I’m not sure why this is so bad?
Now I’ll admit, care definitey needs to be taken but if enough rules and structure is put in place the Nrl would be rediculous to knock back millions of dollars in funding. Multimillionaires, billionaires, like twiggy, Tinkler, koukash or even sheik Pqwlahdycbeic need to be kept on a leash but at the same time allowed input in ideas to promote the game. Help with local stadium funding, sponsor 2 new expansion teams $25mil each, taking rep comps overseas, create comps (like twiggy), if they want to help fund clubs they could even help pay the $200mil+ funding bill the Nrl pays every year to clubs. Even have the sheik talk to the RLIF and instigate something there. This could be the game changer rugby league needs and kick starts the truely international game.
All I’m saying is that if it is true what’s being published in the media and a billionaire with shed loads of money and friends with even more want to help out our code, we would be complete idiots, not to try and make something happen.