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* Raw Spoilers * Flair Finally Taking A Stand?


Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Date: Monday, September 27th, 2004
Location: The Kemper Arena in Kansas City, MO
Results by Bill Watson of PowerWrestling.com

Start of the show:

A tribute to the Big Bossman appears on the screen before we got Live to Raw.

Bischoff is in the ring and he talks up Taboo Tuesday. He says the idea of the fans making decisions is categorically wrong. It is not about his job because his job is not at risk. Eric goes on to bash the fans about how they are dumb and so on. Eric Bischoff says he is here to give the Raw fans their four choices as to who will face HHH at Taboo Tuesday. The first choice is HBK, the second choice is Chris Benoit, the third is Edge (fans boo). The fourth choice is obviously Randy Orton and he gets the biggest pop. However if Randy Orton wants on the ballot, he is going to have to win a no DQ match against Batista! If he does not win he will not get a chance to face HHH for the title.

This brings out HHH! H gets on the mic and asks Eric if the fans are going to decide his fate. The crowd pops. HHH seems to not like the idea. He says the idea is a load of crap! He says the people pay money to SEE him, to stand in the building in the middle of greatness. He says they don't get to touch it, talk to it, and they certainly don't get to decide the fate of it. He says he doesn't go to their jobs and tell them how it works. He mocks a few fans, saying one is a burger flipper and the other is a hooker.

HHH says he is going to give the fans a few choices. Choice number one, they can go screw themselves! He says it's a good choice cuz nobody is going to do it for them. Two, each of them can rot in hell. "Asshole" chants arise. He says they can TRY to get a life and...

Shelton Benjamin hits the ring!

HHH goes to talk to Shelton but he grabs the mic away. Shelton says HHH has a few choices as well. Choice number, quit your whining. Choice two, quit complaining. Choice three, quit crying because there are not enough tissues in Kansas to clean that nose! He goes on to choice number four and says that they need to get it on! Shelton approaches HHH but Eric comes in between them. HHH cheap shots Benjamin and Eric tells someone to get a ref as the match will start!

Referee: Jack Doan
Shelton Benjamin vs. HHH

Start of the match:

The two brawl back and forth, HHH hits an early hip toss and he walks away. Shelton nips up and clocks HHH with a hard right hand. Shelton takes control in the corner, he whips HHH to the other corner and he goes for the Shelton Splash but HHH moves and throws Shelton shoulder first through the turnbuckles and into the steel! As we go to commercial break, both men are down!

Mid match notes:

When we come back Shelton hangs HHH up on the ropes and then follows up up with rights and lefts until HHH hits a single arm DDT. He covers for two. HHH then slowly works on the arm by dropping a knee on it and then placing Shelton Benjamin in an arm bar. Shelton works his way back to a nip up where he hits a few rights, but HHH jerks on the arm. HHH places Shelton in the corner and then climbs the top rope behind him but Shelton gets a few shots on him and then runs up the ropes to hit a top rope arm drag! Both men are down and slow getting up. HHH is up first and he throws a blow, Shelton ducks and unloads, misses a big one, goes for a kick, HHH catches his foot but Shelton does his spinning wheel kick. shelton then takes HHH down with a back body drop and a nothern lights overhead suplex for two. Benjamin then hits a modified powerslam for another two count! Shelton throws HHH off the ropes, HHH gets a kick to Shelton's gut and he goes for the Pedigree but Shelton backs out and hits a Russian leg sweep. Shelton climbs the ropes and hits his modified clothesline/bulldog for another two count!

End of the Match:

HHH gets up in the corner and shelton nails him with the splash. He then clotheslines HHH outside the ring. Shelton follows him and bangs his head off the steps. HHH falls into the announce table where he hides his face on a chair. He grabs the belt and plays possum until Benjamin gets close. HHH clocks him with the title and the referee rings the bell!

Winner by Disqualification: Shelton Benjamin

The aftermath:

HHH snaps and tosses the referee on his head outside the ring. He then takes the helpless Shelton Benjamin and gives him a pedigree on the outside of the ring!

Referee: ???
Tajiri and Rhyno vs. Rosey and the Hurricane

Start of the match:

Tajiri starts against Rosey and he gives him a quick kick. Rosey overpowers him and works him over a bit. Tajiri is thrown to the corner and he jumps up, Rosey catches his feet and throws him to the outside where Tajiri hits a sick kick to rosey's head. Back in the ring Rosey goes for Tajir who rolls through and tags Rhyno.

The two big men have a bit of a strength match. Rhyno gears up and dtomps his foot off the ground and he runs at Rosey, Rosey does not fall. He does it again, Rosey does not fall. He does it a third time but ducks a clothesline and takes Rosey down!
Mid match notes:

Hurricane is tagged and he drops a big kick on Rhyno. Rhyno and Tajiri go back and forth a bit until Rhyno picks him up and hits a big time press into a powerslam. All men hit the ring and crazy action insues. Tajiri hits a tarantula on Hurricane while Rhyno and Rosey go at it.

End of the match:

Tajiri and Hurricane are in the ring and Tajiri ducks a blow and kicks Hurricane in the head. However, somewhere in their mix Rosey was tagged and he sneaks up behind Tajiri to hit him with a mega powerslam for the victory!

Winners: The Hurricane and Rosey

Interview with Kane:

Todd is sitting down with Kane, he thanks him for the time and asks if Lita was going to join them. Kane says she will not. Lita is still in shock, she will not eat, she barely speaks, and so on. He says that no matter how Lita really felt about him, she loved the baby. Todd asks if they are agonized. Kane flips a tiny bit. He says there is nothing to describe what they are going through. He says they found out she was pregnant and now he is dead, his son is dead. But he says his son will not die alone. Because Gene Snitsky is respondsible for all of this and he will pay!

Benoit is in the back after the Smackdown Rebound and he says this Taboo Tuesday is a great idea. He says if the fans pick him he will walk out as the heavyweight champion. Eugene walks in with scissors and he starts playing with them. Regal yells at him as Eugene goes to put them in his mouth! Eugene says that at Taboo Tuesday he cuts Uncle Eric's hair! Snip, Snip! Brutus the Barber Beefcake!

Referee: Mike Chioda
Val Venis vs. Gene Snitsky

Start of the match:

Beofre Val cn even get in any shots, Gene starts to dominate him! Gene goes crazy stomping the living hell out of Venis in the corner. Venis finally ducks a blow and gets some offense only to get knocked down hard. Val is lying on the mat on his face, Snitsky drops a leg on the back of his head and then puts him in a big choke/headlock hold.

Venis fights back but again he is taken down by Gene. Venis hits a low dropkick followed by a kick to Gene's head. Venis goes to the rop as Gene is down. He goes for the money shot but misses. Venis gets up only to take a giant boot to the face.

End of the match:

Gene Snitsky picks up Val Venis by a pumphandle, he stops him on his shoulder and does a powerslam type move over to the side. Gene pins Val Venis for the win!

Winner: Gene Snitsky

Flair speaks:

Flair says he has a few problems to discuss. First is Randy Orton, second is the use of the word great, and his use of the word legend. Ric Flair says the day he became the WWE Champion, he became great. He says it's a select group, and he is great because if you are a world champion, you are great. Flair says everyone around here kisses his but, saying he is a legend killer and so on and so forth. Flair takes his jacket off and asks him what legend he killed. He says HBk, HBK, was one of the best, a legend? Not a legend. Harley Race, a legend? Yes, but every time he got in the ring with Flair, Flair whooped him around this ring. He goes on to say Hart is not a legend, hogan is not a legend, and Mick Foley is not a legend either! (he flops on the ground when he says this for added effect) He says there is only one legend, 16 times, 16 times baby, 16 times! He says until Randy Orton beats Ric Flair, he will never be a legend killer. This brings out Randy Orton!

Randy tells Flair he has no problem saying to his face that he is the greatest legend that this business has ever seen. He says you are Ric Flair! Orton plays him up a bit, he says Orton looked up to him. He said he was proud to stand by him when he was in Evolution. He says he learned a lot but he could have learned more. He says he does not think he could be a world title holder if it were not for Flair. He says "Ric Flair, you are the man!" Which is why it is so tragic to see what you've become! He says Flair comes out here every single week and says HHH is the greatest wrestler alive, Orton says it is not true, infact, he knows it, the fans know it, and deep down inside, Flair knows it too. Flair says Orton is trying to mix things up. Flair says HHH is really the best. Orton says Ric Flair is not a legend, he is a lapdog, a glorified cheerleader! He says when HHH says something, Flair does it, he's HHH's bitch. He says THIS generation will only remember Ric Flair for kissing HHH's ass. He says there is only one man who can save the legacy of the greatest wrestler ever and that person is Ric Flair! He says that a true legend takes crap from nobody. Orton drops the mic and walks away. Flair stands in the ring shocked as he is actually contemplating it.

Referee: Earl Hebner
Christian and Tyson Tomko vs. Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho

Start of the match:

All men fight outside the ring until order is taken. Back in the ring brawling ensues until Tyson and Christian take care of HBK by double teaming him and tagging in an out a few times. Tyson goes for a clohtesline of HBK but HBK ducks and knocks Tyson down, he tags Chris Jericho who comes in with a full head of steam. He cracks Tyson and then runs off the ropes where he clocks Christian off the apron. He then goes to the top where he comes down with a dropkick on Tyson. Tyson gets up and Y2J yells "come on assclown" to him. Tyson runs only to get a drop toe hold onto the ropes. Jericho gears up and goes off the ropes but Tyson is up. Jericho ducks a clothesline and HBK comes in the ring and helps Jericho clothesline Tyson over the top rope. Christian comes to get some but HBK and Y2J kick him in the gut, pick him up, and throw him to the outside onto Tyson Tomko!

When we come back there is a rollup from Jericho on Tyson for two. Tyson reponds though with a hard clothesline as he tags Christian who takes control of Y2J. Thw two pull the old heel tactic of taggting in and out quickly while working on Jericho.

Mid match notes:

Jericho finally gets a sunset flip on Tyson but Tyson picks him up and bodyslams him hard on the mat. Tyson goes to drop an elbow but misses. Jericho goes for the tag but Christian comes running and he knocks HBK off the apron! Tyson chucks Jericho to the outside where Christian drops him on the security rail.

Tyson and Christian go back in control as christian hits a neckbreaker. Jericho fights up from a headlock with a ton of chops. Jericho comes off the ropes but Christian gets him in the gut with a kick and then hits his inverted backbreaker. Tyson tagged again. Tyson takes a few shots but finally Jericho hits an enzeguiri and is able to tag. Christian and HBK hit the ring and HBK takes control with a back body drop. HBK takes both oppoents down with right, letfs, clotheslines, and flying forearm. He gives them both an atomic drop. He chops Tyson in the corner and then climbs for the 10 pounch. He gets to about 5 but then does a double axe handle off the ropes onto Christian. HBK is on fire taking on both men until Christian attacks him from behind and gains control.

End of the match:

Christian is in control of HBK as he goes to give him the unprettier. He gets HBK in position but Jericho comes to the ring and he takes down Christian with the bulldog. Jericho comes off the ropes and hits a lionsault! Jericho turns only to get a boot to the head from Tyson. Tyson goes to attack HBK but he misses and HBK hits the sweet chin music on Tomko! However, after the superkick Christian rolls up HBK and uses the ropes to get the pin and victory for his team!

Winners: Christian and Tyson Tomko

Regal helps Eugene pick a match type:

Regal has a bunch of guys lined up, one is in a dress, one is a servant, and someone is in a barber chair. He asks the fans which stipulation they would like to have and so on. The guy shows off in the dress and the fans like it, kind of. Eugene goes on to cut some guys hair for fun. Regal says the fans get to pick what happens to Eric Bischoff when he loses to Eugene. Bischoff comes out and says they had their fun, but the fun is now over. He tells Eugene that he is not going to shave his head because he is not going to beat him period. He says Eugene, whether you know it or not..Eric karate kicks the guy getting his head shaved over pretty nicely as he kicks him right in the heart. He says Eugene has his hands full come Taboo Tuesday.

Trish throws a party for Christy!

Trish, Gail, and Molly come to the ring and such. Ttrish says a bunch of nothing and she is holding a mic and she goes to say something but Christy steals the mic. She says she has something to say. She thanks the fans a ton. Trish gets the mic back and tells her that she was picked by the fans, well that, and whoever she slept with to get to the finals. Trish says they all tell her congrats. Trish says there is someone else who wants to talk to her and say what she really meant. Carmella comes on the screen and disses Christy a lot. She says she is a bitch who cost her a quarter of a million dollars.

The girls tell Christy that her first official initiation match is tonight and it is in a match against all three women, handi capped, and a bra and panties match! Trish gets a ref and starts the match and whatnot. The two other girls hold berh back, but Christy manages to slap Trish in the face. Trish then grabs her and then rip off all of her clothes and win this unofficial match and whatnot. Christy gets up from the mat and the fans cheer her as she covers up a bit. She grabs the mic and says those girls thought they could take her pride when they ripped her clothes off but Christy just found out that she is actually very comfortable in just her bra and panties. She asks the fans how they like her now and they pop pretty well! Good for her!

Flair and Batista are in the back and Batista tells Flair "let's go Ric, time to go to the ring." Flair just stares into nothingness. Batista asks him what the hell is going on, he has to get to the ring. Flair gets up and says that he will take orders from nobody, not Batista, or HHH, nobody. He said he will go back to the ring when he sees fit.

Referee: Chad Patton
Randy Orton vs. Batista - NO DQ

Start of the match:

Batista and Orton go at it early until Batista hits a nasty spinebuster. Still no Flair as the match starts. Batista has Orton outside where he chokes Orton with his knee against the security rail. He then whips Randy Orton off the steps and then continues to beat on him relentlessly. Batista places Orton on the apron where he chops his neck and then kicks him in the side of the head. Orton is nearly dying as Batista DOMINATES the first five minutes of the match.

Ranry Orton tries to fight back but Batista hits a sidewalk slam for a close two count. Batista continues his assault when he throws Randy off the ropes backwards and then clubs him in the back of the neck. Orton is nearly out on his feet at Batista continues a viscious assault on Orton. Batista goes for the head club again but Orton fights out and hits a forearm! Orton then sidesteps Batista on the ropes followed by a shoulder knockdown and a big dropkick.

Mid match notes:

HHH hits the ring to assist Batista in this no DQ match up. HHH hits the ring but Orton takes care of both him and Batista with rights, lefts, and clotheslines! Randy Orton plants a DDT on Batista but he turns around to receive a DDT from HHH. HHH leaves the ring and goes to get a chair, he comes back in the ring with that chair and he is waiting for Orton but the crowd pops as Flair runs to the ring, what will he do?

End of the match:

Flair stares face to face with the Game but then he knocks the chair out of HHH's hands! Flair then stares at HHH with the chair in hand, but he then turns and kicks Orton in the groin! Flair then cracks Orton over the head with the chair. HHH tells Batista to get Orton up. Batista picks Orton up and gives him the sit down powerbomb for the three count.

Winner: Batista

After the match:

Evolution stands tall as it turns Flair did not take Orton's advice at all. Orton will now not be able to fight HHH at Taboo Tuesday!


I hope Benoit gets chosen for Taboo Tuesday and wins.

I have a feeling he won't win and Orton will be involved.


I think this was done to extend the Orton fued with HHH.

A match with Edge, Benoit or HBK doesn't seem that appealing to me.

I wonder who gets the IC title shot. My guess is Batista. Although Christian and Benjamin are also a chance.


Post Whore
A match with Edge, Benoit or HBK doesn't seem that appealing to me.

Well Edge and Benoit- please no! They are the most boring on RAW!

HBK- well I would say he would be the favaourite to get it. What about this:


Like it or not, that would be one of the best title matches in the last 12 months at least!


Damn I like Orton! I'd like to think that Edge wouldnt get a WWE title shot...I'm picking its Benoit who gets it? And thuganomics I agree with you about the I.C title.

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