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Player movement - trade window


First Grade
The current system isnt stopping union from taking our players now. They could be using all this cash to take all our players but they dont, they take some of our best and it doesnt phase us except for the freaks who still stress about how union tried to kill league in france 50 years ago or some bullshit.

The idea that a trade deadline or transfer window would lead to a mass exodus of players is really silly imo. If money was the only factor that players consider when switching codes Union would be getting everyone they want already, it wouldnt matter if we could make counter offers or not because they have more money.

Honestly though, how many players are actually signing contracts a long way out? Maloney, Merrin, DCE and Foran are the only ones I can think of.


To me this is a double negative though. League clubs hamstrung in retaining there players, because some over privileged Manly fans have got upset about players signing elsehwhere.

Fair enough thats your opinion, i really doubt any club would be hamstrung though, I think we seriously overrating the threat RU poses. Players have to want to go there for starters and not everyone wants to play a shit game overseas just because of money, and isnt the ARU struggling?

Ive hated this system since Maloney signed for the rooster 12 months out, the Merrin and Manly situations have just thrust it into the spotlight.
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To me this is a double negative though. League clubs hamstrung in retaining there players, because some over privileged Manly fans have got upset about players signing elsehwhere.

Completely unenforceable.

Why? If they are under contract for x number of years, why is it unenforceable? Simply put that it is dependent on a transfer fee set by the club. If they are out of contract, they can leave on a free.
Honestly though, how many players are actually signing contracts a long way out? Maloney, Merrin, DCE and Foran are the only ones I can think of.

Maloney's was a slightly different case. It wasn't under the current system. He approached the Warriors firstly and sought permission to negotiate and only did after the Warriors gave him permission to do so.


Why? If they are under contract for x number of years, why is it unenforceable? Simply put that it is dependent on a transfer fee set by the club. If they are out of contract, they can leave on a free.

Of course if there is an existing contract.

But There is almost no players in the history of League that have left mid contract' without mutual agreement ,(other than SBW).

You couldn't enforce a transfer fee at the end of a contract so this becomes almost a non issue.


Of course if there is an existing contract.

But There is almost no players in the history of League that have left mid contract' without mutual agreement ,(other than SBW).

You couldn't enforce a transfer fee at the end of a contract so this becomes almost a non issue.

Exactly, if they aren't under contract they leave on a free.
Of course if there is an existing contract.

But There is almost no players in the history of League that have left mid contract' without mutual agreement ,(other than SBW).

You couldn't enforce a transfer fee at the end of a contract so this becomes almost a non issue.

In Australia, at law, transfer fees for off contract players are illegal. Dennis Tutty took the NSWRL all the way to the High Court over the issue when the Tigers slapped a transfer fee on him when he was off contact. So you are correct.

Also as to being under contract, a player cannot be compelled to play if he wants out of a club by the club. The best at law a club could do is prevent him playing professional sport for anyone else during the terms of that contract and they could get a restraining order to do so. Last player to sit out in those circumstances where they sat out the remainder of their contract was Gorden Tallis in 1996.


First Grade
Even internationally. SBW (with help from Mundine) had to pay out his contract before he could play in France


Honestly though, how many players are actually signing contracts a long way out? Maloney, Merrin, DCE and Foran are the only ones I can think of.

Good point theres more than that though and it will hapen more often imo. Milford is one, Taumololo stayed put but he was one who was being chased hard. Im sure Penrith were chasing Thurston and Carney while they still had plenty of their last year left on their current contract. There would be others im struggling to think of them though.

This season it has definitely become more prominent though, we'll see how it plays out this season with St George and Manly because if DCE or Merrin start stuggling things will get ugly imo.
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The system we have now is fine, it has more advantages than disadvantages.

When Sam Burgess announced he was leaving at the end of 2014, everyone was pissed off at first and though t well shit that's it for Souths. But from that he and the team drew inspiration that it would be his last year at the club and they put in the hard yards and won the competition. The same thing can happen with Manly with DCE and Foran, their whole team can say 'This is our last year with these guys and we're gonna make it count'. Another good thing is that Manly can now prepare and target players to replace them.
The system we have now is fine, it has more advantages than disadvantages.

When Sam Burgess announced he was leaving at the end of 2014, everyone was pissed off at first and though t well shit that's it for Souths. But from that he and the team drew inspiration that it would be his last year at the club and they put in the hard yards and won the competition. The same thing can happen with Manly with DCE and Foran, their whole team can say 'This is our last year with these guys and we're gonna make it count'. Another good thing is that Manly can now prepare and target players to replace them.

It actually has happened before and with Manly to boot. Happened in 1987 when mid-season it was announced Ron Gibbs had signed for the Gold Coast for the 1988 season. Old "Rambo" played the house down that season to help the Sea Eagles win the premiership.


This would be no different from every other major league in the world that runs some kind of deadline or transfer window.

All of those sports have a greater player pool then RL does.

Lets use Manly as an example assuming Foran & DCE still leave (Deals would still get done. Just not offical). Would have rumours all year. Then it's announced Maloney, Hogkinson, Sezar etc all have re-signed. They have $2m free in the cap had the disrupted season. Sadly there is no other way.


First Grade
Don't remember so much fuss when the Rorters did this a few years ago, Moanly should pull their heads in and look what else is available .

Because the Beagles are having to suffer the fate that other clubs did from their raiding and signing in the 70s and 80s, why the tears and moans. ,Let's move on


All of those sports have a greater player pool then RL does.

Lets use Manly as an example assuming Foran & DCE still leave (Deals would still get done. Just not offical). Would have rumours all year. Then it's announced Maloney, Hogkinson, Sezar etc all have re-signed. They have $2m free in the cap had the disrupted season. Sadly there is no other way.

I can see what you are saying, but all those halves could all re-sign now with this current system and leave Manly with no options so whats the diff?


Don't remember so much fuss when the Rorters did this a few years ago, Moanly should pull their heads in and look what else is available .

Because the Beagles are having to suffer the fate that other clubs did from their raiding and signing in the 70s and 80s, why the tears and moans. ,Let's move on

A little bit over the top but in a way a good point.

Nobody seems to give a shit about this until it's there club or a high profile club, and then suddenly its "CHANGE THE RULZ!!!"

Perth Tiger

I can see what you are saying, but all those halves could all re-sign now with this current system and leave Manly with no options so whats the diff?

The difference is that currently Manly at least have a chance to enter negoatiations with other players. If there was a trade window they wouldn't even have a chance to speak with other players before the signed


The difference is that currently Manly at least have a chance to enter negoatiations with other players. If there was a trade window they wouldn't even have a chance to speak with other players before the signed

But if they want to test their market value they will wait, and again we are assuming that clubs wont try and find a way around a trade deadline which they of course would, it would just stop them annoucing these deals and being so public with the negotiations.


I agree with current reports that the current system is a bit of a shemoozle.

However what I don't agree with is the timing of the furore.

Where was the same media uproar when milford who had been in canberras system since he was a boy, a system which had him pinned as a future star. Signed a year out, to a team that had just had the Gee fiasco and then turned the kid into a player who looks out of sorts.

Or when James Maloney signed more then a year out to play for the other team in our league that appears to have a bottomless pit salary cap.

IMO the salary cap needs to be fixed in conjunction with the salary cap, third party deals should not be put together in parts of the heads of agreement with new clubs.. in fact third party deals should not even be on the table when discussing new club deals.

Then a window should open for all players to be transferred or signed on from different clubs during the season - maybe a month or so in for two weeks, then signings only registered at the end of the season.

the signing takes immediate effect and the salary pro ratad into the squads cap for the year, same for players released or traded away.

Also to allow flexibility have an additional soft cap of 1 Mill over the current cap where you don't get punished premiership points or anything but have a luxury tax.

The luxury tax then works progressively whereby for 100k over you pay a dollar to the nrl for each dollar over (if you don't pay they can just take it form your grant). between 100-500k you pay 2 dollars for each dollar over and from 500 - 1mil you pay 4 dollars for each dollar over. Thereby if you want to bet big you can but it can also cost you in the long run. because any luxury tax money gets distributed evenly to clubs that stayed within the cap, so they could potentially use it on players.

Honestly, I should be running this game.

And manly fans complaining should know better, if you are a manly fan you have no right to complain.

What stupid rant.

Gets upset because his club loses Milfood, yet signs Waqa, Austin, Hodgson and tried to sign Tedesco, Ennis, that over-rated winger with the beard.

So it's alright for your team to sign up half the NRL but when others are more successful at it BOO HOO CAHNGE TEH RULZ!!

:roll: :shock:

Edit - And nice job with the "teams without a salary cap" whinge.

Bet you also include Manly and the Dogs in the same argument when it suits you.

Matter of fact you'd bitch about any club signing anybody, except your precious Raiders of course.

Just face the facts. Your team has been irrelevant since you were found cheating the cap.
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Craig Johnston

First Grade
i'll give you a tip, the nrl don't care....

has anyone stopped to wonder how you could support and enforce a salary cap, a mechanism with one of it's core functions being distributing talent evenly across the competition........and then whinge when it happens?
A 'major' signing window of "12:01am 8th of October -to- 11:59pm 30th of November" (meaning: start of the 2nd week of October [by then the grand-final would have been finished] -to- the last day of November) seems the go perhaps - then 1st of December on-wards of that given year, the players can join their new team for preseason training

I agree with 'ek999', in being that the signing window usually only works when that sports is usually the 'highest salary paying' sports. For example the NBA and NFL and MLB European Soccer and the likes who usually can afford to offer the highest money for the player. Whereas the NRL can and is usually beaten in salaries offers by the AFL or Rugby Union (domestic and European league) or say even the IPL-Cricket if the player had cricket skills
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