You are Dutchy’s Big Book of Lies, Independently Aligned Encyclopedia of Falsehoods.
Dutchy has become notorious for lying his way to victory in mafia games, but you’ve stumbled across his secret. More accurately, you are his secret – a weighty tome bound in human flesh and written in the tears of those you’ve deceived.
- Vendetta: At the start of the game, you must give me the name of three players. These are the players who deaths you must engineer.
- False Death: The first time you’re killed, you’ll die as one of the unchosen roles in the game. You’ll be added to the death list but you will still be very much alive. You may choose to have yourself returned to the alive list at any point, but check your win conditions. You win if you are still in the dead list or were in the dead list for the previous full day-night session.
- False Information: Each night you may PM me up to 150 words of text and a single image. These can be injected into the night write-up or sent as a PM to another player as if from me. They can also be split, so you could send a 50 word PM and include a 100 word piece of text in the write-up.
- Massive Falsie: Once during the game you may tell a massive fib that alters the game. This could be placing a player in the dead list (killing them), moving a player to the alive list (resurrecting them), sending a player a new role PM (changing their role within reason), or something more creative. You’ll have to discuss this with me.
You win the game if you are able to engineer the deaths of your three vendettas. To engineer a death, you must be directly responsible for their lynching or death. Your massive falsie cannot be used to do this.
Alternatively, if your vendetta targets die in other means, you’ll instead share a joint victory if you can survive until game’s end.