Well ive given this album a thourough listening too over the last couple of weeks and all round its about a 6- 7/10....no killer tracks but some good ones. Funny enough the lead track and the two singles (3 + 4) are the worst songs on the album. 'For what its worth' in particular is just plain jane awful. The album takes a bit of growing on you but really lacks any killer punch.
1 - Kitty Litter - Boring, no catch, cant believe they led with this, especially after bullet proof cupid from sleeping with ghosts and meds from meds. Scrap this track.
2 - Ashtray heart - nice song, sing along to in the background but what is it with Molko and ashtrays? (I hold an image of the ashtray girl - this picture)
3 - Battle for the sun - They tried something here and I dont think it quite worked. THe repetative lyrics drive me insane. Builds nicely to the dream lover bit but for the big killer track, it missed for me.
4 - For what its worth - Is this made for bland radio FM? What a boring song with nothing going for it and its the first single. Rubbish, The Bitter end to this trash?
5 - Devil in the details - Other than the devil in the detail line sounding like a little bit of a mouthful this song starts to warm the CD up a little and builds nicely.
6 - Bright Lights - ANother nice song, didnt like the catch phrase (a heart that hurts is a heart that works) at first but after multiple listens it grows on you.
7 - Speak in tongues - I really like where this song builds to and the big ending 'we can build a new tomorrow today' works for me.
8 - The never ending why - Again a nice sounding song, good for the backgorund at a BBQ but wont go on repeat on the walkman whilst running.
9 - Julien - Up there as one of the better songs, great ending 'your a slow motion suicide' Start is good to, quite and mumbly til it bursts into some action all of a sudden. Good song.
10 - Happy your gone - Another of the nice songs, can see this played in a chick flick as the two lovers are missing each other!
11 - Breathe underwater - A reasonable song with something about the backing vocals that work even though they are simple and plain, makes me sing to it.
12 - meh, a bit crappy, lyrics seem a bit average 'you dont know how your coming across, acting like you dont give a toss' hmm what can we rhyme today boys?
13 - Kings of medicine - Not a bad song, got that synth thing happening (or whatever it is) to give big brassy feels to it at times.
So to sum up, not a bad album but is severely missing some killer tracks, its full of the good fillers and a few crappy fillers but lacks the big guns.
If it were a boxer it would have ti win in a ppoints decision cause it has no knock out punch.