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OT: Joe Biden


Expect the Dems to mercilessly start throwing all those stones the Republicans were chucking at them back at the Trump glasshouse. Which team has the senile old fart now?


Expect the Dems to mercilessly start throwing all those stones the Republicans were chucking at them back at the Trump glasshouse. Which team has the senile old fart now?
We didn't have to wait for it.
Harris went straight to the throat calling out Trump as a predator, a liable Sexual abuser and a criminal. The winds have changed. Accommodating Joe is gone. Harris will need the good workers at the Secret Service on her detail. She will be the most hated MAGA target ever.

Tis interesting to see Harris breaking fundraising records in the first twenty four hours.
Money talks in America, money is their god. Money means status, worth, and an endorsement of your right to hold power in their culture.
The endorsements from the Parties big guns come rolling in when the cash is flowing (Clintons aside who stood for her early) Pelosi held back a click till this morning when the $$$ spoke.

The Obama's are too smart to be seen as black folks automatically backing her and giving the appearance of a coronation.


Staff member
Harris is too radical for my taste and hasn’t demonstrated any competency in her handing of the border. She is renowned for missteps AND most crucially, is tied to Biden in terms of reputation.

I honestly think any smart Democrat apart from Harris would see this as a race to pass on. For Harris, it’s her only shot.

I think it’s going to be a landslide


Staff member
The debate will be interesting though. Harris is a prosecutor of note and Trump has the things to answer for. Biden couldn’t get the debate focussed on that. Maybe Harris can.


“Harris too radical” in what way? I don’t think any of the Democrats who’re anywhere positions of power are at all radical, they’re all tame centrist types.
People like Bernie and AOC are kept on the sidelines there.


“Harris too radical” in what way? I don’t think any of the Democrats who’re anywhere positions of power are at all radical, they’re all tame centrist types.
People like Bernie and AOC are kept on the sidelines there.
There is always patter about why a woman in a run for a top roll is inadequate, I wager that if you put forward the perfect woman, someone spotless with an an impeccable record, that the misogynists would find something wrong with her temperament, her appearance, her 'otherness' from the traditional male stereo type of strength and power.

The thing about Harris is that the rhetoric has very little substance, the truth is that none of us know who she is, what she really stands for, how capable she is. The big threat to the MAGA crowd and the 'any man would be better thinkers'....is that a Presidential Race gives Harris the spotlight to show the world who she is and to paint a contrast against the alternate. My god we saw that yesterday with the calling out the obscenity that is Trumps sexual offences and his all round unsuitability to lead the country.

Harris is already pulling ahead in a couple of polls (I realise polls are rubbish) the important thing being the messaging, the inference that she cannot win because of polls is being addressed.

Where you think the race sits if you are American depends on your bubble, from the outside I think MAGA would be stupid not to see a Sea change in the last two days. Ignoring the polls, there is no doubt that the Harris ticket as generated crazy momentum and excitement in the block that hate Trump yet had no stomach for Biden.

The assumption that Harris was more disliked than Biden and Trump is looking like Web talk with no substance, Harris has powerful blocks of voters she can reach that Trump and Vance (Vance is an appalling choice he called Trump Hitler).

Harris can reach the Youth.
The Female Vote.
The Men who hate Trump vote.
The people who place the constitution and democracy above race politics.
And she also looks capable of consolidating the fractured Democratic base and her pick of VP will likely be targeted at ensuring the Dem voters feel there is a balance.

What those groups need is to see a stable alternative, and Harris to me looks formidable.

In our own country, Adern became a schemer who was auditioning for the top UN job so she could oversee the new far left world order. She was also an agent for Black Rock. And her teeth showed that she like Helen Clarks jaw line was somehow an inferior human being.

You have to laugh. Frankly a lot of men hate women. According to most Hillary was a bigger crook than Trump.....let that sink in.
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Recommend watching Bryson Dechambeau and Trump playing golf. First Trump is legit good, second away from the political schtick he’s less orange, and less unlikeable. They played off the front tees, scramble. But Trump was really quite good


Recommend watching Bryson Dechambeau and Trump playing golf. First Trump is legit good, second away from the political schtick he’s less orange, and less unlikeable. They played off the front tees, scramble. But Trump was really quite good
I’m sure he’s a competent golfer, you’d expect him to be given how much he plays. Just not as good as he claims to be.


I’m sure he’s a competent golfer, you’d expect him to be given how much he plays. Just not as good as he claims to be.
He pretty much is as good as he claims to be…. Looked like a low single digit guy, and didn’t have the same political pantomime going on…. Less of an arsehole in that context than expected, and he’s never shy about being an arsehole… interesting anyway, I enjoy Bryson’s channel

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