Some Labor woes ( in my view):
Well their Ukrainian policy can’t be distinguished from the libs. Anybody who knows anything about the Ruskie military, knows that however f**ked they have been, and illegal in their invasion, they can be 100s of times worse. I’m tired of ukkie civilian deaths. I hope you are too.
When scomo first arrived in Hawaii and the fires broke, Albo said he deserved a holiday. Now the ALP are busy criticising him being totally and unashamedly hypocritical.
Albo belted on about the Very Fast Train, which nobody really cared about when the latest pandemic had everyone scared and was killing people. I’d never heard a politician so out of touch. I was very angry.
It’s well known the ALP are beholden to the radical left, who belt on about identity politics and other garbage and ignore the real issue of distribution of resources in society, the housing policy whilst something… is a band aid over an amputated leg.
It’s ok to belt on about womens rights and set up a big government bureaucracy, but here in NSW women in domestic violence scenarios are seeing the funding to refuges and other services cut. These women need resources now, they don’t need virtue signalling lectures. Where’s the policy?
Albo is another bad candidate. A political operative par excellence, uninspiring. I don’t care if he makes mistakes, I want policy.
Back the day, the Labor party had loads of good candidates. They are facing a tired, vulnerable and incompetent government but they’ve been pissing their opportunities away.
Anyway, don’t say I’m not balanced.
As per every election in the last 25 years, it’s about choosing the lesser of the evils.
Vote for whoever you want.