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Recruitment, or lack thereof - a pearler from mystical Mick


Development played a bigger part in our recent success than recruitment, so I can kind of see where Watsons coming from. Whether we have the talent & the expertise to develop it is another story. Next year will be interesting.
I just remember what a bunch of no-names the Warriors were at the beginning of 2001. Different story at the end of 2002.

NZ Warrior

First Grade
Very wise words, Ozbash. Tell ya what, I'll forgive him, if he promises not to go anywhere near the Warriors. Much like the arrangement he had with Tainui :D


Graham Lowe wrote in his aricle this week that feka was signed by Wigan for 250,000$ a year not the 500,000$ a year that is being reported...I wonder who has it right?


The figure that the club has to reach is 10,000.

Anyone know how many times the crowd has been less than that number this season?


don't know exactly but in some recent games is was 8,000 or less. Its hard to say what the warriors will do as far as recuritment goes but it seems they won't be too active and might only pick up 1 or 2 players.


Iafeta said:
And seem not to give a rats about anyone south of the Bombays.

I noticed such a lack of hype south of Auckland about the Warriors, and still next to none in Auckland about them either.

Guess thats what you get when you won't talk to anyone like the case was in 2004.

Its simple, win and all the Bandwagoner Union Fans who are sick of the way Auckland (and the Blues) keep shooting itself in the foot (although the Blues making Nuciefora coach is a move in the right direction - thats a different story though) will come flooding back in.


That's not as easy as it sounds.
Honestly, why cant they play games outside of Auckland? If Aucklanders cant be bothered supporting the Warriors dont snub the rest of the country.
Parramatta & Wests have done very nicely from Christchurch & Hamilton.


Agree Thrash.

Nothing wrong with 1 game a year in Wellington and Hamilton/Christchurch, especially considering now the Bulldogs are in talks with the Wellington Rugby League to tie up a partnership securing Wellington juniors to be tied up to the Bulldogs basically. There goes the likes of Whatuira, Kearney, Mellars etc who've come out of Wellington.

I read on stuff.co.nz a reason for the lack of spending is that Price and Wiki stand to benefit from substantial 2nd year increases in their contracts.


Warriors free up $525,000
10 July 2005

The Warriors have shed around $525,000 worth of players from next year's salary cap - but have still declared they have no room to recruit big-name outsiders for 2006.

A well-placed source told the Sunday Star-Times that the loss of marquee player Stacey Jones, boom young prop Iafeta Paleaaesina and the pre-season exit of test centre Vinnie Anderson has saved the club around $625,000, about one-fifth of the total cap of $A3.2m.

Upgrades of some lesser-paid players are estimated to total around just $100,000 a year - leaving a gap of more than half a million dollars.

But while the other 14 NRL clubs scramble for new signings in the annual July rush, the Warriors will be inactive.

The failure to go to the market raises the prospect of either one of two potential scenarios - the club plans to deliberately spend less on players than the cap allows, or, secondly, players signed in recent years have automatic upgrades that kick in next year and eat up the remaining money.

Another club source said the Warriors were committed to second-year increases on a series of contracts - allowing them little room to manoeuvre despite an under-performing squad.

It is understood Jones' exit will save the Warriors around $350,000 per season, while Anderson would have commanded around $175,000 a year and Paleaaesina - who won an upgraded deal last year - around $100,000.

The club has, so far this year, given Wairangi Koopu and Jerome Ropati new, improved deals and are negotiating with Karl Temata and Simon Mannering.

On the surface, that leaves a huge gap to be filled, but as the Sunday Star-Times revealed last month, the club does not intend to pursue new frontline players.

Chief executive Mick Watson reconfirmed that stance, saying: "We are not looking for a first grader. If someone comes in, then it would maybe be an elite development player - if I do look offshore. But it may be the case (they do not sign anyone)."

The Star-Times has been told the Warriors committed to giving certain players much-improved terms in the second year of their contracts - an established and legal tactic used by clubs, including the Bulldogs, to offset salary cap costs from one season into the next.

It can allow clubs flexibility in the first season, but increasingly constricts them over the second and third seasons of the cycle.

The Warriors signed props Ruben Wiki and Steve Price on substantial deals for this season, and also recruited established Australian first graders Todd Byrne and Nathan Fien in what Watson says was "an anomaly" from their established approach of promoting local talent.

He says the club's dismal 2004 form effectively forced him to spend to prevent a repeat performance - but that this year, with development manager John Ackland over 12 months into his appointment, he intends to re-focus on local juniors.

If there are big increases for players already signed, Wiki and Price are likely to head the queue with the loss of Jones, Anderson, Paleaaesina giving the club a way of accommodating them.

The other obvious explanation for the gap in the sums would be the Warriors choosing to operate below the cap in an effort to save costs - a suicidal approach in the ultra-competitive NRL.

"There is no significant gap in the salary cap," Watson said, although he failed to talk specifics.

"The sole purpose of the Warriors is to win a premiership. We're very proud of our commercial record and profitability and we do not want to sacrifice savings in the salary cap to help the performance of the business."

"If people do the stats, they will find our top 20 players put us in the top three in the NRL for the average number of games played. People expect us to buy but that's not how the system works.

"If Bartercard Cup players don't see a pathway into the Warriors and get a professional playing career, they will look elsewhere."

While Watson has said recently he wants the salary cap increased - a distinct possibility given the new TV contracts agreed by the NRL - he has also re-asserted his support of the concept.

Meanwhile, Watson said Temata was "looking around" but the club was confident of retaining him.

A new, upgraded three-year deal has also been put in front of 18-year-old prospect Mannering.

"We have made an offer for Simon to put in front of his parents in the next few weeks: there is no rush," Watson said.

The Sunday Star-Times understands the Warriors had a one-year contract option in their favour for Mannering, but wanted to tie him up for longer to prevent outside interest.

Sunday Star Times


this is from the nzherald and is similar to Sunday news article

League: No recruitment likely in 2006


By Michael Brown

For a team that sits 12th on the table and with their chances of a place in the top eight fading like crowds at Ericsson Stadium this season, you might think a few changes were in order.

After all, Mid-table Mediocrity-ville is not a place New Zealand sports fans like to take their holidays, so it's a little disheartening for Warriors supporters that the club aren't likely to add to their playing ranks for 2006.

The Warriors believe they have a side capable of reaching the heights of 2002 - when they lost the grand final - and have consistently said they're not looking for anyone new but the main reason is the Warriors have no room in their salary cap to bring in new players, despite the departure of the high-earning Stacey Jones.

In reality, this $400,000 has been eaten up pretty quickly by the retention of others whose contracts have been improved, as well as a need to protect young talent from other clubs.

The problem is, the Warriors will be losing their key creative spark when Jones boards the plane to Perpignan.

He's been a shining light in recent games as he pulls the strings like the puppeteer he can be. Nathan Fien could become that kind of player, Lance Hohaia has looked tidy at hooker and, despite the high regard in which Jerome Ropati is held, he's yet to develop into the sort of player who can strike fear into the hearts of the opposition. He's not even playing at five-eighths, where he's tipped to take over the reins.

The reality is all teams would love a Darren Lockyer or Andrew Johns but there aren't many of them around and they cost the earth. The Warriors certainly can't afford to bring one in, which is why they were so keen on Anthony Mundine whom they might have been able to pick up outside the salary cap if he had chosen to return to rugby league.

Mundine was a player capable of breaking open a game and looked like he would have been available. Instead, the only quality halves on the market are Matt Orford and Braith Anasta, but the Warriors can't afford them.

As well as losing Jones, barnstorming prop Iafeta Paleaaesina is taking the cash and running to Wigan - something the club had not bargained on, meaning they could be in the market for a front-rower.

]They could also be looking to offload squad members like Karl Temata, Evarn Tuimavave, Tevita Latu and Epalahame Lauaki. The four aren't exactly high earners, Temata is off contract, and few clubs are likely to be tripping over themselves for their signatures.

Questions remain, however, over Awen Guttenbeil and Richard Villasanti - who have both been linked with as-yet unsubstantiated moves to the UK Super League - as well as the injured Tony Martin and Francis Meli.

Meli has had an ordinary season and could be one of those potentially interested in a lucrative UK deal. If he was to leave, for example, the Warriors would need another quality outside back.

The Warriors pride themselves on discovering home-growntalent and regard themselves as a development club rather than a recruitment club. Last year was an exceptional one when they brought in Steve Price, Ruben Wiki, Fien and Todd Byrne in the hope of solving a number of problem areas. Other years have been highlighted by the arrival of only one or two new players so it's hardly a new stance.

This season Manu Vatuvei, 19, and Simon Mannering, 18, have been the principal movers but waiting to make their mark, perhaps as early as next year, are the likes of Sonny Fai and Frank-Paul Nuuausala. Both play in the second row and were stand-out performers at age-group level, but neither are training with the first-team squad, a usual sign they are being considered for the top team.

The Warriors have beaten NRL leaders the Broncos twice this season but have struggled to achieve any sort of consistency.

They will need that if they are to qualify for the top eight, and if they are to make more of an impression in 2006.

But it's becoming increasingly clearer that they will have to do it with what they've got.


Iafeta said:
Courtesy of Rugby Laegue Week.

Beautiful. It has to be a good player to replace Iafeta Paleaaesina and to be frank there are obviously none available. I mean heck, that scrub Steve Simpson is no good, neither is Ashley Harrison, or Braith Anasta, or Matt Orford, Steve Bell's hopeless, Ben Ross is a nuff nuff.

So let me get this straight:-

We're losing

* Stacey Jones, #1 on the payroll, our halfback of 11 years
* Awen Guttenbeil - must have been on a decent enough wicket, maybe $150,000, former Kiwis rep
* HOPEFULLY Monty Betham who should PAY to play for the Warriors
* Iafeta Paleaaesina - must have been on say $150,000

And we're gaining old cousin Jack's brother who's playing for the thirds down at Opunaki, but gee whiz boys, in ten years time he'll be going good for a bench spot in the reggies.

Right on Mick, say Mick, I know a couple of companies I used to work for who could use an accountant like you :lol:

Wouldn't waste money on Ross - unless you want another 10 min man... Simpson would be worth it...

Watson is unbelievable - he can spend a fortune on Price and Wiki - both undenbiably great, but hardly looking to the future - but argues that the likes of Simpson, Anasta, Bell, Orford, and Bell wouldn't stregnthen the team....:lol:


accy stanley said:
yes there really is dev squad but who the hell do they ever play back to needing Prem or Jersey Team.

But they get cool gear to where around and medical cards :rolleyes: . Whoopee
And they in most cases seem to get represented by the Auckland league player agents who put them in rep sides to play once a year or so and never as a team ! GREAT developement :lol:


Henry Paul has been one hell of a bust in Union, Only thing he's good for is his Goal Kicking and theres better kickers then him at Glouchester - He played what, 26 minutes for England before getting subbed in his only start...

Although no doubt the dumbasses at the RFU are giving him nice little pots of Golds to keep him happy.

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
I dont believe the we cant afford anyone because of price and wiki story.

How many players did we release mid year and end of last season to get em?
How many players will we release this season to keep em?

If this trend continues next year, we'll have a team off nuffies with two retiring props!!


if henry paul was that good why did he not make the loins squad? first time that ive heard of a maori pom!!!


Shaneh: "Why did he not make the "loins squad?"

Probably this "maori pom" didn't have too much of it between the 'Loins!!!!"