What baffles me is his endless trips to Melbourne. He's a Qld senator. How's that representing his voters?Fraser Anning - the egg wasnt harsh enough
What baffles me is his endless trips to Melbourne. He's a Qld senator. How's that representing his voters?
Not a single thing they can post on facebook can't not mention veganism. i've got one of those. Prime example she is on a beach in the maldives, standard tourist FB photo of her legs on the beach and landscape shop of the awesome water. Caption "great day on the beach and even better not having to watch any fish get murdered". Could not have possibly let that one slide, would have sat for for ages trying to think of something to include vegans in their somewhereVegans. Not the ‘garden variety, go about my business with no fuss’ ones, just the militant, aggressive, foolishly believing they are making a difference ones.
Not a single thing they can post on facebook can't not mention veganism. i've got one of those. Prime example she is on a beach in the maldives, standard tourist FB photo of her legs on the beach and landscape shop of the awesome water. Caption "great day on the beach and even better not having to watch any fish get murdered". Could not have possibly let that one slide, would have sat for for ages trying to think of something to include vegans in their somewhere
Nene McDonald said:Cameron Munster
Adult males who don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet.
I’d also like to kick them in the nuts.