But your second quote just proves me right.
If these sponsors are lining up to work with Parra, then doing a deal with them is an inducement to stay with the Club.
Say Company X is one of those "lined up" to work with Parra now that Fitzy is gone. They're not gonna give HaHa $200k if she goes to Melbourne. They're only going to do it if she stays with Parra.
As such, this contract is an inducement to stay with Parra. That means that it will be included in the salary cap.
So, ok, the $150k that I mentioned specifically relates to existing Club sponsors.
However, my point remains valid in that we cannot use these "lined up" sponsors to keep HaHa by increasing the overall contract because these deals, as I have just shown, would be considered an inducement to stay at Parramatta. Note also that it says:
Income that a player earns from parties not related to his Club is generally not included in the Salary Cap
which essentially means these current non-sponsors would not be able to have a deal with HaHa without it being included in the salary cap because the fact that they are "lined up" to work with us makes them "related to the Club" and thus automatically brings in the salary cap.
1) Players can earn their own money, based on their intellectual property rights. The Club must be informed of these deals and the Club must in turn inform the NRL but if they are legitimately done (with no connection to the Club and without infringing on the NRL's own intellectual property rights) then they will not be knocked on the head by Ian Schubert.
2) Any company, party or person who is connected or related to the Club will have any contract with a player included in the salary cap. As such, if the Club is involved in helping to negotiate the deal (or even introduce the parties) then this will come under the salary cap.
Look at what happened with Spags and the property deals. If I remember correctly, whilst Spags wasn't an official sponsor of the Club he was "connected" to the Club and so that is why the deals were investigated.
3) This company will sponsor you if you stay with Parramatta but they won't if you go to Melbourne because this company is "lined up" to do business with us - this is an inducement to stay with the Club and is thus under the salary cap.
Does that sound right?