No, we expect discretion and a bit of compassion to a family who has gone through a great deal of pain over the last few months.Over the top sensationalism with its front page headline of a yet unproven nature ,is pathetic.
We expect ASADA to get on with the job,and previous emplyees of that organisation such as Ings to stop prancing around the stage,full of his own importance and let others do the job.
We expect law enforcement organisations not to leak information whether true or false .it is up to the final arbiters to make their decision,without public announcements ,that in fact may compromise the investigation.Leakers of that nature should also be brought to justice.It happens in trials.
We expect a media organisation such as News ltd,to have learnt lessons after their hacking debacle in the UK.Painfully they have not.
There is a presumption of innocence until all facts are laid bare,what has been portrayed over the last 2 months ,is anything but.
I feel deeply for the Mannah family,I have no feelings whatsoever for the lack of humanity and understanding shown by D grade journalists.One in particular who should know better due to experience,has sunk to a new low.