Nope, I was also vanilla.
You are St. Paul, leader of the Christians.
Leader of the Christians, it is your job to convert people to your religion.
Ability - Cult recruit (night action) - You have a potential opportunity to recruit two people each night.
Win Condition - You win if the Christian people are the majority.
You are The Pope, Catholic aligned pontiff.
Leader of the true faith, it is your job to convert people to it.
Ability - Cult recruit (night action) - You have a potential opportunity to recruit two people each night.
Win Condition - You win once you control a majority and all Protestants are dead.
You have gained a special power.
Ever member of your faction (including yourself) has gained a one-off kill that can be used day or night.
So we do get informed that we were recruited but I just happened to die the night I was recruited?
Why didnt RHCP protect me, he must have been recruited?
So who were the Catholics?
Prepare to be shocked & amazed as you get to enter the mind of a deranged Muslim cleric.
Why did nobody recruit the town investigator earlier? Or did RHCP's protection prevent that?
Why did nobody recruit the town investigator earlier? Or did RHCP's protection prevent that?
You are an African civilian, Minor Religion aligned civilian.
Ability - Nothing
Win Condition - You win once the major religions have been eradicated.
I was no threat. I had six failed recruitment attempts.