Given his record in '22 there was probably some merit in that, on paper at least.
Never heard of the guy before he was brought in for our club. Anyone know more? According to wiki he and Webster worked with Samoa together prior, and Webster's older brother also worked for him at KR. But gees I hope there's more to him getting a gig at our club than that.
The lack of accountability for assistant coaches has always been a weird one for me. When the team they're at is doing well, their roles in that success is often a springboard to bigger jobs which is fair enough. But when the team is performing shit, they are rarely examined at depth.
I mentioned this in another post but as much as Webster should be under the microscope this year, so should Stacey and Agar. Probably Stacey more than anyone... dude is a legend but he's rode shotgun for the first grade team for what, a decade now? A pretty poor decade at that.