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I know it was bad last night but wanted to touch on refs
Things seem to go against us
From the start
Lyon drops the ball we get penalised
Green try doubtful
Dugan gets pushed over asked to play the ball
Other teams get to stay on the tackled player with no penalty
Last night visible
A mate aaid to me that its seems like the refs have an agenda to see certain sides get the rub of the green
Sometimes i think its true
Especially when we play the dogs


First Grade
I think the refs would be lining up to referee one of our games.
What an easy 80 mins for them.

No running: Dragons always run sideways, rarely make line breaks or offload, so just need to stand in the same spot. Even when they kick it's a mid field bomb, so just a gentle jog to the next play.
No arguments: Widdop would never challenge a decision or event on the field
And no worry about making a decision that would be scrutinised: we would just accept it and say "we could have done better" or "our goal line D was excellent".

So don't blame the refs, as like many have already stated on other threads, no one respects us in any case.

I wonder if it's rock, paper, scissors to see who will ref us in round 19.


Assistant Moderator
Home ground advantage. We get a similar rub of the green at home games... oh, hang on...


Lui dropped the ball only the refs seen it that way. No sin bin after we make a break and the more i look at the Green try the Angrier i get. There dead set has separation between hand and ball. Who knows if he doesn't score that Manly might have lost confidence with all that ball in our 20 and no reward.
This year i cant remember 1 game we have had the rub of the green from the refs.


Lui dropped the ball only the refs seen it that way. No sin bin after we make a break and the more i look at the Green try the Angrier i get. There dead set has separation between hand and ball. Who knows if he doesn't score that Manly might have lost confidence with all that ball in our 20 and no reward.
This year i cant remember 1 game we have had the rub of the green from the refs.
Dudes, I could have refereed the game last night and we still would have got smashed. We were beaten because we're abject rubbish. Not because of the calls.


I don't think anyone would disagree with that....but that doesn't mean the refs are not responsible for there shite decisions.....

Greens try was NOT a try....there was separation. We have all seen similar called no try.

How was Faifai Loa's tackle NOT a sin bin offence....as soon as it was deemed a penalty, it should have been 10 in the bin. Everyone knows it.

I know im biased, but this stuff always seems to go against US.


Strong teams cop shit decisions and move on. We get one bad call and almost every time give away another penalty immediately and then lose our shit altogether, symptom of a weak team no doubt and also poor leadership (Widdop not worth a pinch of poop as a captain and leader).

Having said that I would love for the ref (blind as a 'badger') to explain the first two penalties he gave manly last night. One for Frizell holding down (I have watched it a few times, he gets up pretty well straight away and there were several worse examples from both teams in the game) - was it just a standard 'give the home team a leg up out of defence and earn a cheer from the crowd' penalty. This was followed by a laughable penalty in front of the posts when Lyon straight out dropped the ball in the play the ball. Reins hands were nowhere near the ball and if his knee accidentally knocked ball out then isn't the ball carrier responsible for some ball security? Momentum changes and the refs get away with this crap week in and week out - and it's not just the Dragons who suffer.


First Grade
We were abysmal and would have still lost 13 plus last night with the rub of the green. But NRL refereeing needs an overhaul, it is just killing the spectacle of the game when u have refs looking for penalties against one team and not the other and then when the favoured team gets a good lead they then level out the penalties a little.......


First Grade
:crazy: Yeah put any other ref in charge and we win by 20.

I don't think that is what anyone is saying. Keep out of it if you don't know how to read.

Unfortunately we have bigger problems than the refereeing but I completely echo what Dragonslayer is saying...

Maybe when we are a little more respectful as a footy team we will earn the respect of the refs BUT I agree just because we are getting smashed gives them no right to blatantly cheat. And that's what was happening, especially that try that was given when there was daylight between his hand and the ball.

When you're down, you're down.


First Grade
Home ground advantage. We get a similar rub of the green at home games... oh, hang on...

This. Perhaps the ridiculous calls Saints get at away games wouldn't hurt so much if we got a few calls at our own home games. Instead for example they play home games at the Dogs home field, mostly Dogs crowd and we complain when the calls go the Dogs way.

St Tangles

The bottom sides appear to suffer more as the refs mistakes lead to trys.
There are examples of this in most games.
The better sides get a bad penalty against them regroup and get on with the game.
We are one of the bottom teams.
I myself have been angry after games due to reffing but we are just not good enough.
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Agree, the rub of the green against us is real, but is symptomatic of other bigger issues.

And true, Widdop is not a strong leader when it comes to questioning marginal refs calls (or winding up troops). He is too meek.

Compare say to that crazy guy James Graham. Don't tell me a ref would not feel influenced or even a little intimidated by his antics. Or Cameron Smith who wants a Q&A session with the ref when a call doesn't go their way. They are pesky. Gareth is not.

I'm inclined to believe he is not much of anything.

His kick selection and execution is consistently poor. Can expect more from a highly paid 'marquee player'

I would support his demotion. Or at least being relieved of captaincy and/or goal-kicking.


Yeah it was those nasty refs who forced our defensive line to stand stock still and let Manly march up field at will....

Yeah it was those nasty refs who forced Mitch Rein to pass like a 3 year old....

Yeah it was those nasty refs who just stood back and let Nathan Green get to the ball before anyone in a Dragons jersey did. But that's alright because Mary doesn't take tries scored off kicks seriously anyway.....

It was those nasty refs that let a Manly forward out sprint our entire team 90 metres to the other end of the field......

Those nasty refs that made Benji throw a pass to Aitken on the try line at light speed......

Those nasty refs that were to blame for the dumb offloads.....

Those nasty refs who had it in for us and refuse to hold our clubs management and coaching staff accountable.

Phew- glad the above are all issues out of our clubs control then, because that would be terrible, wouldn't it?


First Grade
That "rub of the green" didn't harm us on Anzac Day. Maybe it doesn't go to work on public holidays


Look we were simply badly beaten. I acknowledge that, but will say last night nothing seemed to work out.

1. The most comical was Lui's 'dropped ball'. He was prone on his back, spreadeagled with the ball held comfortably in his right outstretched hand with the Manly guy sliding back and forth on top of him looking like he was doing you know what. Manly guy finally got off him and the 'dropped ball' decision was blown as Lui gets up with a bewildered look. Priceless too funny.

2. When Euan decided not to jump to catch that bomb and up it bounces and good old Nathan Green madly slapped it and it bounced perfectly like a harlem globetrotters pass to Georgy Tofua.

Could keep writing but they were a couple of highlights. BTW Manly will give everyone a run for their money if they stay healthy.


Look we were simply badly beaten. I acknowledge that, but will say last night nothing seemed to work out.

1. The most comical was Lui's 'dropped ball'. He was prone on his back, spreadeagled with the ball held comfortably in his right outstretched hand with the Manly guy sliding back and forth on top of him looking like he was doing you know what. Manly guy finally got off him and the 'dropped ball' decision was blown as Lui gets up with a bewildered look. Priceless too funny.

2. When Euan decided not to jump to catch that bomb and up it bounces and good old Nathan Green madly slapped it and it bounced perfectly like a harlem globetrotters pass to Georgy Tofua.

Could keep writing but they were a couple of highlights. BTW Manly will give everyone a run for their money if they stay healthy.

Like on so many occasions over the past few years, the coaching staff did not have the boys up for the game.


Got beaten by a hungrier footy side, lethargic in defence, absolutely clueless at times in attack.

That rates up / down there with the inept NZ performance by us a few weeks back.
Coach players ... should be ashamed of what they dished out.

In the context of the season, this was a huge 4 point game, against a team down on confidence and with little to play for.

Very few Red V players can hold their heads up after that showing.