Your response was "who cares where he goes, lock utility or doesn't play at all".
If that doesn't show that you believe he should be dropped, then I don't know what does.
I, for one, am sick of hearing people single out 2 or 3 players, and say that they should be dropped or sacked from the club, or other such rubbish.
This is a team sport, and this season has proved more than ever (as did 2001) that the team, as a whole, plays well......or not.
In many many games in years gone past, either Gower or Priddo on their own, have put thier bodies on the line and won games for us that would have otherwise been lost, as they have done their best to make up for the slack of other players not up to form.
So what if either or both of them are having an off season, I can't see anyone else in the team stepping up to pick up the slack for them.....OR giving them a reason to kill themselves to carry the team.
I think it's about time that others in the team (and the fans), starting showing them the same support that they have shown to others in the many years they have been with us.
The team, as a whole, obviously has some mental attitude problems, and who knows what has caused it, all we do know is that it is spread right across the team. I can't see how dropping our most senior players is going to help the mental attitiudes of the younger ones, if anything they should be looking at bringing in a sports psychologist, to have a go at trying to work out what is going wrong in their heads, get that right, and the rest will fall into place.