Okay, so let me get this straight. You'd be okay with the Warriors being a part of the IC if the ARL also got to appoint 50% of the commissioners. In that case, the Warriors would still own a percentage of "the game". In both cases, it would be an insignificant part of the game, not able to influence policy in an individual, un-Australian manner in any fashion. Yet somehow you think that the ARL needs to be there to counterbalance any negative effects of the Warriors, thus the ARL-appointed commissioners by definition would be factionalised in an anti-Warriors, anti-private-club faction. Do you realise how divisive that sounds? No, they would own a part of the NRL, which is and would continue to be separate from the ARL. And the rest is just nonsense, "an anti-Warriors faction", please. Plus I've never said the ARL should nominate 50% of the commission. You seem to have just assumed that. Try dealing with the facts, not things you've dreamed up.
What you want is for the ARL to set itself and its appointees up on the commission as a political opposition to the clubs. The politics of the league would thus be set in stone: instead of ARL vs News, it's now ARL vs the clubs. Gee, what an improvement. You have been stuck so long in the dialectic mode where two sides bash each other endlessly that you can't see a future where the game is united. Why would they be in absolute opposition? You're the one who seems to think that if two different organisations are represented on the one commission that they must somehow be polarised. Again, you're just dreaming this stuff up.
You ask "why keep the traditional owners of the sport out?" Because they have failed. Super League was a massive failure. The executives at the ARL continue to fail to do their job. Time for them to withdraw and let someone new take over with none of the baggage of failure that both News and the ARL carry. They have not failed. The last time the ARL ran the game it was the healthiest it has ever been. Their job now is the run ARL Development and rep football and they do that quite sccessfully. Meanwhile the clubs fail on many fronts. They fail grassroots football by neglecting it. They fail international football by preventing players from turning out, like in the World Sevens. They fail their own fans on a regular basis by making stupid decisions like playing finals in small venues. And in any event they are the same clubs that started Super League, so if you want to lay blame for past failures the clubs have as much baggage as anyone.[/QUOTE]