Your confusing acquiescence with pacifism.
As Donald Chinula ~ Professor of Theology & Personality [Psychology] said in one of his essays about Martin Luther King..
African American acquiescence to segregation and discrimination in this society in order to keep the peace or not rock the boat is not peace in King's thought. It is contained violence. Such peace obscures oppression, exploitation and dehumanisation. It is ungodly and contributes to unspeakable pain, suffering and sorrow. This kind of peace erodes and corrupts the social fibre at the same time that it twists and torments the human psyche. It is insufferable, diabolical and intolerable.
How does oppression manifest itself in the structures and systems of society? What are the psychological and theological issues surrounding the phenomena of a tortured self-identity and diminished self-esteem? Through the study of King's life and witness, Building King's Beloved Community seeks...
I will get back to you in more depth on this later Gronky. Thank you for the point.
But if I may take a cheap shot for the time being as I am busy at work:
People having the shit blown out of them right now aren’t especially interested in the finer points of first world philosophical discourse!!
It’s a bit Blackadderish Gronky.
The China Syndrome:-
With the recent China stuff, Ālbo wasn’t too careful with his words at the start of the quad, and then later, you can see -he retracted the strength of it.
There was no need for such criticism of China at first instance. Saying nothing may have been wiser.
But the damage seems done.
Having poked the panda, that might give the Chinese more reason to project their military power into our backyard, an expensive outing for our kids and future generations.
Because we will see fit to upgrade all our military gear and less money for the massive welfare programs, education, health, housing and helping the poor and battling people which I am in favour of.
Maybe you get to the quad and it’s kind of a political whitest lined fever, with some big boys and lose your head and It’s Patrick Herbert time.
Scomo would have gone a lot further I think, maybe announced a new air base on PNG with further orders for Raptors and B52’s. That wouldn’t have helped either.


It’s all very sad my friends.
I think we need to chill out a bit on these high level diplomatic visits as we keep stumbling about like the plastered guy at the back of the street gang. Agree with the boss at the front and then proceed to throw up and fall over.
Liberal, Labor the same lack of foresight.
ps: I like Herbert. He goes Ok.