Poaching charges
February 23, 2006
FORMER rugby league stars Terry Hill and Scott Fulton will appear in court after being charged with lobster poaching on the Hawkesbury River.
The pair each face 10 charges carrying a total maximum penalty of $84,700 and a year in jail.
The Daily Telegraph revealed late last year that Hill and Fulton son-in-law and son of league immortal Bobby "Bozo" Fulton were detained by NSW Fisheries inspectors while tampering with lobster pots.
The brothers-in-law were caught lifting several lobster pots from the Hawkesbury at Middle Head at dawn on December 29.
After a seven-week investigation, the NSW Department of Primary Industries yesterday confirmed formal charges had been laid.
The former Manly Sea Eagles teammates each face seven counts of "interfering with set fishing gear", carrying a maximum penalty of $5500.
But the most serious charges relate to lobster poaching via the unauthorised use of commercial fishing traps.
Departmental prosecution lawyers will allege Hill and Fulton used more than the one trap permitted for recreational fishermen.
If guilty, the pair face a $22,000 fine and six months in jail. They also face the same maximum punishment for possessing illegally-gained lobsters, as well as a $2200 fine for failing to pay their fishing fees.
The lobster pots that allegedly caught the contraband haul belong to fisherman Tom Van de Noot.
It is understood Mr Van de Noot complained to officials the day before Hill and Fulton were caught.
The commercial fisherman told
The Daily Telegraph in December his traps were "pulled all the time by amateurs".
"This is my livelihood. If my lobsters get stolen I'm kaput," he said.
On the basis of Mr Van de Noot's complaint, inspectors conducted a "stake out" of the Middle Head area with a video camera. They didn't have to wait long to strike.
At about 5.30am, enough evidence had been recorded of Hill and Fulton pulling lobster traps from the water for the sting to take place.
But 34-year-old Hill, who is married to Fulton Sr's daughter Kristie, denied taking lobsters when confronted.
Hill who did not return
The Daily Telegraph's calls yesterday claimed he and Fulton pulled traps from the water unaware of what they were.
"I didn't know they were commercial fishing traps. It's not something we do everyday," said Hill, whose Brisbane Waters home is a short boat trip from where they were apprehended.
"There's no drama. It's not as though we were stealing his lobsters."
The pair are due to appear at Gosford Local Court in April.