Ooooh, this one hit at one of our resident Labor shills.
Simple answer is yes because:
1. they won't stop at superannuation
2. it is a tax on something you have'nt received. Surely even a Left wing apologist like yourself can see that.
3. there is no indexation to account for inflation. Becomes a tax now that will affect future generations as 'normal' superannuation balances grow.
4. as a solution to the housing crisis how long before they start taxing your unrealized increasing house value.
5. how long before they start taxing unrealized gains on investments i.e. shares etc
6. as in the article "the thin edge of the wedge"
I know you're glug, glug, glugging the Labor Koolaid but get your snout out of the trough and start looking beyond the election and ideological f**kwittery.