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Problems at LWOS



After reading a couple of posts by members of this forum there seems to be a bit of ill feeling around the place at the moment so I would like to get all the issues out in the open so and resolved so we can get back to discussing sport and world politics instead of the constant sniping and indirect complaints that have surfaced in the last week or so.

No one member has more rights or entitlements than anyone else and all opinions are valid, no matter how ridiculous or silly they may seem to others.

For the better part of 18 months we have managed to sail along pretty smoothly without too many major incidents involving members of this forum and I would expect that everyone be open and honest when rasing what they feel to be a legitimate issue.

This is an open invitation to have your say on what you think is wrong with the place, even if you are a lurker who hasn't posted and you can see some issues that need addressing, please come forward so we can hear what you ALL have to say.

This is an excellent thread legend. :)
I just hope that people can be open and honest about their concerns and reasons, without some half-witt jumping on their backs.
Please guys, let's give all a fair go here on this thread, and NOT attack them for their views and gripes. PLEASE!!!
My gripe and/or concern: Bring back the Studebaker man! :D


Sorry I just posted my thoughts in the Langer thread before seeing this thread so I'll just say something similar to what I said there.
The thing that I think this forum is lacking is discussion about the Brisbane Broncos. Some of the best posters, lurkers or regular contributors happen to be Broncos fans yet their opinions on the Broncos are never heard. I don't blame them because I wouldn't bother starting a thread about it here. There is nothing you can really do about this because the place has always been about any opinions are welcome. I wouldn't want to censor out anyones views I just think its dissapointing you can't have a sensible conversation about the Brisbane Broncos on this forum without being jumped upon.

Its dissapointing for me personally because I have to go to the Grandstand to talk about the Broncos and sift through the idiots for anything interesting.
One of the best damn threads I've ever read on any message board was one posted by bronco on the old WORL page titled "Why does everyone hate the Broncos?" that was until some phuckwitt deleted it. Meltiger I believe it was.
It was abloody goodthread with plenty of mature &constructiver arguements from the "for" and "against" teams.
None of the crap that you Bronco supp's get thrown at you here at LWOS's. I don't blame you all one bit for not posting topics on your own team. As soon as you do, the vultures come out from all angles with their pointless and useless shit. Most of the times anyway. What's sad is, as bronco mentioned in another recent post, some of the very best posters are Broncos supporters here. And they're staying away in droves. Just like one of the very best posters in my opinion, Cryptic Messenger posted and said above. Bloody sad tis!
I got a couple of other things I'd like to say unrelated to the Broncos thing, but I'm knocking off for the day now and will post on da weekend.
Raging Bulldog


I'd totally forgotten about that thread RB, I was really asking for it with that title though. The thing thatwas great about it was that Broncos and opposition fans were just able to have a calm interesting debate over issues that are normally quite heated. It was Meltiger who deleted the post as soon as it reached 200 replies. It was by accident though, I think the story goes that he was deleting one of his own replies (an annoying habit he has) and accidently clicked the wrong button deleting the thread. I've only just begun to forgive him :).

CM, I look forward to post and reasons, you are one of the Broncos fans I mentioned in another thread that I would like to see more discussion from.

El Duque

Don't really venture in to Broncos threads much.I read/hear enough crap on them in papers and on TV.Not saying what all Broncos fans write is crap but some do get carried away with acertain individual sometimes.

El Duque

What I say in chat aint reallybagging.

I'm just keeping you guys honest;)

I do find it a tad strange that some who have raised concern over ppl having a go at Bronco bashers don't have problems knocking some other people's views on their clubs.



perhaps this could be a good time for the skin to thicken up,stop taking each other and ourselves so seriously.
this forum is like any other, controlled conflict, argumentand differing opinion are the main attraction.
most of us have been here a good while and most know what makes the other tick (in a cyber sense). eg, i know how to stir up bronco,through experience.
its what makes a forum like ours work.
this forum is owned by the members,not the ass managers or managers. the core to any forum is the membership. the key to the membership is difference.
we are lucky here that we have no dipshits( girds groupies,hitlers or blatant shit stirrers),the posts have been said to be "quality"by outsiders. the posting is up to the membership,not a selected few. it may seem like that at times,but if the board didnt tick over it would stagnate and eventually die.therefore if you want to see more stuff from a certain team/area, put it up!!.
despite the occasional personal difference (very healthy imho), i am 100% certain this forum is here to stay.
there are some posters i would like to see more of,cyberkev,mud n blood,wayne miller fan,struth etc etc but i cant always get what i want ,so i make do.

i think a lot of the tension at the mo comes from the realisation of most,that the nz warriors are going to take your trophy home in a little over a weeks time !!
no wonder some of you are bitchy ,,,,,:)



"if you want to see more stuff from a certain team/area, put it up!!." - Ozbash

The whole point is Bronco fans know not to bother. Just look at the titles of some of the threads in the Broncos section: "Wayne Bennett has turned to whinging", "Wayne Bennett - put the mute button back on", Whats happening in Bronco land? (part two)", Bronco Land (part three): Singo moves in...", "Is it too late to sack Wayne Bennett?", "Pathetic Broncos blame it on SOO", "Bennett in breach", "BRONCOS: Pull your finger out!". No prizes for guessing who posted all those threads.

El Duque

Perhaps if Bennett stopped whinging and blaming everything under the sun on some bullshit theory that the NRL,Referees and whoever else are against the Broncos there'd be no such topics.
Are people just supposed to ignore his continuos bitching and accept it as gospel that the Bronco's are rorted in every conceivable way possible?


As I said in my original post: "There is nothing you can really do about this because the place has always been about any opinions are welcome. I wouldn't want to censor out anyones views..."
I don't even really have a point, I'm not asking anyone to suddenly change their opinions just pointing out that Broncos fans don't consider this place anymore to be a place to talk about Broncos issues.

El Duque

Not many clubs fans do.

Most clubs have MB's on their homepages and I'd say the majority of fantalk is done there.
Roopy does a fair few Knights posts but generally there isn't a lot of Knights fans that come and reply.He gets a bit of a ribbing now and then but he seems to be able to handle it(well he hasn't whinged about it that I can recall)



Thats a fair comment. For one we don't have the numbers to have a forum where every club has a large number of supporters within the forum. Still this thread is here for us to resolve a few of these issues. As I've said, I'm interested to hear the comments from Cryptic as to why he doesn't post here much.

We've seen some of the regulars posting less and less. We've seen guys like Warlock, Tigertread and The Saint(correct me if I'm wrong on him) turn their backs on this place so theres obviously some improvements that could be made to the forum.


Improvements are always neccessary to ensure we roll with the times and hopefully with a successful offseason for leagueunlimited, we can get the numbers up to a level where we have a solid representation from all fifteen clubs and the ESL. In the last week we have managed to get the site linked on the NSWRL official site and Ozleague and they both choose their sites very carefully.

The one disadvantage we had when we started this place was we had no website for people to look at and then bring their opinions onto LWOS. That will all change next season as we become more established with a lot of fan friendly initiatives.

The last thing I will say is I think a lot of people wait for the usual suspects to make a post before they reply and it gets hard to think of fresh ideas after a while. I know some people feel a little reluctant to start a post of their own but nothing pleases me more to see a conversation started by a person you would least expect it from. So give it a go guys.


Assistant Moderator
Bronco: Make some effort... post something in the Broncos section. If you don't, the sectionwill stagnate. Forgive mefor trying to breath some life into the place but the fact is these are real topics, not made up ones.
You don't like the subjects... well then get in there and make a difference.
If Broncos supporters don't make an effort, someone else will. Simple really.

The other stuff about some not posting here that often... well thats a fact. But we also have a whole new batch of people. Its a living forum and thats great to see.
But with respect, the examples you have given leave me perplexed because I've seen posts from those contributors in just the last few days. But its true that people come and go. I think thats natural.


Willow I have made a few posts in there, a few more than other Broncos fans. The whole point I've been making is that Broncos fans don't bother posting here because they get jumped upon with the same old dribble. Doesn't matter what the subject it'll get brought back to the same boring issues. We've seen Yaqona, myself, cryptic and mystery man agree on the issue.

Just use a hypothetical situation, I'll use the popular man himself Allan Langer. Say he has a blinder on the weekend and I post something saying what a ripper he had. It wouldn't matter if he played the house down it would be pulled down to some nit picking issue as such as one tackle he made during the game or "hes just been made to look good this year" or "he hasn't played well for years" or simply "Langers overrated". I'd have more chance of being hit by a bus than getting a constructive comment.

As for the posters I mentioned. Warlock and Tigertread have made posts in the past giving reasons why they don't post here anymore and I'm sure I've read something similar from The Saint.

El Duque

I don't miss Warlock.He was a trouble maker and if someone posted something and he didn't agree with it he basically went off his head with abuse and the same thing happened if he posted something and then someone dared have a different opinion.

I can prove beyond any doubt that the whole argument in the boxing section was instigated by him and that's even after he's deleted his posts.

He had his cry the other week and said why he took hus bat and ball and went home and it was really quite a pathetic post.If the guy wanted to be liked he shouldn't start abusing people or telling them to go hang themsrlves and all the other various bullshit he's typed directed at 5 or 6 or even more people.