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Player movement - trade window


I agree with current reports that the current system is a bit of a shemoozle.

However what I don't agree with is the timing of the furore.

Where was the same media uproar when milford who had been in canberras system since he was a boy, a system which had him pinned as a future star. Signed a year out, to a team that had just had the Gee fiasco and then turned the kid into a player who looks out of sorts.

Or when James Maloney signed more then a year out to play for the other team in our league that appears to have a bottomless pit salary cap.

IMO the salary cap needs to be fixed in conjunction with the salary cap, third party deals should not be put together in parts of the heads of agreement with new clubs.. in fact third party deals should not even be on the table when discussing new club deals.

Then a window should open for all players to be transferred or signed on from different clubs during the season - maybe a month or so in for two weeks, then signings only registered at the end of the season.

the signing takes immediate effect and the salary pro ratad into the squads cap for the year, same for players released or traded away.

Also to allow flexibility have an additional soft cap of 1 Mill over the current cap where you don't get punished premiership points or anything but have a luxury tax.

The luxury tax then works progressively whereby for 100k over you pay a dollar to the nrl for each dollar over (if you don't pay they can just take it form your grant). between 100-500k you pay 2 dollars for each dollar over and from 500 - 1mil you pay 4 dollars for each dollar over. Thereby if you want to bet big you can but it can also cost you in the long run. because any luxury tax money gets distributed evenly to clubs that stayed within the cap, so they could potentially use it on players.

Honestly, I should be running this game.

And manly fans complaining should know better, if you are a manly fan you have no right to complain.


First Grade
Trade periods work in sports where there are no natural competitors for players. No one is going to sign an AFL player, soccer players aren't going to play another sport. Same for NFL.

All it would take is for Rugby Union to sign a player at a time when NRL clubs are not allowed to even negotiate with a player for people to want to have the trade window scrapped.


Whats stopping players going to Rugby Union now? Trade window is the way to go, clubs will still talk to players outside of it we just wont have this joke of a system we have now where contracts are confirmed 12 months or longer before they are due to begin that contract.

Everyone who has been asked about this recently are in agreement that it has to change. Thats current and former players, coaches, administrators and media personalities all who think this system is a joke. There is no perfect way of doing but sticking with this broken system because we are scared of RU is ridiculous imo. Players who want to go to RU will do so regardless of the system and same for those who want to stay.
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Craig Johnston

First Grade
here's the bottom line, the players prefer the system as it is, they don't want to change it, not everyone is in the headlines like DCE, the fans are the one's that get the shits with it. will we lose fans because of the current system? i don't think so. will it change? doubt it.


First Grade
Whats stopping players going to Rugby Union now? Trade window is the way to go, clubs will still talk to players outside of it we just wont have this joke of a system we have now where contracts are confirmed 12 months or longer before they are due to begin that contract.

Everyone who has been asked about this recently are in agreement that it has to change. Thats current and former players, coaches, administrators and media personalities all who think this system is a joke.

Nothing stops them going to rugby union now but at least all clubs have a chance of retaining players in a game. A trade window (especially if it is done at the end of the season) will just make it harder to keep players. Say a trade window is brought in, if George Burgess signs with English Rugby Union before another NRL team has the chance to even talk to him, do you think the same people who are calling for it now wouldn't say it is a joke? Whatever the system is that is in place, it will always be called a joke


Nothing stops them going to rugby union now but at least all clubs have a chance of retaining players in a game. A trade window (especially if it is done at the end of the season) will just make it harder to keep players. Say a trade window is brought in, if George Burgess signs with English Rugby Union before another NRL team has the chance to even talk to him, do you think the same people who are calling for it now wouldn't say it is a joke? Whatever the system is that is in place, it will always be called a joke

Any player who accepts a RU offer without giving the club a chance to respond is likely a player who would go no matter what system we have. RU is like the bogeyman around here, how much has losing SBW hurt the Roosters this year? Or Burgess and Souths? They are still the best teams. IF players go they will be replaced, no need to be so scared of it.


Any player who accepts a RU offer without giving the club a chance to respond is likely a player who would go no matter what system we have. RU is like the bogeyman around here, how much has losing SBW hurt the Roosters this year? Or Burgess and Souths? They are still the best teams. IF players go they will be replaced, no need to be so scared of it.

Can you really make that judgement after one round though?

Can you imagine the crap the NRL would be copping if Foran signed with Union, and Parramatta came out and said well we wanted to sign him but aren't able to.

The reality is that all sports ignore there window's/deadlines. Everyone knew that Gary Abblett was going to the Suns a year out for example.

So all that League is doing is being open and honest about the behind the scenes stuff.

The OP's idea about a luxury tax wouldn't work in our current system IMO. I mean clubs don't disclose when they are over the cap now, why would they under a luxury tax?


Can you really make that judgement after one round though?

Can you imagine the crap the NRL would be copping if Foran signed with Union, and Parramatta came out and said well we wanted to sign him but aren't able to.

The reality is that all sports ignore there window's/deadlines. Everyone knew that Gary Abblett was going to the Suns a year out for example.

So all that League is doing is being open and honest about the behind the scenes stuff.

The OP's idea about a luxury tax wouldn't work in our current system IMO. I mean clubs don't disclose when they are over the cap now, why would they under a luxury tax?

Exactly, it would be the same in the NRL. CLubs, players and managers would still talk and negotiate and come to agreements, just not blatantly and they would have to wait to register the contract. This was discussed on 360 and Matty Johns show last night and they said they same thing.

The only major difference is you would not have this situation where clubs and players are announcing where they are going next season befor this season has started thus not shitting on the fans and leaving a stain on the season. How is that not better?

And Souths and the Roosters were the best teams after round 1 by a mile, it might be to early to call it but Souths have had a very succesful offseason and Roosters pumped a top 3 premiership favourite despite dropping lots of ball and getting pasted inthe penealty count.
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First Grade
Union has 5 professional clubs in Australia and the international (Japan, France, etc) clubs are able to offer far more than any NRL club could compete with. The fear of competition from RU is not a valid reason not to change things. However, would anything really change anyway?


the current system atleast allows the clubs to find replacements well before all the players are gone.

Imagine the outrage if Merrin, DCE & Foran all signed elsewhere in the window but Dragons, Manly all had space but no one to sign or had to wait to the next window.

Now Manly have $2m to spend & plenty on the market. ESL & RU would love NRL clubs to be banned from speaking to others.

Perth Tiger

Exactly, it would be the same in the NRL. CLubs, players and managers would still talk and negotiate and come to agreements, just not blatantly and they would have to wait to register the contract. This was discussed on 360 and Matty Johns show last night and they said they same thing.

The only major difference is you would not have this situation where clubs and players are announcing where they are going next season befor this season has started thus not shitting on the fans and leaving a stain on the season. How is that not better?

That was basically what we had when there was a June 30 anti tampering deadline and everyone (mainly the Media) bitched and moaned and said that everyone knows it is happening wouldn't it be better to have it out in the open.

It doesn't matter what system is in place the RL media and fans will bitch and moan about it, might as well just accept it and move on


That was basically what we had when there was a June 30 anti tampering deadline and everyone (mainly the Media) bitched and moaned and said that everyone knows it is happening wouldn't it be better to have it out in the open.

It doesn't matter what system is in place the RL media and fans will bitch and moan about it, might as well just accept it and move on

I agree that fans and media will never be happy but the level of whinging now has gone beyond that. Its now coaches and former players joining the chorus of calls for a better system, its getting to a point where you can't just ignore it and balme whinging media or fans.


the current system atleast allows the clubs to find replacements well before all the players are gone.

Imagine the outrage if Merrin, DCE & Foran all signed elsewhere in the window but Dragons, Manly all had space but no one to sign or had to wait to the next window.

Now Manly have $2m to spend & plenty on the market. ESL & RU would love NRL clubs to be banned from speaking to others.

This would be no different from every other major league in the world that runs some kind of deadline or transfer window.

Perth Tiger

I agree that fans and media will never be happy but the level of whinging now has gone beyond that. Its now coaches and former players joining the chorus of calls for a better system, its getting to a point where you can't just ignore it and balme whinging media or fans.

It was exactly the same before with coaches calling it a disgrace etc. The longer you follow league you will see that everything just goes in circles

Nice Beaver

First Grade
This would be no different from every other major league in the world that runs some kind of deadline or transfer window.

the problem is that every other major league in the world" operates on budgets FAR greater than our little old competition.

If one of those cashed up competitions comes for a player, trade window or not, we cannot compete.

I don't think French rugby or the NFL etc have much to fear from players being poached by NRL clubs, but the other way is totally opposite.

There is no perfect solution to this problem. I guess its finding the ahppy balance.

I think there needs to be some restriction/window implemented as the current system just does not work.

Perhaps have 2 or 3 trade windows in a year? That way all clubs know there will be opportunities through the year and players (and teams) won't be going through this carry on all year round.

Maybe one window opens the week after the GF and runs through to Xmas, another window from Round 4 to 8 then another window from round 16-20.

Maybe two windows is enough. I don't know.

But open season all year round more than a year in advance is crazy.
Each and every NRL player should be limited to a one year contract with a club. Then, two weeks after the Grand Final, for a month - six weeks, the NRL has "signing period" where every single player is up for grabs by every single one of the 16 clubs.

Imagine the media overdrive, fan/club/media speculation, the thrills, spills, tears, excitement. Every year, each club gets a new squad.

And televise it all.


the problem is that every other major league in the world" operates on budgets FAR greater than our little old competition.

If one of those cashed up competitions comes for a player, trade window or not, we cannot compete.

I don't think French rugby or the NFL etc have much to fear from players being poached by NRL clubs, but the other way is totally opposite.

There is no perfect solution to this problem. I guess its finding the ahppy balance.

I think there needs to be some restriction/window implemented as the current system just does not work.

Perhaps have 2 or 3 trade windows in a year? That way all clubs know there will be opportunities through the year and players (and teams) won't be going through this carry on all year round.

Maybe one window opens the week after the GF and runs through to Xmas, another window from Round 4 to 8 then another window from round 16-20.

Maybe two windows is enough. I don't know.

But open season all year round more than a year in advance is crazy.

The current system isnt stopping union from taking our players now. They could be using all this cash to take all our players but they dont, they take some of our best and it doesnt phase us except for the freaks who still stress about how union tried to kill league in france 50 years ago or some bullshit.

The idea that a trade deadline or transfer window would lead to a mass exodus of players is really silly imo. If money was the only factor that players consider when switching codes Union would be getting everyone they want already, it wouldnt matter if we could make counter offers or not because they have more money.
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That Brad Walter article was a complete pile of steaming shit. He does have a point but it is a moot point. It is all well and good to say the NFL or French Rugby are going to come in and take our players but exactly how many times has it happened? f**k all. How many league players have been poached and gone to Rugby or AFL or the NFL? Again, f**k all.

But a big deal is made about it. They go willingly, they aren't traded.

Introduce a trade window specifically for our game, say 1 November to 31st January. Have another small window from 1-30 June.

Let the guys who want to code hop, code hop. But ensure that there is a fee paid to the parent club for the transfer.


The current system isnt stopping union from taking our players now. They could be using all this cash to take all our players but they dont, they take some of our best and it doesnt phase us except for the freaks who still stress about how union tried to kill league in france 50 years ago or some bullshit.

The idea that a trade deadline or transfer window would lead to a mass exodus of players is really silly imo. If money was the only factor that players consider when switching codes Union would be getting everyone they want already, it wouldnt matter if we could make counter offers or not because they have more money.

To me this is a double negative though. League clubs hamstrung in retaining there players, because some over privileged Manly fans have got upset about players signing elsehwhere.

Let the guys who want to code hop, code hop. But ensure that there is a fee paid to the parent club for the transfer.

Completely unenforceable.

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