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Promoting the World Cup


We can make a start on some simple things. Emailing various people. Making a few phone calls.

I got an email back from Australia Post, just saying they don't know yet whether they will have any WC stamps, standard release (which would be best) or special edition (like the team ones). I plan emailing them again late in the year then, early next.


Good work guys. Car stickers would definately be good, especially if we could hand them out at an event where the people would be willing to put them up, such as a kangaroos test match.

Stamps also a great idea. I think if we all keep in the back of our mind that the profit from this tournament will be the making of breaking of all development work for the proceeding 4 years, then we will be willing to go to lengths that we wouldn't normally go to.


Car stickers are a great idea! The RLIF/ARL/NRL should get behind this and have people handing them out at all NRL games next year. With stickers plastered everywhere you will have to be living under a rock not to know the World Cup is on in Australia.

Another suggestion: I have been putting emails out to mates regarding going on a "World Cup final Road trip" from Sydney. This will all hinge on getting tickets to the Final. The response I have had has been huge. As I say.....it is a once in a life time experience.:D Once the whole schedule is released I will be doing the same type of thing for other games in NSW. This is an easy way to get people interested as it becomes a weekend away. :crazy:

Hopefully the RLIF strike up a Deal with the QLD, NSW & VIC governments and have a big RLWC symbol lit up on the Main bridges (Like Harbour Bridge in Sydney) in each capital. This will help build up the hype!

Maybe we should create another post on the RLIF website Forum so they can look at some of the ideas. They might take some on board:shock:


I don't know if this is being thought of or not, but I think it would certainly help get knowledge of the World Cup out there, but how about a videogame? I know the two previous Rugby League games on PS2 and X-Box have been pretty successful (even if some people have found them to be pretty crap). I think the company was a New Zealand company like Sidhe or something like that. I was just thinking if they were planning to bring out a Rugby League 3 why not make it a World Cup Edition? They could include all the teams involved in the qualifiers plus a few others and maybe a couple of venues from around the world. If they really put some effort in maybe even some teams from the French, American or other overseas leagues maybe? I know with the past two games you saw them everywhere, in shops, on TV, in magazines, K-Mart catalogues etc.... It would really get awareness out there and hopefully get a lot of kids and game players interested in it. What does everyone think?


Great idea, I'm 100% behind promoting the game through computer games. This is one that must be given to the organisers of the World Cup ASAP.

Any idea how to contact them. Considering how enthusiastic we are, we really should be looking to meet with the organisors;

a - to offer our support
b - to throw up great ideas like this.

Get the computer game out a couple of months before the tourmament and get kids interested in watching PNG, France etc.


It is very heartening to hear / see the positive promotional concepts in this thread.

Speaking personally, my feelings about this RLWC switch from evangelical, to anger to a kind of despair and everywhere in between.. but the talk on this thread really makes me feel better.

Does anyone have any contacts etc for whoever is charged with marketing the WC?


ali said:
Great idea, I'm 100% behind promoting the game through computer games. This is one that must be given to the organisers of the World Cup ASAP.

Any idea how to contact them. Considering how enthusiastic we are, we really should be looking to meet with the organisors;

a - to offer our support

b - to throw up great ideas like this.

Get the computer game out a couple of months before the tourmament and get kids interested in watching PNG, France etc.

Im with you on getting a meeting with them. I kinda think that they wouldnt take us seriously as we are just a bunch of fans on a forum, we dont have any experience or qualifications in event management or promotion. So to help them take us a little more seriously id be happy to put our ideas into a business report format if we got some meeting or contact details.

The RL3 is a fantastic idea... but so far all this is talk, what can we do to put it into practice?

Not much apart from going to the sidhe rugby league forums and posting ideas. The games developers do read the posts to help with developing the game. That or get an email or phone number from the developers website.

Unfortunately i dont think they'd get it done in time if they havent already started developing rl3. But i havent checked to see if rl3 is being developed already so somebody should check it out. Right now im sposed to be scrambling to get a uni assignment done in time :)

Mr. Fahrenheit

Ali the meeting in person would do the world of good if we can organise it in a formal fashion. Ive got some contacts with EA Australia, maybe we could get a meeting with them instead?


Okay just shot off an email to HES (http://www.hes.net/newsite/generic.php?pagerequest=contact), the people who own the rights to games for the NRL and ESL... as well as emailing TruBlu (http://www.trublu.com.au - their email address is at the bottom) the guys who actually published the game.

This is what I sent:

To whom it may concern,

Just a quick question. Are there any plans to develop another Rugby League to be relased before or aorund the same time as the 2008 World Cup.

I think its a great opportunity to release another great Rugby League game, but with an expanded international flavour. It could include the same features as previous games, including having the NRL and ESL competitions but also have a World Cup tournament feature with all the teams from the 2008 Wold Cup which is being held here in Australia.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

I'm not the best wordsmith but I gave it a shot. I seriously think everyone should send off an email to one or all of the above in the next few weeks.

Also posted on the Sidhe forums...


Already got a response:

Great idea and something we have been discussing, but I cannot confirm anything at this stage.

Its rare I find, to get a company to reply to emails like this. I commend them and hope the game happens. I emailed back a thank you as well as reiterating my thoughts that it was a very exciting opportunity.


I've sent emails to HES Interactive, Sidhe and Trublu too. Got quick reply like Aaron did from HES which was really nice. Pretty much the same thing, good idea but can't confirm anything. Also sent one to the RLIF through their website. I just encouraged them to get behind any possible game and highlighted that the World Cup needs to raise its profile as much as it can.


parrawentyfan said:
I've sent emails to HES Interactive, Sidhe and Trublu too. Got quick reply like Aaron did from HES which was really nice. Pretty much the same thing, good idea but can't confirm anything. Also sent one to the RLIF through their website. I just encouraged them to get behind any possible game and highlighted that the World Cup needs to raise its profile as much as it can.

this may be a bit lazy but can you/someone post the rlif email address for us


Sorry for the late reply. The email i sent the RLIF one too was NEWS@RLIF.ORG. I know it wasn't to the right place, but is there such a place? I asked if it could be forwarded on or if i could be given the correct address. No response yet though.

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