the slowest centre pairing in the league; they have a still unproven and tenuous halfback.

Squirm baby squirm.
grouch said:
lol Pathetic dazza. You do nothing but sling mud around here, but when some flies back in your direction you babble petulant childish nonsense in a girly hissy fit..

Pathetic, is a tool commenting on my spelling errors & then changing the subject when asked to show proof.
Admit it ,you were wrong & didn't like being caught out .
Still waiting to see if i was right about what team you follow ... It's got to be one of the chokers ,which would explain the bitterness towards the Cowboys .
Luck. Cowboys limped into the playoffs
How is finishing 5th limping in ?

and were completely destroyed in week one by the Tigers.
Agreed 100%

Week two against Melbourne (a team that had become notorius big-game faders under the leadership of Matt Orford) in a match remarkable for its total lack of intensity. It's fair to say the game was more lost by Melbourne than it was won by Nth Qld. A lame intercept try proved decisive.
So the cowboys didn't win it ,the storm lost it. yehhh right. NQ won by 8 pts ,& all tries are decisive in a tight big game no matter how they are scored.
Parramatta simply had to show up to beat you in week 3, luckily for you they didn't show up.

Funny it just must have been my tv ,but it looked like 13 blue &yellow players out there.You can call it not showing up ,i call it not handling the pressure, ( an affliction dragons fans know very well ).

And the Tigers always had the grand final comfortably in control, adding another 30 to the 50+ haul three weeks earlier.
Crap, it was a close game up until the dissallowed try to the Cowboys . After that Thurston went off his game & was more concerned with abusing the touch judge than playing footy. It was all downhill after that & i hope he learnt a lesson from it.
Overrated. Some people are tipping the Cowboys to finish among the top 3 in 2006, despite the following facts: they were lucky in 2005; they've lost their key go-forward man in Rauhihi; they have the slowest centre pairing in the league; they have a still unproven and tenuous halfback.
i am tipping them to finish in the top 4, but it makes little difference where you finish in the 8 if you are going to crack when the pressure is on. (look at Parra 1st after 26 rds ,but didn't help them in the GF qualifier)
Squirm baby squirm

nah i will leave that for the Dragons fans..


First Grade
I have no bitterness towards the Cowboys, my bitterness is directed at you alone. This has merely been an exercise in reverse-trolling, and you have bitten harder than I could have hoped. The majority of your posts in this forum have been steaming rancour-driven turds - I just figured it's about time for you to stand down wind.
grouch said:
I have no bitterness towards the Cowboys, my bitterness is directed at you alone. This has merely been an exercise in reverse-trolling, and you have bitten harder than I could have hoped. The majority of your posts in this forum have been steaming rancour-driven turds - I just figured it's about time for you to stand down wind.

Still upset over your overrated under achieving Draggirls choking again..
Try watching the 99 Gf it cheers me up

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