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Our right hand side defence (Spoiler)


Absolutely terrible

Every time a player runs at Hookey, Galea or Preston they are certain to score. Surely something has to be done by Lang to stop this.

If Hookey, Galea and Presto are all playing next week we will get belted as they are clueless in defence.

Caged Panther

First Grade

Personally I think Presto should be defending in the middle of the field. I sick and tired of people telling me galea is a good defensive center. His not. Hookey is even worse on the wing and what's worse unlike galea, who can at least tackle on the few occasions he reads it right, Hookey is a shirt grabber.

Bring Howland onto the wing and give O'hallaron or some young guy a go. Having seen one half of premier league this season I can't really comment on what our options may be but something has to be done.


The stupid thing is we've been saying it for weeks yet we still persist with it. Why in God's name would we put Campbell and Hookey against Tupou??

We do something that works well (e.g Rodney to lock) and don't persist with it, yet we put Preston and Hookey on the wing together, something that doesn't, and has never worked but persist with it anyway.

Having said that it's not the only thing that lost us the game but was a significant factor and is something that needs to be fixed. Sadly I'm not confident that it will be though.

I hope Howland is fit next week as we need him. Howland and Youngquest should be the wingers. Rooney hasn't done anything of note since Girdler left. He's a good finisher but when he has nothing to finish there is no point in him being there. He's not a winger that can create his own opportunities. Also, one of his biggest strengths is his ability under the high ball but we don't utilise it. I don't remember the last time I saw a bomb go up for him.

Caged Panther

First Grade
When I think about it the only time I can remember john lang dropping a player for poor form is Chris Hicks way back in 2002. Others who have been performing well have been dropped because players were returning from injury ie whatuira for girdler. But other than that?

Anyone want to prove me wrong?


Caged Panther said:
Anyone want to prove me wrong?

Can't help you there. It's a problem because players can get complacent about their positions. It's also pretty discouraging for the junior players knowing they'll only get a spot because of injury or a player leaving the club.

Edit: Actually Franze got dropped for a week last year and when he came back was when he started firing up.


Franze was dropped because Pommeroy was looking the goods.

Pom then got injured and Franze got a recall. The recall definately wasn't based on PL form sice Franze was putting zero effort in for the Cougars.


Something needs to be done. The thing is that the Broncos kept focussing their point of attack to that side of the field, and time after time they just broke through it. Literally the same play was executed three times to score their first three tries. It is our weakest link, and whilst teams know this and we don't fix it, I can't see us winning that many games.

Maybe we need some fresh new blood in the backline, like Howland, giving Youngquest another go, or maybe even promoting someone like Gordon. I don't know. But history has shown that a player has to be in absolutely shocking form for JL to drop them. Hookey may be found wanting in defence, but he's going all right in attack. Galea should be played off the bench for his utility - we lost Lewis in the second half, and had to slot a second rower into the centres.

It's all about balance. This 4 forwards on the bench I believe bit us in the ass today.


How about you guys keep it the same just for next week and then change it afterwards maybe with a miracle or three we might have a chance of beating you and allow us to get a back to back win


Is Beau Scott still in first grade?

I read that he can't hold the line and rushes up.

I'd love to see him and Hookey defending with each other.


Howland is still injured. I would expect him to replace Hookey once he's fit. But we can't keep persisting with putting Campbell on the wing. Week after week teams target us down there. I would hazard a guess and say we concede around 70% of tries down there.


Today is more disturbing I think with Penrith in this area. At least when the Strom cut them up in the 2nd half last week, they were using more complex plans and plays. The Broncos were just spreading the ball smoothly to the left with good passing, on only one of the occasions using a decoy runner of any real significance.


Munky said:
Is Beau Scott still in first grade?

I read that he can't hold the line and rushes up.

I'd love to see him and Hookey defending with each other.

No hes been dropped well for this week anywat, yeah I know what you mean though the words train wreck come to mind

King Panther

I'm sorry but i cant find any reason why galea is in the team full stop! if he's not a defensive centre then wat the hell is he!!! At least hookey has some attacking prowess.


to be fair to galea , he has no confidence in either campell or hookey and is often caught trying to cover a number of players in defence , a problem that can be rectified by defending campell in the middle and getting rid of hookey for howland.
In saying that i think galea would be much better coming off the bench and ohalloran in the centres.


Galea is turning into Lewis circa 2004.

He has no idea what to do in defence with a turn style and speed hump outside of him.

Lewis had Amos to deal with where as Galea has it worse with Hookey.

Big Mick

I want to see how Galea goes...when he is actually playing centre and not defending 3 people at five-eight.

Preston needs to be in the middle...he's not bad when he is one-on-one...its just when he is sliding and needs to make decisions in defence that he is crap...whereas Hookey...well is just crap. Gordon or Youngquest are as good in attack and better in defence so give them a go....plus in Gordon we'd have an accomplished goal-kicker.

Caged Panther

First Grade
surely howland deserves a walk up start into first grade based on his form filling in for wesser at the end of last season, that's when he gets over his injury.


Caged Panther said:
surely howland deserves a walk up start into first grade based on his form filling in for wesser at the end of last season, that's when he gets over his injury.

I agree. I wouldn't mind having Howland at full back and Wesser on the wing. Howland did a brilliant job and shows leadership by organising the pack, especially in defence when he gets players to plug all the holes. It is certainly Howland's preferred position. Wesser could replace Rooney, he hasn't done anything for ages and could use a spell in reserves. I would put Youngquest on the other wing. Not that I can see Lang ever dropping Rooney, but I think it's not a bad idea.

I really don't mind Galea at centre, I just think his game is severly hampered by the way he is forced to play. I said it on PI that the amount of defence he has to do limits his attacking game and the players around him limit his defensive game.


I'm with Mick how can anyone be expected to look good defensivly when he has to tackle for not just himself but the three beside him

King Panther

fair enough but seriously wat does galea hav to offer in attack? i think hookey is a good player and with some fine tuning could score a bucketload of tries this year. I agree preston needs to be back defending in the centre. Who else is a good centre option from premier league??

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