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PVP Round 1 (2005) Dragons Vs Sharks

Sport Rage

Forget about road rage there is a new kind of violence taking over and it’s called Sport Rage. This type of rage is described as the verbal, physical or mental abuse that may come from players, spectators, parents, trainers, coaches or even officials.

Recent examples of this rage in Rugby League include a brawl between a group of parents who traded blows at a Penrith district junior rugby league game at Windsor. This brawl led to the banning of a young boy from playing with the Minchinbury Jets. Earlier this year a 15 year old suffered a serious eye injury after being bashed by a spectator during a St George District Junior Rugby League Competition. Central Coast police were called to break up a brawl at a school girls match that resulted in an unconscious Year 8 player. It was also reported that a middle aged woman broke the leg off a picnic table and ran on to the field and used the broken table leg to hit the referee because she didn’t like the way he controlled the game. Another incident led to a man being arrested, charged and sentenced to three months jail after he punched a referee because his son was sent to the sin bin.

The most recent statistics of sport rage offences committed are 37% by players, 22% by coaches, 19% by spectators and 17% by parents. The impact of violence in sport can lead to a decline in participation by both officials and players.

The time has come for sporting associations, clubs, teams and the government to try to implement strategies to prevent future sport rage.
Rugby league was the first sport to actually adopt the anti rage package produced by NSW Sport and Recreation. The NSW Junior Rugby League distributed more than 60,000 sport rage prevention booklets to players and parents before the start of the 2005 football season. Codes of conduct have also become popular amongst most sports.

Another approach by the Department of Sport and Recreation is identifying what type of parent are you? There is a cartoon that describes the different types of parents which enables individuals to think about themselves in regards to their attitude and the way they behave.

The first parent is the screecher. This is the person who can be heard yelling, swearing and calling profanities throughout the entire game. The over the top parent. Most people know the kind; “great pass Timmy”, “excellent work Timmy”, “good boy Timmy”, “go Timmy” and “my Timmy’s a legend”. The analyst who has everything worked out about their kid. You will hear them say things like “my kids just run 3.5 seconds faster than what he did last week“. The wannabe parent will be heard telling their kid “I never showed you that way“ or “do it the way I told you to“. Then there is the not really there parent. This is the one with the mobile phone glued to their ear or thinks I must call the office and check my messages. Finally we come to the five star parent. This parent will be heard saying things like “well played team” or “that was a great effort by everyone”. These parental descriptions apart from being amusing are interesting and most people involved in junior league can probably relate to at least one of these descriptions. Obviously the league would like to increase the number of five star parents attending games.

There are ex players from the old school that believe there is nothing wrong with an old fashioned blue between players on the field. The character Reg Reagan promotes “Bring Back The Biff” and is a well supported character.

An ideal situation would be one that allows spectators, players, officials, referees and touch judges the opportunity to participate in the game without fear of harassment or violence.

In conclusion violence in league is a much debated topic. Being involved in sport can be a dangerous past time. It is important for the future of rugby league and for the safety of all involved that a certain approach should be taken towards those guilty of committing violent acts against individuals. How this can be policed is the topic of another debate.


Dept of Sport and Recreation, 2005, Which sport parent are you?, www.dsr.nsw.gov.au/sportrage

Van Den Nieuwenhof, L. (editor), Crossing The Line , The Australia Magazine, News Limited, 1st October 2005,

Nori, S., NSW Govt & Junior Rugby League Tackle Sport Rage, 19th Feb 2005


My apologies, I was under the impression Gonz was subtmitting all essays. I guess rules are not like the EULA (you know where you click next already :)). If its any help - my essay was posted to DAF F7 thread on Monday 31st Oct.

Guess I will learn the hard way and be better for the experience.
Promise to do better next time, Congratulations to the Sharks for a great effort, but these DAF essays are mighty fine.

I have had trouble with my connection, but did not try again as I thought all was under control.


Good work to both sides. 5 out of 5 is a good effort and what it's all about. Don't worry Gonz, it gets easier, but from here it looked you you had it all under control.


Guys, well played and in the spirit of a Probables V Possibles, we let a few lessons get learnt.

First thing - I understand now resolved, is that everyone playing and posting must be a member of LU. This is to ensure that all nicknames can be accounted for and no posting is undertaken under aliases (avoiding, amongst othe things, someone posting multiple times under disguises/nom de plumes [flowery names ?])

Secondly, any replacements made,e.g: dragonsoldier for buzz boy, need to be posted and made by the captain, or captain's representative. If the replacement was posted, great - I must have missed it...

Best check the rules again, but this is a learner and a trial so all is good here.

BTW there is also a "last post" thread section for last minute posts when there is problems - good for starter teams to know if in the season proper.


Cronulla Sharks

A simple and positive message about how to approach your life and your league


Basic but thorough historical piece


A good solid post, could use a few paragraphs


Short but attractively written – good approach


A simple history with glimpses of interesting information


Dragon Army

The Gonz
A slightly different approach to the usual league/union discussion


An interesting short history lesson


Seems like two posts jammed together. There is potential for either but not both in a disjointed manner



A personal story that probably rings true for many e-fans


Traditional Saint

Well addressed subject


Comment - not normal from me during season.
  • A good trial, with new players having their first hit-out.
  • Most posts would have been improved through improved editing, e.g: paragraphing for impact.
  • Other posts read like short paste jobs, which may just be the result of first up conservatism - look to retell the story or the concept after the research, don't make the research the post.
  • Don't be afraid to say what you think, but back it up with some form of substance - observation or fact or just plain old scurrilous gossip (non-libellous of course).
  • Lastly, let your enjoyment and emotions show - even if it's just a small thing. Great posts have come from small matters - just develop them without trying to tap dance as fast as you can.

Cronulla Sharks (415) d. Dragon Army (407)

POM: Bookie 86


Staff member
Nice work, Sharks. Good to see you recover after looking like going under at the end of last season. Nice effort also from the fledgling Dragons. Getting in five is always a great start. Look forward to playing both sides next year.


Good job Sharks. Looks like we're setting ourselves for a fair run at the trophy this year.

Cheers gorilla and the Dragons.

The Piper

This is actually my first win for the Sharks! 100% win rate as (c), though.

And again, I would like to congratulate the other four members of this team, who produced great reads and great communication, making my job as captain that much easier.

Well done to you gonzerelli as captain of the Dragons for this round. Your side will grow stronger every week and will be a force come season 2006.

Really big thanks to Gorilla, for marking and in depth look at what both sides can do to improve their game. Very much appreciated.

The crowd stands and applauds MOM Bookie off the field.

Whose up for Round 2?


Thanks Gorilla, especially for the comments - we will take them to our forum, to look to use them to improve our perfoemance.

The game really came down to the wire, and it was a strong showing by both teams. Many thanks to my team - first round's on me.

And of course, thanks to our opponents who've gotten over us - looking forward to a competitive hit-out in the finals!

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