so ... what exactly makes something a fruit as opposed to a vegetable? :-k
We are dealing with man-made constructs invented/imagined out of thin air.
Our children are generally not allowed to commune directly with nature, 1st party to 1st party. Instead we have 3rd parties getting in-between nature and our children, 3rd parties like parents, extended family, friends, associates, experts, educators, professionals etc etc, who tell our children how to think and feel (the information) about/of nature.
Without nature telling our children directly/intimately how to think and feel about nature (the information), our children have become alienated from nature and thus they grow up in a world estranged from the true living nature (body) of MAN, and unfortunately end up spending a lifetime surviving the beliefs of the man-made constructs they were indoctrinated into believing in.
The man-made brainwashing constructs are shoved down our childrens throats (without them being provided with full-disclosure) relentlessly and so they take this 3rd party information and place it on a flower which blocks out (blunts out) everything the plants information of its creation, from seed to blossom is trying to give/share/tell our children.
When you can see that this evil agenda is actually occurring with everything we are experiencing with our senses of creation (sight, sound, touch, taste, feel, smell) you can begin to recognize just how shut down and alienated from nature (reality) we really are.
It is paramount that we (3rd parties) should never interfere/interrupt our childrens concentration during the time they are observing and contemplating any life-form of nature, inanimate or not. While our children are communing directly with nature they are expanding consciousness because all the information provided by nature is the consciousness of MAN which helps our children (and us) to remember who we really are, what we are really part of and our true purpose.
When we block out this natural communication between our children and nature we are creating teenagers and adults who no longer have any bonds to nature and therefore will easily do harm to the very essence of life that gives them life.
This whole freemasonic brainwashing agenda is apocalyptic by design. We have billions of men, women and children thinking and feeling 3rd party thoughts and feelings and acting on them, thoughts and feelings that cause absolute destruction to reality (nature). Why else are we destroying everything essential to our existence and long term good health????
"We are like an ant colony that has been given a different program so that, instead of putting all our energy/power of creation into constructing our ant hill and feeding each other and our young, we forget to do our part in the plan (the dream) that ensures the safety and well being of our fellow ants and start to think only of our-selves as individuals. When all the ants think only of them-selves, the anthill does not get built, not everyone gets fed and the babies are left with no one to look after them. The dream of the ant world falls into a state of chaos, collapses and finally fades away into oblivion.
We have been given a whole new artificial program of a universe that does not exist as part of the natural world of creation (the body of MAN). None of the thoughts and feelings and the images that arise from those thoughts and feelings can be found in the natural world and they are not part of the information of creation which is why we have to memorise them. We have learnt to memorise them so well that we barely listen to the information of creation any more and think that all the images of our fantasy world are true.
So if you want to know the truth about a tomato plant or pumpkin plant or whatever celestial body that takes your fancy, commune with them directly, they will tell you the truth about their creation (their true purpose and roll in life that benefits MAN). All that is required is our ability to listen (feel) the information natural lifeforms have to offer and ignore all the man-made chit chat that keeps us estranged from reality.