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Our radio rights dream dashed for the moment.


First Grade
its ridiculous

people in sydney get a choice of hadley v abc (thank god for the abc)

people in melbourne dont get to hear anything



Did you guys see in the paper a couple of weeks back that 2SM was mentioned as having bid for the radio rights this year. I listen to Talkin' Sport each afternoon and it's fantastic. Graeme Hughes would make a sensational alternative to Hadley


Graeme Hughes would make a sensational alternative to Hadley

Salman Rushdie would make a sensational alternative to Hadley, even the guy who used to do the garbled announcements at central would be a step forward.

iggy plop

First Grade
I can't the NRL are going with that immature Hadley tripe yet again. I wouldn't mind it so much if there were several more alternatives.

Didn't you just love the days when the league would be on 3 or 4 differnet stations and you could dial twiddle to a topic or game that you were interested in.

I long for those days of choice. AFL fans in Melbourne are very lucky.


Graeme Hughes is one of the great callers, would love to hear him every week instead of 2gb. you gotta love ABCs grandstand all the scores and results, omly prob is warren ryan he is very Boring


Although this thread was started in 2005, I thought I would comment in light of the recent developments with changes to Triple M's sports schedule from next year.

For 11 years during 2002-12, 2GB's Continuous Call Team (CCT) held RL fans in NSW to ransom, subjecting them to the 'exclusivity' crap. The CCT were good back in the '90s on 2UE, especially when the late-Peter Frilingos was around. The CCT 2-3hr pre-game show wasn't adulterated with stupid discussions about women's clothes, marriage counselling, monologues starting with "Ray, I'm outraged! Last night when I went to.....".

Even when MNF was introduced in 2007, 2GB paid to stop the likes of 2SM or 2UE from broadcasting the Monday Night game (even though 2GB had absolutely no interest nor intention to broadcast it in the first case). I still remember that Graeme Hughes-Gallop interview on 2SM in 2006 after the radio rights were announced, and Gallop sounded so amateur in his explanation as to why 2GB got the exclusive rights. Gallop knew he screwed up afterwards, so he tried to arrange another interview with Hughes and made himself look even more amateur and pathetic as a CEO in the 2nd interview.

As a consequence of this disasterous arrangement, there were many games in the round that had radio blackouts with no coverage whatsoever if you didn't have Foxtel. David Gallop really gave 2GB a saloon passage during that decade of exclusivity, even handing them the 2008 RLWC commercial rights on a silver platter without any bidding, only for Hadley during the pre-game show of the Australia vs New Zealand opener to bag out international RL and the tournament being a waste of time.

The exclusivity clause of the radio rights extended as far as 2GB forcing a NSW Blues luncheon Graeme Hughes organised around 2011 or so being cancelled! (again, even though 2GB had no intention of ever hosting it at all)

When Triple M's NRL coverage expanded from MNF to 4 games/round in 2013, it was a huge breath of fresh air. In that first year, I spent many hours listening to their NRL shows. I loved the original Sunday Offload show with Dan Ginnane/Matt Johns/Gorden Tallis. The first 2 hours of the show (12-2pm, with 2-3pm being the pre-game show to their 3pm match) was like the radio version of The Sunday Roast during the Vossy era - the Sunday Offload found the right balance of humour/stories/anecdotes mixed in with serious talk on RL issues.

Now, with Triple M Sydney being forced to broadcast all Swans/GWS matches from next year, as well as a Saturday night game which could end up being between two Victorian teams that most sports fans in Sydney don't give a stuff about, this is obviously going to mean a cut-back in their NRL coverage (as AFL has precedence over their NRL commitments). I'm concerned about what the next radio rights could hold for RL fans. Eventually this may transpire into 2GB getting the exclusive commercial radio rights once again. I would love to see NRL in Sydney have the coverage AFL has in Melbourne (where all 9 AFL matches are covered by Melbourne radio stations), but can only dream of this occurring anytime soon. RL fans deserve far better than what has been dished up to them so far in the 21st century.
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If things keep going the way they have been this year, even the ABC won't be a reliable radio source for RL. Several times this year, local radio in Brisbane has been playing VFL shite with no Qld team involved instead of RL. Not to mention the digital streaming app which has preferred to play VFL talk shows instead of live RL.


Staff member
If things keep going the way they have been this year, even the ABC won't be a reliable radio source for RL. Several times this year, local radio in Brisbane has been playing VFL shite with no Qld team involved instead of RL. Not to mention the digital streaming app which has preferred to play VFL talk shows instead of live RL.
The push back begins very soon with annual parity achieved on the TV deal.

MMM in SYdney has been lambasted and hammered for their foolish decision to prioritise vfl. It will hurt their ratings in a big way.


The whole situation is f**ked. I think I just heard 2sm will be broadcasting all AFL Friday night games from next year into Sydney.
The AFL are going all out to have a presence on as many Sydney stations as possible. 2UE will be broadcasting all Swans and GWS games. Is f**king Greenberg even aware of what's going on? We need to fight fire with fire. Rugby league has been its own worst enemy for too long now.


Greenberg won't feel the need to look outside of Sydney and Brisbane. Really gotta shore up those heartlands.
But then the facts come out and there's $0 spent in Western Australia and $0 spent in Western Sydney, so....????????


A show like Talkin Sport used to be all RL. Now they feel obliged to talk fumbleball because they broadcast it. The same will occur with these other stations.

What would be the ideal NRL radio situation for the rights next time around in Sydney and Brisbane given this huge AFL push?


First Grade
Sacrifice the dollars and allow any station that wants the rights to call it, or at least have some games each round non-exclusive. It's absurd that because these stations want the rights for southern states it is forced to broadcast in northern markets that have absolutely no interest in it, AFL should not be on more stations in nsw, act & qld then rugby league and if the NRL wasn't terrified to assert itself these stations would think twice about signing these deals if it meant losing the rights to rugby league. Problem is, whenever the NRL have looked to play hardball the clubs weaken their position by running to the media to score points on some petty feud they have with the NRL. The sooner the new license agreements are signed the better, the NRL needs the clubs united behind them.



Read in the article towards the bottom, you will see that in Sydney, Triple M/2SM/2UE will be broadcasting AFL matches from next year.

So, question is, what are the ARLC going to do about this given that one of Sydney's two commercial NRL radio broadcasters - Triple M - will have to scale back their NRL commitments in order to accommodate Swans/GWS/Saturday night games? AFL is simply doing what any business is trying to do when looking to expand into new markets...meanwhile, if the ARLC don't look on expanding radio coverage to multiple broadcasters and maintain the status quo, it is inevitable that 2GB will get the exclusive rights again, Triple M will be lucky to get the Thursday night match as it's the one that is least likely to clash with a GWS/Swans match, and radio blackouts will appear again like they did pre-2013.

And this is just the NRL heartland we are talking about here. Imagine what coverage will be like in places such as Perth, Adelaide, Tasmania etc.?
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The whole situation is f**ked. I think I just heard 2sm will be broadcasting all AFL Friday night games from next year into Sydney.
The AFL are going all out to have a presence on as many Sydney stations as possible. 2UE will be broadcasting all Swans and GWS games. Is f**king Greenberg even aware of what's going on? We need to fight fire with fire. Rugby league has been its own worst enemy for too long now.
Greenberg = Gallop mk 2.0. Nothing is going to change in that regard.
If we were still in the previous tv rights deal (2007-12), like Gallop, Greenberg would also be tossing around idle threats such as "Use it or lose it" to Ch9 and Melbourne/Adelaide/Perth would still be viewing matches after midnight. Never had much hope in RL reaching it's full potential in Australia with him at the helm and can't understand why the ARLC rushed into a decision to appoint him after Smith's departure.

You watch Hadley et al. twist Greenberg's arm to get what 2GB want.


Greenberg = Gallop mk 2.0. Nothing is going to change in that regard.
If we were still in the previous tv rights deal (2007-12), like Gallop, Greenberg would also be tossing around idle threats such as "Use it or lose it" to Ch9 and Melbourne/Adelaide/Perth would still be viewing matches after midnight. Never had much hope in RL reaching it's full potential in Australia with him at the helm and can't understand why the ARLC rushed into a decision to appoint him after Smith's departure.

You watch Hadley et al. twist Greenberg's arm to get what 2GB want.

Yep spot on.
Greenberg is another Gallop and he will let the mainstream media in Sydney call the shots. I wish David Smith was still there.


First Grade
Greenberg wants to keep the job, he is a politician & will try to please everyone and end up doing nothing. Smith, while he had his faults, didn't give a f**k about who he was upsetting. Wish we could get a happy medium. Hopefully this license agreement will legislate some authority for the NRL.

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