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Public Enemy No.1: Morrison/ Sattler?

Public Enemy

  • Glen "I want to play finals football"/ cheapshot/ I have a toilet dedicated in my honour Morrison

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • Scott plunder and pillage Sattler

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • You are pathetic to hold grudges! Grow up!

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • I am more inclined to hate Tommy Lee for leaving Pamela Anderson

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Despicable : Deserving of scorn; vile


Traitorous: Having the character of a traitor; disloyal


Its understandable that when old Balmain fans raise the contemptible name of Glen Morrison, ex-Magpie fans will feel indifferent. You were never subject to his treachery, his cowardice and subsequent belittling of the club that had vested him with such faith. As you known we take a peverse sense of comfort from the fact that his career has reached no pinnacle after leaving the Tigers to acheive better things.

Recently, another ex-player has invoked the disdain and loathing of WT supporters. Scott Sattler spent a solitary year at the club, and subsequent to his retirement he has used his influence amongst his former teammates to persuade them to move up to his new side. Nobody begrudges the actual players- Prince, Laffranchi or whoever else wants to go up to the Coast, rather it is the deceitful and surreptitious manner that Sattler has gone about luring them away from the club that irks us most. Its not surprising that Sattler has also pillaged from another one of his former clubs, the Penny Panthers.

Should this elevate Sattler into a position of scorn and contempt that exceeds Morrison's standing? Whatever the case, great rivalries are founded on the hatred that fans + teams harbour towards certain individuals so its almost certain that the Wests Tigers v Titans one will be firey from the start.


First Grade

The fact that he was too gutless to even face the club and tell them what was going on (getting his manager to deliver a letter while he was safely overseas!) speaks volumes.
Its wonderful to know that his career has never lived up to anywhere near its potential and now never will :D

Big Mick

oh wah...

He took two of your players...

He's taken 3 of ours and 6 of our juniors to boot. The West's Tigers are not the main ones affected.

Fact is they are a new club and need players.

I don't like them too but to call Sattler scum when you have never met the bloke is ridiculous.


First Grade
For the record I really don't have an issue with Sattler, he's doing his job and he doesn't owe us any loyalty.
innsaneink said:

Oh Ted, you forgot to add the 1908 Rabbitohs, Baah and Steve Jackson in your options.

Darcy Lawler, Alan Jones, Shayne Dunley, Gold Coast Chargers ex-mascot who stuffed socks down the front of his jumpsuit and Mick Stone also came into consideration.

BTW to Big Mick,

I don't see anything peverse with accusing a player of being scum.

Nobody intends it as a personal slur. It should be confined to the context of football. We love hyperbole and its fine to extol players as 'heroes' or describe their performance as brave. By the same logic a guy is only scummy in his antics related to footy.


I don`t mind Morrison, he only shafted the BALMAIN Tigers and no one can blame him for that, where as Sattler is clearly trying to destabilise the WESTS Tigers. I realise he`s only doing his job, but if it`s at the Wests Tigers expense, it doesn`t mean we have to like him.


Big Mick © said:
oh wah...

He took two of your players...

He's taken 3 of ours and 6 of our juniors to boot. The West's Tigers are not the main ones affected.

Fact is they are a new club and need players.

I don't like them too but to call Sattler scum when you have never met the bloke is ridiculous.

If you don't like it,then Fu(k off out of the weststigers section.

Satt's won you a premiership,he did fu(k all for us.Ohh sorry world 7's.

Apart from preston,the rest arnt' a loss for the panthers.They need to sign
backs (quality) for a change.

We've lost our leader/halfback and our best forward.

Our rumoured replacements would need improve to become inferior.

FMD Souths are recuiting better than us.
Morrison easily

as for sattler its like he didnt even play at the club he really doesnt mention us at all so i really couldnt care less about him

unless he decides too take both moa and chase than i might start too really hate him


Tough call. Morrison is a vile dog

And sattler has the ethics of that other supreme gold coast wheeler dealer C Skase.

And to think I was warned on the forum for saying sattler and the seagulls were tapping up our players. Deluded clowns should really wake up and see what sattler is up to. Maybe he is given bonuses of black hair dye per player signed ??
Scott Sattler

The guy is a greasy worm. He came to the Tigers on the back of his one career highlight, that tackle on a rival to Luke Covell's Sprinting career in Todd Byrne. Sattler went from a journeymen , to a proirity signing in his own eyes. The brutal facts remain he was tossed away by 3 clubs who spent long periods wallowing at the foot of the table. He was medicore at the Chargers, laughable at the Roosters, and honest if not average player at the Panthers.

He squirmed his way into the WT's captaincy when Mark Oneill was surely more deserving of the honour in Senter's absense. He also took over as spokesman for the club portraying how his expereicne had lead to the WT's transformation in 2004. The fatcs remain his 7 runs for 41 yards a game did not help us make the Top 8 and it was only the heroics of Brett Hodgson and occasional cameo from Benji Marshall which kept Sattler from achieving his 7th or 8th bottom 3 finish of his career.

In 2005 he squirmed his way into a cushy role at fox sports on the back of his one career moment. He became a very medicore commentator who stumbles through games sounding like a complete goose, only marginally ahead of the talented commentators of Paul Green and Gorden Tallis. In the process of securing the role at Foxsports he left the Tigers in the lurch, having lost several players during the 2004 off season, Sattler walked out on his 2 year deal when Sheens wanted him in 2005. Thankfully these young players were 10 times better then Sattler. Beautifully The Tigers won the competition, a competition he could of been part of but choose not to. In 2005 he frequently tipped against us citing a lack of experience, and tipped us to have a lean season.

In 2006 Sattler has successfully used his powers to preach away Prince and Laffranchi. He has also gone and approached Payten, a player on contract.

The guy is a greasy worm who was a skid mark on the WT's History. He was an average player, an average commentator and i expect him to have an average old time in his second stint with the Gold Coast Giants.


While I am from the Maggies side of the merger, I have always held nothing but contempt for that prize pissant Morrison. As a human being he is pretty low, a cheap shot merchant, who is so in love with himself it is sickening. I thought it was poetic justice how he moved to a Sydney based club to get more exposure to rep selectors and so forth, and when he did leave the Cowboys they improved drastically. Morrison is the epitome of the term 'cat'.
He is a disease who can only affect (infect?)the Wests Tigers only a few more times with his dastardly behaviour (pending finals matches etc).

Scott 'Trojan Virus' Sattler, on the other hand is a different kettle of fish. Sure his career was bolstered by the exploits of his father, and he is really only known for 'that tackle', the damage of Sattler's involvement with the mighty Wests Tigers is only becoming apparent now. As Mr Dog Food stated, he was quite ready to accept the various accolades of our improving discipline/work ethic and so forth on the back of others efforts. He signed a deal with the club he never intended to honour, yes folks his agenda was clear. Always smiling outwardly yet all the while he was nibbling away at the team with a word here and there, weaving his filthy spells on our young captain, and anyone else suitable to his trecherous cause.

Now that the smoke has cleared and this filthy maggot has been exposed as the traitorous bastard he is, I feel a great deal of anger and embarassment, because at the time I was one of the first to sing his praises. I was duped by this smiling assassin, and I think a lot of other proud Wests Tigers supporters were too.
The fallout from this virus has left the Tigers without a half-back, and certainly one of the form forwards in the NRL in Laffranchi. The fact that Todd Payten is in the sights of this club, a player who is contracted beyond this year, is more evidence of this filthy maggot's attempts to lure our talent away.
It seems that the Gold Coast Pirates (credit to Ink) have chosen wisely in recruiting this Sattler character, as he has performed admirably in luring players away without a morsel of ethical consideration. He has abused his association with the Wests Tigers , by undermining our player roster, although we still don't know to what extent his parasitic infiltration has wreaked on our unsuspecting club.

So as far as I am concerned, Scott Sattler is Enemy Number 1 to our club, and to a lesser extent, the Titans too, who are sanctioning this filthy tampering activity.

Excellent thread Ted!


First Grade
What did Johns little boy Scott bring to the joint venture?????
A dickie knee and a secret agenda

What did he take with him????
Every player he could get his hands on

Football is a fickle game,lets hope he who lives by the sword dies by the sword--ie the Titans go belly up or play like a broken bus and Scotty gets the big flick and the snake is rejected by the league world


You should have been on the official forum in Jan. Sattler even posted a msg saying he'd never do anything like tap up players etc etc and all the wannabe sycophants all said `thanks satts for clearing that up'. Brain dead imbeciles one and all. Wouldn't suprised me if the bloke has already tapped Benji up. So what mate, you ran down todd byrne. Quentin from the old Mike Willesee show has probably also managed to run down todd byrne. Sattler's an uter prick


He'd rather of thrown on the suit than the footy boots for 2005. Oh Well you missed another premiership Satts. Now f*ck off and leave our players alone!


I don't think he'd have got near the side to be fair.

I think he, like we all, foresaw his career ending with his fellow backrower Nick Graham, another exponent of Croydon's aforementioned 7 hit up/40 yd, 6mistackle powerhouse displays