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Play the Ball penalties


Number one problem with the game. Nit picking penalties ruin the spectacle and momentem in a game. A penalty is way too harsh. Solution- make the player play the ball again and take a tackle off them. Simple


Number one problem with the game. Nit picking penalties ruin the spectacle and momentem in a game. A penalty is way too harsh. Solution- make the player play the ball again and take a tackle off them. Simple
I like it.


Number one problem with the game. Nit picking penalties ruin the spectacle and momentem in a game. A penalty is way too harsh. Solution- make the player play the ball again and take a tackle off them. Simple

mate.. that is a great idea. Id love to see that in a game to see how it would go.


It looked very silly yesterday at the foundation cup with the ref blowing his whistle ever few minutes giving penalties to the defensive team.
The concept is sound but in action it is odd...


Set penalties for infringements is a good idea. (ie) Heading down the NFL route with set territorial and possession penalties.

Penalties rugby codes are too arbitrary. Removing point scoring opportunities from penalties is also a good idea. Possession and/or set territory gains/losses should be enough.

As it stands, depending on field position and the game situation the same penalty can be either meaningless or a game breaker. It is very inconsistent.


Number one problem with the game. Nit picking penalties ruin the spectacle and momentem in a game. A penalty is way too harsh. Solution- make the player play the ball again and take a tackle off them. Simple
The same thing happens every year. The ref bosses announce they're going to crack down on this or that aspect of the game and then, after an uproar over the number of penalties ruining the game, the crackdown is quietly rolled back. The problem isn't so much the crack down in itself but the impact of the penalties on the game.

Fans don't watch a game to see play the ball penalties constantly impacting the course and flow of matches any more than they watch it to see scrum penalties deciding matches. In the 1980s the leaders of the game recognised that a constant stream of scrum penalties deciding games was not what the fans wanted to see and they changed the rules to deal with it. They introduced the differential penalty to prevent shots at goal from scrum penalties and they moved to uncontested scrums which eliminated most scrum penalties altogether.

It's about time that we recognized that cracking down on the play the ball within the present penalty rules simply isn't enough. You can say well they should just "play the ball properly", "it's not that bloody hard". But the fact is that crackdown after crackdown has proved it just doesn't work, it really is that hard. To run with this line is just turning a blind eye and condeming us to retread the same old path of weeks of stop-start games, controversial penalties deciding matches, and a ruined spectacle that turns away fans followed by the inevitable rollback to the status quo.

Bill Harrigan says he won't back down, he wants to persist with the crackdown consistently for the entire season. That's fine but for the sake of the game, please, please, please fix the real problem first - the impact of the play the ball penalty. Like scrum penalties before it, we need to recognise that no matter how much you crackdown, players won't get it perfect every time and the penalties will flow. If we're not prepared to accept the status quo and let the play the ball issues pass without penalty then we need to neutralise the impact of the penalty.

The current penalty is disproportionate to the crime. It blows a set of minor issues which crackdown after crackdown prove can't be eliminated into a major controversy. Instead of a loss of possession, and loss of 30 or 40 metres of territory or a shot at penalty goal, just take a tackle off the offending team and march them backwards ten metres. The loss of momentum from having to march backwards and replay the ball is penalty enough.

Minor issues like walking a step off the mark, or fumbling the ball, or not using the foot don't need to turn or decide matches on one incident. Play the ball penalties are not what the fans pay to see any more than scrum penalties were. Penalize it in proportion to the minor issue it is and get on with the game.

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Exactly, keep the game rolling. The loss of momentum and/or a play the ball is a just penalty. Just like touch footy, over step the mark and your have to back track, giving the defensive line time to reset. I'm sure coaches will still value the play the ball but it won't lead to a stop start game or crazy penalties deciding games.

Let the game flow and let the good times roll.


If players begin to heed the warnings of the new crackdown it could in fact improve the flow and momentum of the game, taking a split second longer to ptb properly allows the defense to get back - no offside penalties interrupting the flow, allows markers to get square, no penalties there, gives the dummy half a split second more time to compose etc

Make it a differential penalty if you must, losing possesion these days is penalty enough

The ptb is a mess and needs cleaning up....much like scrums in the past


it should of never got to this stage anyway, every tackle complete should be played on the mark n with the foot.all changed when they wanted the speed of the game faster


Number one problem with the game. Nit picking penalties ruin the spectacle and momentem in a game. A penalty is way too harsh. Solution- make the player play the ball again and take a tackle off them. Simple

How old are the players in the team?

Are they 4 or are they 17+ and professional players?

Good solution for 4 year olds learning how to play the game, dumbarse idea for PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS.

Look, its not that hard to touch the ball with your foot as your play the ball, its been apart of the game for years now. Do it properly and you don't have a problem do you?

What other penalties do you call 'nit picking'?

Offside from kick offs? not kicking off on the lines? High tackles? professional fouls? grapples?

Where does it stop?

simple solution, you are a PROFESSIONAL player then play the game correctly and PROFESSIONALLY.


Sorry but I have to agree with the OP. The loss of momentum would be enough penalty without giving possession to the opposition when they haven't deserved it. It's already subjective enough as to what constitutes on the mark and off the mark.


First Grade
Its interesting watching the Foundation Cup yesterday that they picked up on some really trivial things but didnt penalise markers knees pushed at the guy playing the ball or obvious walking off the mark


Post Whore
its not the players .. its the coaches ... they no doubt tell the players of the importance of quick play the balls, catching the markers offside and walking off the mark to create space for the DH to run ... blow the penalties until the coaches get the idea and actually coach the players to follow the rules


Yeah gonna agree with OP on this one, we have been down this road before and it isnt pretty.

Players get fatigued and occasionally miss the ball with their foot. Big f*cking deal, just call the play back and ask them to play it again, this would give the defense an advantage as they could get their line set. Simple

Eels Dude

There were at least 3 or 4 penalties awarded in the Eels v Panthers match last night for play the balls. It's a real momentum killer for the attacking side to be penalised with the ball. Hope we don't see to many penalties for this over the course of the season.