Oh yeah, absolutely hilarious Reefy ... you're as ignorant as the angry mobs in the Rust Belt states who think Trump is going to get their manufacturing jobs back. You are completely deluded if you think Trump's victory is a good thing for Australia.
This pretty much sums it up :
The final and overarching fear, though, is for the world. Mr Trump’s win means uncertainty about America’s future strategy in a world that has long relied on the United States for stability. But Mr Trump’s capacity to destabilise is almost limitless. His military, diplomatic, security, environmental and trade policies all have the capacity to change the world for the worse. Americans have done a very dangerous thing this week. Because of what they have done we all face dark, uncertain and fearful times.
The Guardian has an article criticising Trump,next we'll have a Fox News one criticising the Clintons.
It's like the Herald here looking at all the Trump negatives and the Telecrap and Australian looking at the positives.
Trump has to get his agendas through the Congress and Senate,and despite the Republicans controlling both houses ,there is no iron clad guarantee.
I don't care if Kim Jong Un got voted in, the President has advisers who steer him based on needs, community feelings,economics,security.He might be a dictator on the hustings,different kettle of fish in the White House.
Remember Reagan was laughed at ,as a B grade actor, who turned out to be one of their best.
The harsh realities of being a President and the restrictions will become evident to him.
People can protest ,that's a democracy.But burning flags and burning cars is not protest.Funny when Obama got in, where were the protests from the opposition.
Obama ignored the rural areas and the rust belt.The numbers on welfare there are huge.
The vote was based on economic need not racism.
If Trump can get decent numbers of infrastructure going ,that will have a flow on effect ,from labour through to manufacturing.Has to be a better opportunity to the current Obama please certain areas and not others technique.There are bridges for example all over the place in need off replacement.Better to get people working than have them on welfare.
The Democrats were too involved with people in the entertainment industry, and relying on them to get people to go to speeches, shows desperation.Too many ties with the likes of Souros et al.
Trump is bombastic, a misogynist,anti immigration,Hillary left the White House with zero, now the Clintons are worth $150m.Their foundation was even used to fund their daughter's college fees.That foundation is under FBI investigation.I'm not a Trump fan, but if a candidate wins based on the country's system, you live with it.
Funny how the sky fell in and the share market took a giant tumble,now it's shot back up to near record levels.And some Oz businesses see opportunities.
The dark uncertain times happened in 2008 with the GFC,9/11,ISIS.Life goes on .