The problem with that is that everyone has to stand or no-one at all. Spectators standing at the front will obscure the views of patrons behind - although I realise with the RBB they will all stand.
Also - flip up seats are basically standard at all stadiums now aren't they?
Yes, flip up seats are the standard in most new stadiums . It allows for easy access for patrons as they walk up and down seat rows.
So, no one has to stand if they don't want to.
What it DOES allow for is for patrons that want to stand (RBB) can do so.
But in fairness the difference here is that the Melbourne stadium is in the heart of Melbourne, close to CBD and can be seen prominently from many surrounding areas - it is basically part of the skyline so they really needed to do something pretty special with the roof.
I agree - we have no need for a fancy roof whatsoever.
I disagree. There is no need to make an architectural statement with the roof like Melbourne did. There are zillions of examples of stadiums that look great without spending the money Melbourne did. It's the façade that can make a stadium look great. And you can do that with some cheap architectural features and great lighting. You don't even need to use LED's which can be expensive themselves.
What we need the roof to do is be practical. We don't need another SFS where just weeks afterit's opening, more patrons were getting wet from the weather even though it had a fancy roof.
It's not that hard.

The govt needs to be smart about this.